*chucks my blue fish into the collection puzzle*
2 more different people needed with blue fish.
Already donated mine.
I have no blue fishes to give...
11 more fishes and 2 more different people...
11 more fishes and 2 more different people...
I have some
do you need some?
I do! I havent added any yet
Then we'll just need one more person... and then it's just a matter of the fish count.
Thanks Aardbei. nine more fishes and one more person now...
5 people and one more person!
Kim wrote:
5 people and one more person!
Hello! I (ironically) don't have any fishes to give
Have you given any yet?
Anyone got a fish to chuck at FishyFrisk?

We have 10 minutes until spawn.
Ack! I just put my last one in

I have no fish either. :,) I think my walruses are stuck in battle
Yay! Triangular has now got color!
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