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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

I actually rewatched an episode of the Tangled Show (not the movie, though I wanna rewatch it again too) a few nights ago in bed.
The first episode of Season 1, and a few minutes of the first episode of Season 3.
Protect Sylvi, hug Moa.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Moa has really been through it

But she is a problem solver
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I am very interested! But again I will have to look in the morning, I am fading fast here
Hehe, fun new ways to enjoy EW. XD
Your pillows call to you, Kim!
Go. to. SLEEP. XD XD
Your blanket desires cuddles!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

In my defense I am chatting from my phone in bed! The puppy cries if I don't go to bed when she does and I obey puppy in all things
Claine Moderator

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

But yes, it is time for me to actually do the sleep thing. Love you all, can't wait to play more EW with you again tomorrow!
Claine Moderator

Goodnight Kim!! Sleep tight :D
Night night!
Claine Moderator

Teehee me and Mercy's icons are synced
Goodnight 🧁 🍭 💬
heh that's amazing claine

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