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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Now to get some warriors together to clear the path!
I”LL fight. I got a lot of stuff to slay some lizard.
I did some serious damage to it, but at the cost of my life. I made a sacrifice for the sake of RPR… remember me comrades.
It was down to 31 HP last round. I tried to jump on it after someone else was beating on it. But didn't have quite enough to finish it.
oh! someone got it! Sweet!
I healed myself back up with the power of party hats. Well, a blue one.
YEahhhhh die lizard dieeee
I gotta hold until the hour now. I'm out of health
Need some hats? They’re are plenty of hats in the Epic Armory to heal up.
anyone available, let’s jump with blue lizard
I've got a couple, just don't want to waste them ahead of the hour since more monsters are gonna spawn.
I’m just trying to wear down the tough ones, although i did forget about the hour respawn.. crap.
Did what I could
I’m out of stamina and out of the battle, I got a bleed wound, I’ll probably stay on the sides for a bit, maybe buff some peeps, but try to take it out.
These guys got so much tougher when they unlocked classes…
So. Is there a reason for the farm game this year?
i don’t believe so.

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