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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

They SHOULD reappear automagically without refreshing, but keep me posted! XD
I want the items my walrus company has been carryinnnnggg... XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

@Zelphyr - They heading back to camp? :D
They're at camp now.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

And they didn't unload??
...or actually, just left it, still carrying the stuff and without healing.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I just sent them back.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Send them back please
Welp. Refreshed and it's no longer showing me the threat levels from when I last passed by places. Darn. XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Walruses have a terrible memory
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Did they make it back?
Just moved back to camp.
They unloaded and are now healing. :3
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Well, that's something XD
I have 1 petals I can give someone to give to Collection 3.
Ooh, yes please!
Someone's been making a bunch of red and blue throwable oils. ^^;
Also, after much ado and fighting with my browser, I was able to get to 20 Doubutt wins to unlock the 3rd Sun Symbol clue lol
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Wowzers! :D

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