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Forums » Epic Week 2023 » Epic Week 2023 Chat

Doubutt Game time!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

EYYYYY sun symbol unlocked! :D
That was me oh my gosh! I'm so pleased 😭
Dragonfire Moderator

YESSSS. :D Great job!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You did great!!
Dragonfire Moderator

I was having a bit of a fit when people got so on track about the mythology, LOL
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

They nailed that part of it so fast and so hard
Dragonfire Moderator

The seal of Shamash was only meant to be a gentle push towards the direction of Sumeria!
I honestly just did a bit of searching, I would never have guessed if not for the mention of Ea-Nasir!
Dragonfire Moderator

That is honestly how half of these riddles are usually solved, LOL
omg congrats Skylark! I just pushed with the idea of it and everyone took off I'm so proud of everyone!
Dragonfire Moderator

I still think ur-Yelp is a fantastic pun, so sue me
Dragonfire, it did make me chuckle I have to admit
You did a great job with the quote and i never would have even thought of it if I hadn't looked up the symbol. I went imeediettly after mythology sun symbols and then found the ones that looked similar and put the idea out there. Im just glad everyone could figure that one out because I was stumped even with the starter given. And it really was a good once once i connected it to mythology. Again congrats on figuring it out Skylark!
I just got a sword from the game
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats all, that was such a group effort :D
My Walruses are one hex away from getting back to base camp with their goods and decide to stop to take a sun bath.
Dragonfire Moderator

It can't be all work and no play B)
Wait kim thats why you said good idea becuase I was going down the right path, wasn't it? *laughs* Kidding seriously great job everyone.
Dragonfire Moderator

Oooh, that heptagonal prism is looking a little brighter.

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Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus