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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Dragonfire Moderator

Zelphyr's been working on getting repairs out :P
Dragonfire Moderator

Be sure to not waste 'em too much on non-blue enemies, though :P We'll be wanting them when the really hard ones start coming out
I didn't take any.
Dragonfire Moderator

It's fine if you do! That's what they're there for
I'd be more worried about burning the party hats than the pistols. There are so many!
Dragonfire Moderator

Party hats are pretty ubiquitous, though
Kinda like your mom
They got scarce last year
at least toward the end
Dragonfire Moderator

If they're being used in a collection symbol they thin out
Dragonfire Moderator

But hopefully *eyes Kim* that won't be one of the goods requested this year
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Sorry gang, the doorbell rang and I got called away
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Looks like you dealt with that wave no problem though!
God has spoken!
Dragonfire Moderator

There were many leezard, but we got 'em down!
Dragonfire Moderator

I also had to deal with a goblin who woke up prematurely and then wanted to go back to sleep, LOL. Did a bit of fighting one-handed. XD
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh, the Corps of Orps arrived at the ruins. Time to mop up there some more.
im almost by the ruins, just one more hex and im there
Dragonfire Moderator

Hah! A decisive victory! The threat level just dropped by like 10%

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus