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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

What's the trick to finding fish?
A rod.
*SnickerSnorts* Kidding
"I'm helping!"
Kim, sweetheart you created the event you just donated petals/honeycombs too-
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Send your walrus company into the ocean. Try looping to 21,6 as the closest source :)
I keep forgetting about my Walrus company. 😅
Ooooh, I'm getting the hang of this foraging thing.
And I haven't donated yet, Zelphyr! I'd love some petals and a honeycomb.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

The beauty is, if you sent them to a good harvest point and set them on loop, they'll keep working even if you forget them :D
Also, hi guys!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Hiya hiya! :D
Hi Sam. ^_^
Hey Samiakki!
I'm sending my walrus beans to get sand. They're led by an admiral walrus. c:
Also just got one of those party grab bags. It was delightful! 55 days of Epicness AND three walruses AND a character slot? Yes please!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Regular walruses or any of them in costume?
One rogue and one walrumancer!
ONe naked one.
I wish I had money for Grab Bags, agh-

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