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Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Me too :)

Though, I accidentally forgot I had my pets out of the hotel and now their overall wellbeing is at 50 when I did have them at 90 (hadn't been checking in regularly since I'm having laptop issues) :(
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I did something similar >.>

Glad to know I'm not alone XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

There's just so much to pay attention to right now!
I lost so much lapis lazuli trying to get them out of the deep mines earlier
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh nooo

So much!

Also, man, I really wanna draw another submission for the mascot contest, but I don't want my laptop to break more than it already is XD
XD I haven't quite figured out the strategy yet but I shall try again
Maybe you'd do better getting lapis from the Blue Mines? ^^;
woahh image.png
I'll try there next yes! I think maybe I need more warriors on my team, but yeah, fair warning that the threat level around the deep mines is pretty high

Alright, I'm off for dinner. Chat with y'all later! :D
Whoaaa I think the big one didn't like the dynamite :D
I think it learned.
Zelphyr rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3. After the modifier of +10, got 13
Zelphyr tosses xyr dynamite. Gila Dragon bunts. RUN FOR COVER!
Oh nooo, I thought I found a weakness
I think the dolphins might be jealous of the walruses and trying to evolve their own land capacity. Most (maybe all?) of what they've stolen from me has been sand and rocks.
Maybe I just had some luck with the dice
Nah, the bosses never have a specific weakness, but you almost certainly crit. :)

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