He's halfway down!
He also killed me

Ack! Only 10HP left on it!
*pulls on a party hat and throws self into the chipper face first*
Blue mage on the next round
Heeeey last minute cavalry! Well done!

This one is nearly down... https://www.rprepository.com/events/epicweek/monster/6086
I got it even lower, but I’m up of stamina. Get it before the new round
1 HP!
*collapses in relief*
Resonance coming in CLUTCH
Someone got it with like 2 seconds to spare
I don't know why we were fighting that one, but at least we won

Hahah happy to help

Someone started on it, so I jumped in. lol
What's the priority? The pyramid?
It was, though there's only 15 minutes left so I'm not sure there's time for a lot of guessing to happen
As soon as the new round starts... https://www.rprepository.com/events/epicweek/monster/6078
Go go go

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