I just found lapis lazuli when I was there earlier.
I found three pet rocks, but dolphins stole two of them on my way back.
The dolphins wanted friends.
Hopefully their googly eyes won't wash off.
I'm trying to decide where to send them now... I don't want to bother with the crazy long wait of going to the Deep Mines again, especially when all I want at this point is a Malachite and I'm not sure any of the special ones are in there at all.

Yeeeah, they are so far away from camp. I bet Kim'd clear up if any of the special ones are in there when she's around.
I'm stocking up for a run on anti-blights. Just... have a feeling they'll come in handy.
*eyes that Collection 5 symbol*
Phew, finished it up.
Y'all gonna be surprised, he he
Y'all gonna be surprised, he he
I am... so tired...
I've only gotten a small few hours sleep the past few nights, was out doing yard work today, and would be very upset about ants if I had the energy to be upset... >.<
I've only gotten a small few hours sleep the past few nights, was out doing yard work today, and would be very upset about ants if I had the energy to be upset... >.<
On the up side, housemate and her friend provided me tasty dinner.
Aw, how nice of them.
I'm on solo goblin-duty for the weekend and she's asleep and I should also be asleep but decompressing time is also important.
Sleep and getting angry at Ants < Tasty Dinner
Sleep and getting angry at Ants < Tasty Dinner
...I'm sorry.

I mean... it's accurate.

Also reminds me, I'm pretty sure I accidentally ate and ant last night.
Not even in anything. Just an ant that somehow ended up in my mouth.

Oh no!

Bleh. :x
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