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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

One for that reason, and the other because he was charmed by a succubus
I think the only people who've ever tried to kill my TTRPG characters are the villains but some of them definitely hide their pasts
The paladin smited the crap out of me at 2 hp
I was 1 more point of damage away from just straight up dying with no saves
paladins smh
Paladins and their crappy wisdom scores
I play bards, charisma is my dump stat!
What the he double hockey sticks
Lyam is literally just the kind of character I play in TTRPGs when allowed, if told I cannot play kids, haha.
I meant to say Intelligence
Aunn's dump stat is strength
charisma is the casting stat, but intelligence is the dump stat haha
or wisdom
because what bard uses athletics over acrobatics.
I use whichever one lets your jaw move faster
gotta smooth talk in a pinch sometimes LMAO
"[bleep] your diplomatic solution, Aunn."

-Actual quote from the fighter
man all my fire-backs to that would get the mods after me here haha
So she ended up killing my character's "fiancee"

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