Thank you!
OW I got crit
I keep dyyyyyyyinnnng!
Me too

Those crits hurt!
There's only a counter for damage we take, not for how many times we die, huh?

No, just overall damage
I think we're in trouble on this one
Oookay, let's hold until the :35 and try to regroup
3 blue riders in a row seems like maybe... a bit much.

This is the fourth 🙃
We managed to get three in a row

Time to go stare at the sky for a sec
Oh. That's. Even more to be expected then.
And I am clearly braindead.

Nnnnngh hi I am here
There was a major goblin disaster but I have seen it through and now she naps
Unrelated (shortly before you said that), I randomly imagine myself as this little goblin that runs around stealing party hats like a little fiend... just to take them to a fancy snail so he'll fix guns that I then arrange neatly in the Armory for anyone who needs them.

Haha! I can definitely see that.
Get your guns ready, friends!
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