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Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

"Classic flavor"
I love little stuff like that.
One of those "just sea salt" potato chips
I like to imagine the Walrumancers are sea salt and vinegar, because they make your tongue feel like it's dying but it revives it because it tastes yummy!
Rogues are definitely jalapeno.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

That is an excellent analogy XD
Admiral Walruses are Bay crab seasoning flavor
*trying to find my Walrapunzel image right quick...*
I've seen it! Walrapunzul is honey mustard flavored chips, methinks
Oh you have? Ah well, here's the image anyway! <3
Yep, definitely honey mustard
Or Cheddar <_<
Cheddar and sour cream! <3
Mecha-Walrus chips taste like sucking on a penny :^(
The fact probably everyone knows the flavor of a penny-

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