Can we bait the last one on the :20?
Thank you Zeplhyr for the poison cure
You press the Stimspray to your arm and feel a strange tingle under your skin as it empties the vial of green fluid into your blood stream. You feel refreshed, free of all poison and blight. Make him shake!

I'd join in, but I have no health

cries in pain
I think I'm gonna draw a bit while my health recuperates! I'll talk to y'all later!

out of stamina again
he's so close to dead!
Me too Aardbei
Have fun Gab!
No stamina

Bye Gab!
I am very dead
I'm outta stamina with no blue hats.
Oh nooooo Kim

We must hope that we made the rider pulse enough to attract random warriors' attentions
Oh nooo Shiny!

40 hp left omg
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