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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Also, I just sent a message the a user named 13ee, and my walrus company got really confused where to go for a moment when I opened their tab while they're on an off-map hex. XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

There's a small update out for the walrus game, some minor error fixing, some tuning for speed estimates to make them hopefully more accurate, and a link to the game guide in the menu.
woo \o/
Hulking Lizard does 42 damage to Zelphyr.
I had like 5hp. XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Still haven't found the fix for androids just deciding not to show the background map, but, y'know... looking into it!

This seems really complicated..
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

It doesn't have to be complicated at all, just double tap/click a hex to plan a route and hit "Give orders" :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm gonna take a nap I think
Ooof. I see the android issue. I'll wait till it's fixed. Or hop on my computer later
do we still need red fish?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I think the red fish collection was completed. Feel free to use them to craft :)
I just sent my company out to work on clearing the path from camp to Dense Undergrowth, but it's gonna take them almost 2 hours to get there. ^^;
No, wait... almost 3 hours.
Need someone who's crafted exactly 10 items this year:
Hmmm.. I've crafted eight so far. Let's see if I can make anything ...
I think I've crafted 9

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