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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

oof. Small army
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Yeaaah, this isn't gonna cut it XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Ooh, thanks for the ray gun Juls :D
Dragonfire Moderator

no wonder it takes me over an over to write an rp post when I play doubutt in between XD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

We all thank you for your service ;)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Hey DF!
The ants are getting more creative and I don't have cornmeal. :|
What did i miss?
Also, hullo, I'm here-ish.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Do you have an ant farm?
Unintentionally. >:(
They're in Scamp's enclosure. Every time I think I've finally done them in, something happens to prove me wrong.
Dragonfire Moderator

Dragonfire Moderator

Yeah, if they've got a queen in there, they're gonna be super persistant.
we waiting for :00?
Dragonfire Moderator

Are they on the outside of the enclosure, too? Soap and water'll take off the scent trails but I don't know if you'd wanna do that on the inside :\
I sealed up the way they got into my room awhile back already, but they've found another way out of her enclosure to annoy me, too, in their food search. Had blocked the one I knew about off a day or two ago. It's one of the things that I keep wandering off to go work on. That and yard work, since the weather's been nice.

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