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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Also, well done, RaeRae on that last shot!
Good lord with the 76 lmao
Chonkzard has been downed! KO, Dramatic Finish, Faltality! Those are the only fighting game KO’s that i can think of!!

OOOH, yeah we only need like, 2 more unlocks for the Hepta and it's doneee
I'm down to help out on that if people have their answers ready :D
Kim wrote:
Do the riddlers want access to the Heptagonal prism at the top of the hour?

I need access to the pyramid, i have an idea for the immortality symbol.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Pyramid is gonna be tough with those two blue riders, but if we can get a good group of people I'm sure we can do it :)
Alright, thanks!
Hopefully we can get the 3rd clue for immortality, because while I do know a decent amount about mythology, I could be wrong with my guess.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay all, put out the call -- meet here at the top of the hour for a big push :)
Dragonfire Moderator

Wait, we don't have the third clue yet?
Dragonfire Moderator

Perhaps we should hold off on that one until we have a better idea about it?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

We do not. "The third clue can only be revealed to someone who has sent at least 3000 real-time messages in either forums or the inbox in January, February and March of 2023."
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I imagine we have a backlog on the heptagonal prism, what with not having access to it for two days XD I'm happy to go for that one
Dragonfire Moderator

There's a few things ready to go for both symbols there, I think
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Wellll, here's hoping for an easy spawn
Dragonfire Moderator

Also: does anyone have any spare sand or empty bottles? I'm close to having enough things crafted to open one of the remaining clues.

ALSO, there, Unlocked that last clue lol
Well, I have a feeling that it’s something to do with, in my opinion, one of the biggest stories in Egyptian Mythology, when Set overthrew Osiris and took the throne of Egypt, but Set, Iris, and Osiris were all tried and failed, so it could perhaps be something to do with Horus, or that the wrong thing about those other answers was given.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

The Queen's third clue is: A rebel in any age, sired by rebel, loved by a rebel and named after a rebel.

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