Let's hit that blue wizard on the :10

I have a Kraken watch party going on in the media room so I retreated to my desk for a bit.... who we taking on?
In 20 seconds... https://www.rprepository.com/events/epicweek/monster/6052
I'm down
So am I, but so is it.
I got himmmmm
If anyone is still up and kicking... https://www.rprepository.com/events/epicweek/monster/6042
Ooh, Aalto's got the 6 for 2 deal again.

Alas, I am a loyal Moa customer

We are doing so well!
It beat the crap out of me as if I was in the hockey game...
Me too

I'm out.
Yay, dizzzy!
Got it
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