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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

What is the best weapon to use against the hulking lizard? And each lizard type in general?
This is a good guide for all the other lizards
And I believe it was said that rapiers are the best against the hulking one for the dodge bonus, but any weapon will work with him

Green = Piercing (Pitchforks, Swords, etc)
Red = Slashing (Mining Picks, Axes, etc)
Blue= Guns (Rayguns and Flintlocks, etc)
The hulking lizard doesn't have any resistances, so anything will work
I'd also say keep your explosives for the future bosses
What is energy again?
Energy are the guns. The ray guns and flintlock pistols, etc
Got it… what does energy sword fall under?
I assume that'd be piercing
Home stretch on the Beefy Boy
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Good morning friends! :D
Morning, Kim! :D

Also, for anyone keeping track of the lost Walrus situation, I heard back from Mirafin :3
I'm very glad he found a good home! A friend gave him to me, but I don't participate in the Epic Week stuff, so I thought I'd pass him on to someone who could use him.
So I guess I have a Walrus now <3 His needs are fully met, and his overall well-being is at 100%

I shall protecc
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats to the two of you on his forever home! :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Or her?

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