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Off-subject but-
Is there no way to resize hands in Heroforge?
i have no idea what you mean with heroforge sorry i cant hel[
It's a site for making characters :)

There isn't a way, no
ohhh i've never heard of that site
Ugh that sucks. The hands are way too big for my character

Yeaaah, sadly, nothing can be done about that : ((
They should add that feature tbh

They might, but I'm not sure.

Keep in mind, they DO sell/3d print the minis, and if something is too small, some details might be missed
True. (Me using it just to character design and not buying minis <_<)

Yeah, I do the same,
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeah, a lot of the details are very cartoony so they will show up in 3D prints. That's the entire business model of that site, selling you 3D models

Yeah the models are VERY stylized

To make certain things/details stand out more
I designed one of my characters originally by messing around in Hero Forge...
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Let's do a push to clear pyramid on the :30 :) There's only two lizards left
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

20 seconds...

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