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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Goodnight Kim!
Also ha ha you're right Claine and Mercy!
Mine does not though lmaooooo
it's nice tho
Ha, thanks.
It's one of my favorite fanart gifs.

I think it's a reference to another TV show but I'm not sure what. :)
I just know I'm a simple alchemist
I see Varian and Cassandra, I like it.
2nd Walrus Company is delayed when half the company becomes fascinated by a mural. A brief stop is called to study and bark at it.
Claine Moderator

Mine saw
Claine Moderator

How'd they react?
Claine Moderator

Just sent a report! Very professional :D
XD Nice.
it's almost 4am I should sleep but so excited
I'm not sending a PM to my best friend about my Welcome Home Puppet Show headcanons, why would I be doing that? <_<
Billiard, maybe if you'd eat something besides fruit, you wouldn't be hungry so often!
Claine Moderator

How do you tell what the rock's favourite food is?
Can't tell if legit question or setup for a joke.
Claine Moderator

No I need to know the answer XD
Claine Moderator

I've checked, and they all seem to feed my rock 30%

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus