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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh what a good groupo!

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

This could be a big enough group for a dread rider...

I've been so distracted omg, but I just sorted out a Hilarious and Fun idea for my own setting while I was catching up on event guesses and all
got some epic stuff from the party grab bag and JUST REALIZED -- CUSTOM PROFILES looolll goodbye plans, this is all I'm doing today
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

3 minutes and I'm charging the dread rider on the pyramid prism :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

1 minute...
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm down!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

YESSS we got it!
There he goes!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Going after the red lizard rider on the :05
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

39 HP and 3 minutes to go!
39 left

Did what I coulddd
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

YEAHH! Thanks Juls! :D :D
I got lucky there with my 5 hit points.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

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