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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Out of Staminaaaaaa
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

4 minutes of access to pyramid prism! Go try your guesses :D
Oh, my Epic Week Adventure with V and Cassie's updating at 2:32 PM EST. (it's 1:56 PM EST right now)
Hope y'all excited. :)
I was able to get in 2 of my guesses for the immortality, but my Horus idea was wrong. may i have some assistance? Im out of stamina .v.'
He's down!
"Stabby Lizard Rogue does some unbelievably cool backflips. Bluebeldy applauds politely. Stabby Lizard Rogue feels so flattered it forgets to attack" Dang those were some pretty cool backflips
The battle dialogue absolutely cracks me up sometimes, I love it 😂


Also I'm back but I am Not Doing Great, just spent an hour trying to catch my dog outside.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I used a hat to get back into the fight. Instantly got hit for 40. He said "Stay down"
Ack! I'm down

Same : (((
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Me too :firefly-is-over:
we're trying again
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I did what I could. I've burned so many hats ;.;
I'm spent

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