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Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I ended up naming my walrus company The Walrii Wobblers last night in a half asleep haze 😂 now I'm considering the Blubber Battalion instead...
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Both excellent names :D
You all chose such good names for yours XD
I haven't even picked a name for mine yet
Since I have a rouge company… I’m thinking of the name Sneak A-tuskers. Like sneak attack… but tusk themed.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I just renamed mine the Blubber Baddies
Actually… wait, I have a better idea. The Tusken Mafia.
Dragonfire Moderator

What is HP, I don't know them
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Tusken Raiders XD XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeehaw! Two dread riders down!

…. I could’ve killed it, but it hit me first… noooo
Dragonfire Moderator

Hooo. I'm gonna need to rest up after them, though.
Kim wrote:
Tusken Raiders XD XD

That’s better. I love Star Wars, and imagine Luke being attacked by a walrus in a rogue costume fills me with… some kind of positive feeling. I can’t name it.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

*cracks neck* I'm going back in on the :30
Which one are you planing on charging?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

The blue rogue. I'll drop the link when the round starts.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh, crap, I’d love to help, but the thing got me with a bleeding wound on my second hit, I’m sticking out of this one. Sorry Kim.

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