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Maybe, but he's 12 years old and we've had him since he was 2, and I've given him a tiny bit of everything I eat except for highly processed stuff or tomatoes
I used to give my last dog popcorn all the time and he lived to be 18, so it can't be that bad.
I think it's probably as bad for them as it is for us, which is to say, incredibly bad XD
but I give him like 3 of them total each time I make it which is not often
humans actually cannot digest corn at all, we really shouldn't be eating it but we do
I love corn. On the cob, buttered, as corn syrup, mixed up with my mashed potatoes, corn flakes, popped. mmmm..... now I'm hungry for some reason. XD
I don't like it that much, but I do like popcorn. My family grew up eating corn of all varieties way too much because it was cheap. Now it's one of those foods I kinda associate with "being too poor to afford food"
same with rice...
if I'm starving, I'll eat anything edible - and sometimes, I'll do that anyway, because ingrained habits die hard haha - but if I have a choice I'll eat literally any other vegetable

Pew pew
I have returned with more snacks because I got a craving for one of those avocados on the side of the window...
I don't get the joke about avocado toast. Guac is like 3 ingredients and avocados are 0.79 a piece where I live, and I live in a place where nobody grows them!
anyway what are we smashing at the top of the hour?
A rider or whatever the strongest blue thing is that we have enough people for?
That or just keep picking at the hulk.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

People will pick at the hulk whether we do anything or not
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

We should organize to clear a path to one of the other prisms here
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I mean, imo XD
People have guesses lined up for the symbols on either?

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