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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Times gazed at ForOhFor Fortress: 69
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh i went for the wrong guy huh. Damn. This is what happens when I wake up and start playing right away. I got SCHMACKED by the hulk 😭 I'm sorryyyyy
I feel like this is a lot more than I've actually gotten from them. Like, surely at least twice as much. o.O
Walrus Company items successfully brought back to camp: 73
Shinyrainbowlithogra wrote:
Ooh lol

I got a grenade from Min-ya!

It took me so long to get that thing to the end of the Doubutt level XD Glad it came to good use!
Shiny, don't worry, it's a miniboss!
I'm gonna lob one of these shiny green explodey-rocks at the next boss we all dogpile. >:D
I feel like... I shoulda waited for the link, that's all.... XD oh well, at least it's still damage to be proud of
Bosses don't need to be dogpiled, they don't heal.
Well, they don't usually heal, but occasionally some have had special mechanics that let them heal a bit in specialized circumstances.
Dragonfire Moderator

I think Shiny was trying to jump in on the Dread-rider attack?
I was indeed! But I wasn't thinking about it. I just jumped at the big guy. Lol.
Still it's good to know it didn't go to waste, thank you!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Sorry, someone rang my doorbell!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Zlephyr... Nice ;)
Oof, I'm down XD

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus