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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

not me posting a theory topic about the EW video characters being Rapunzel and Eugene because I can't stop thinking about Tangled for 5 minutes-
Meanwhile, last con I worked, I got to wait around trying not to panic when the guest I'd been assigned to help turned up hours late and pretty much at the same time as a panel she was part of was supposed to start on the other side of the building. @_@
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That... Makes perfect sense, Variant XD
I just did a little...test to try and figure out the chat refreshing thing >.>
I still need to actually... see Tangled. At all. >.>
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

What 😨😨
Watch ittttttt it's goood!
I want to, I just haven't gotten around to it, yet. ^^; Same for LOTS of other things.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

And at last I've seen the liiiight, and it's like a fog has lifted, and at least I see the light and it's like the sky is new *cue crying* 😭
I love tangled
As you should. 😌 /hj /lh
But yes. Want to protect Sylvi. XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I think I will put it on in the background while I'm working tomorrow, if it doesn't wake the puppy
<_< <_<
Because I'm at that stage in my life where I think I can somehow safeguard anyone from dealing with similar issues and mistakes as I have. ^^;

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