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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

I have taken so many crithits today XD
Same, and it's at 5...
Me too, Shiny XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

He's down!
Me when the (pet) walrii hunger: Time to break out the ice cream barrel.
Nice nice nice!
So, anyone know someone whose username starts with the number 1 for Puzzle 2 before we start pestering strangers to go look at the page? XD
I don't. For a second I thought you asked if it ended in 1, so I gave it a shot XD
The member list of the Armory has name-starts of -, 2, a couple 8s, and a 7 that is listed after the 8s for some reason.
Huh, interesting
Oki. How do I play the walrus there instructions somehwhere?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Anyone have any more red fish while it's open?
I popped my last one in just now.
Oh, I just realized it's probably not a good idea to take them down right before the top of the hour. Lol.
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh! Full of red fish!
Sweet! :D
Anyone been hit by at least 15 throwables this year so far?

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