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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

I don't know, but it's sometimes used here. XD
I go back and forth.
I wanna RP so muchhhhh 😔🥺
I have a few RP ADs up, buuut nothing as per usual. Ha ha.
I got a bunch of hits and need to reply to the one I got going, but I kinda wish I could find a discord server or something
Heh, the people I've pulled over recently are from a discord server, actually. It's not really supposed to have RP in it, but the mods tolerate people RPing there anyway. ^^;
I might end up just making one haha
I don't have a Discord, and honestly prefer RPR. 😌
Particularly since there's effort put into keeping it separated from regular conversation.
I have a buttload of groups I've made and such. Some of them died, some of them are still being held together with the duct tape of ✨FRIENDSHIP✨
And yeah, that's part of why I've tried to lure some folks there over to here. >.>
I just like the faster pace of livechat RP and that there's less expectation to write multiple paragraphs in discord.
I like livechat RP, but it can also be very stressful too.
That's fair. Me... I like a nice, relaxed pace.
I've run into the problem with 1 RP where we're uh... Saying multiple things at once and I feel like it's hard to react.
I've had that problem 4 times now so it must be something I'm doing wrong.
What do you mean?
By "saying multiple things at once," that is.

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