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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm really just throwing my body into the meat grinder to give my walrus company a chance to do something ;)
Hey, more dodging, more ability to keep giving them chances, too. XD
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh, he angy
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh, believe me, I use the rapier to fight the boss :D
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I might do some more Doubutting tonight, arm us for our final push
Crit range too powerful 😭
Rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers rapiers-
Dragonfire Moderator

Even with rapiers. XD
Dragonfire Moderator

I am basically a distractionary tactic for the Corps of Orps at this point
Same, honestly. XD
Dragonfire Moderator

OI don't mind things going a bit slow... give more time for my company to maybe bring some more hats back while I wait for good repair price...
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I managed to get through 6 stamina on 5 HP with a rapier just now :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Botched roll! The Fightin Walrii are so excited to help that they can't get organized for a proper charge, and instead largely bonk into one another.
That seems... right.
The Anarchy Walruses
I'm usually getting 3 attacks in, sometimes 6; managed to use all my stamina at one point when I had an additional defense buff. :3
I'm getting a few in myself.
Aaaaaand he critted me

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