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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

I came to smash lizards and chew bubblegum. AND I'M ALL OUT OF BUBBLEGUM >:D

I've been lurking today, trying to catch up on some pokemon stuff, I found something I REALLY WANT.
And what is that, Seven? ^_^

*Slips Aardbei some bubblegum*

well I said "AND chew bubblegum" >:D
the last time I played pokemon was grinding a shiny Ninetales in let's go
well, the last time I played one that wasn't hacked

There's rare like, triple fusions in this fan-game. I want the Blastoise/Charizard/Venusaur fusion.

Here it is.
That's awesome, Seven. ^_^

It's a SUPER cute sprite
2 things in my house pop when I make popcorn
1 of them is the popcorn itself
and the other is my dog
he popcorns like a guinea pig. :)
That sounds adorable. XD
not sure if dogs can have popcorn though...
but I eat all kinds of things that are bad for me so I don't see why he can't have a little bit
You should look it up first, to be sure it's at least not something severe.

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