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Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

One left, y'all know what to do ;) started this one if someone can finish
Hey? Is there anyway to turn of the swaying text when you get poisoned?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

By curing it, or I think if you choose "reduce motion" in your operating system settings it may queue the site to honor that setting as well
Ah, okay.
The text makes me dizzy, that's all.
Also grrrrr idk if it's just me or other people have this issue too, but..
I am having serious trouble trying to comprehend the many tutorial videos/articles/blog posts/etc on how to make a comic?

It's not helping at all and I can't comprehend it worth a sh**
I've tried various different things telling me how to and I just cannot grasp it??
I'm the same way, Vee. I've been studying it for a while and still don't fully grasp it
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

My understanding is that comics are VERY hard
Oh? So it's not just me?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Comics are indeed hard
I just don't understand how all these Webtoon artists, and fanart comic people, etc, etc, make so many comic pages aaaaaaaa
Like I can't even make one or two panels without my brain going blank XD
I really respect and admire their abilities too

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