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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

No kidding!
If I mathed right, they're roughly 25 times more effective fighters than I've been this year, and that's even though I haven't poked a whole lot at the bosses that always ensure I end up taking more damage than I dish out.
Sorry, I forgot for a minute OvO
About the weak monsters. I usually remember, but it was near the beginning of the hour and I got excited lolol
Am late but am here!
Anybody awake to stab at stuffs?
I am playing a different game. Duviri paradox lol
I accidentallied my walrupedes into a VERY heavily defended tile and lost the crew.

good morning friends, I submitted my entry for the short story contest :D I was worried I'd have no idea what to write and procrastinate into oblivion buuuut it's done!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Good morning! :D I love how much people love that contest
I remember last year the contest was much easier for me than it was this year, specifically with getting what I wanted to write to fit the word limit. but it's a fun challenge! :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Can we stage an attack on some of those dread riders at the top of the hour? :)
I'll be ready!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Awesome! :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Who is here? :)
Im in pain!😃
I'm here!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Okay, with this amount of people let's go for triangular prism.
Just point and I'll bop!

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