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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

you're fine
@Ana (for real this time),
Pffffft XD

@everyone overall,
Anyway, away I go! *runs off for real this time*
I'm debating on making an interest check thread for a TTRPG discord server because converting the one I already have into a space to play TTRPGs seems a bit uhhhhhHHHHHHH
I don't trust my current mental state to help you out with that rn honestly
TTRPGs are a lot more taxing on the energy than screwing around on forums because you gotta get in calls with people and pretend you're NORMAL
based aardbei
Are you familiar with the term masking
"mask on in public"
I have to do that like 24 hours a day
the only time I take it off is when I'm alone with friends or I'm playing D&D
trust me I get it, I... kinda have to do that too
And my character masks too, just more literally.
like a few people in a discord server know 'all of me', everyone else gets one half or the other. >_>
So even when I'm not masking, I'm masking lol
one of my anon characters LITERALLY wears a mask
they're anon because their art is placeholder
I haven't had the energy to make them an avatar like I did for my other characters haha
There are legit 2 people in the entire campaign that IC knows my character's true self, and both of them tried to kill her

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