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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Galactic Exchange(CLOSED)

Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery)

Two centuries ago, many of the galaxies disparate government came together for one week in peace and friendship, setting aside their many differences in order to discuss peace treaties and trade agreements. Fast forward to current day, that dates has become a time for a massive cultural exchange, where representatives and citizens from all over the galaxy compete in sporting events, sell wares, trade gossip,and explore one another's culture. This has come to be known as the Galactic Exchange, which occurs every five Earth years. The site of the Exchange changes every time, going from one corner of the galaxy to another.
This year, the United Coalition of Planets is hosting the exchange at it's capital planet, Nova Primus. However, the have also been rumors of disgruntled governments or radical groups plan on disrupting the Exchange. As a deterrent, the Coalition has garrisoned twelve of it's 10,000 ship strong Star Fleets at Nova Primus and the surrounding star systems.


Captain Augustus Terminus sat at the glass desk in his office aboard the UCS Constantine, staring blankly at the holographic display showing him reports of the various areas of the ship. The Constantine was in orbit over Nova Primus was acting as a orbital guard, scanning everything that entered the planet's atmosphere. He let out a annoyed sigh. Spacefleet commands had seen fit to pull the ship out of the frontier in order for it to protect guard against a possibly imagined threat. He continued to stare at the reports that he was suppose to be reading. A few minutes later, a small alert appeared at the edge of the hologram, indicating that a message had arrived in the ship's passive communication systems. He touched the icon and the hologram shifted to the message.

Captain Terminus; UCS Constantine,

You are here-forth ordered to switch assignments and join the Honorable Ambassador Tiliu at the main site of the Galactic Exchange for security proposes and to supplement his diplomatic representation of the UCP. You may bring as any of your ship's personal, within exceptionable limits.

Spacefleet General Command

Terminus couldn't help but smile. It wasn't exploring the galaxy, but it was better than sitting in orbit over the planet with practically nothing to do. He tapped the communications badge pinned to his upper left chest. "Terminus to bridge."

A few seconds later, the baritone voice of his Tactical officer and Chief of security, Taurin, came through. "Sir?"

"Have the hanger bay prep a shuttle, and be there in fifteen minutes. Pass this on to Lieutenant Commander Ayreye and Lieutenant Torku. oh, and have four security personnel with you."

"Yes sir." Taurin answered. "Taurin out.

Fifteen miuntes later, the captain arrived at the shuttle bay to see his requested entourage waiting for him. Lieutenant Commander Ayreye was a female Vugan, with violet skin, black hair, and pointed ears. Lieutenant Torku was a male Totin. Though the species lacked a voice box, Torku had an artificial one surgically implanted when he enter Spacefleet. Commander Taurin towered above the other two, which was expected being a Tilion, a strong and fearsome race that valued honor and combat above everything else. Behind them stood a security team made of two Tilions, one Human, and an Archnid, an insectoid species.

All saluted by thumping their right hand/claw over the spot where a heart would be on a human. The captain nodded. "Alright, let's get on the shuttle and head down. We have an Ambassador waiting."

Two minutes later the shuttle had rocketed out of the Constantine's hanger, into Nova Primus' atmosphere.
Lydia Wiese (played anonymously)

Lydia yawns softly as 'her' ship, The DSF Spirit of Virtue drops from slipspace. She'd just been awakened from cryosleep, had to look your best for the first contact outside of her on race in centuries. Still, she wondered why she had been chosen along with a few of the top manufacturers on planets for this privilege. She'd even been chosen as the official 'Leader' of the group. She was but a lowly Pilot Officer, a relay admin at that! Still, this was a chance of her lifetime that she couldn't pass up.

Walking over to the desk in her cabin she hits the intercom "P-pilot Officer Wiese here. How long until we are ready? We are k-kind of unannounced after all." the captain of the ship himself replied "We will arrived in approximately two hours. I suggest you and your little group start getting ready. Try to look presentable...and for once in your life, actually brush your hair and tail Lily? Your a officer now, can't have messy hair or tail."

Huffing loudly she replies "I-I'm not a child anymore Captain Vaz!Please make sure the others are up and send a message ahead of us?" The only answer she gets is a chuckle before the intercom turns off. Knowing Vaz, a very close family friend and like a second father to lydia, he'd send something appropriately fancy to announce the arrival of the Desavian Empire.
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

The Alien Being known as Ripa 'Moramee stood on his ship's Observation deck. Look at the thousands of ships orbiting the planet from his cloaked fleet of only 32 ships, But they were much larger than Human vessels which is why they had fewer numbers. He held the rank of Arbiter, Only out classed by the leaders of this Empire themselves. The Arbiter had been ordered to study these Humans, The Arbiter then noted the ship jumping in from slipspace and ordered in his alien language to scan the ship, This would be a very intense scan and could possibly short out a few systems, But above all that a large purple web like thing would flow through the ship to scan it, It would not be lethal or harmful but would surprise those who were not expecting it

(( THE ARBITER'S SHIP 300px-H4-CovenantCRSLightCruiser.png The Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee with his duel Plasma Swords 3861.jpg))
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

Starbase 001 hung in orbit over Nova Primus and detected the Spirit of Virtue as soon as it dropped out of slipspace. An automated greeting was sent and it was scanned lightly for any anomalies. After confirming that nothing threatening was onboard and active. However, the starbase had turned it's attention away from the vessel, so the crew onboard did not notice the scan on the Virtue from Ripa 'Moramee. The automated passive scanners did, but simply filed the incident away, not considering it a threat. The station sent another comm telling the Spirit of Virtue that it had clearance to enter orbit and send down personnel, along with coordinates of the main site of the Exchange.

The shuttle Terminus was in flying low over the city of Cronja. Massive 700 story building dominated the skyline. The streets were packed with all manner of wheeled and hovering personal vehicles and the sky was relatively crowded with aircraft and aerospace craft, so much that the control towers of both the airport and spaceport were having diffucultly controlling the skies. Five of Nova Primus's nine moons could be seen in the night sky. However, unbeknownest to most of the denzins of Cronja, the mountians that surronded the northern, eastern, and western parts of the city were filled with anti-aircraft missile lauchers and the nearby military base had it's fighters on standby to scramble in the event of attack. The Southern portion of the city, that opened up into the ocean, had a dozen navy ships protecting the port. There was even a carrier right on the edge of the planet's atmosphere, in geosynchronous orbit. It didn't seem like it, but the city was heavily guarded, as was the case for all the major cities on the planet.

Unlike a civilian craft, the shuttle was not to land at the spaceport, instead heading to the city's central park, where the entire Exchange was placed in the city. It wasn't long till the shuttle was hovering over the park and began its descent to the landing zone. The ship landed with a thump, and it's sidedoors slid open. Terminus and his party stepped out into the small area that the Coalition had designated it's own area. Waiting for him was the esteemed Ambassador Tiliu. Tiliu was a Yel'Fa, with gray skin and an extremely large head disproportionate to his small stature. "Ah, Captain Terminus. Many greeting upon you." The Ambassador said in a gravelly voice, characteristic to his species. Terminus returned the greeting and proceeded to introduce his officers, each of which greeted the Ambassador politely.

"Excellent." The Yel'fa smiled, though it practiced, for his species never smiled naturally. "Now, I recieved a report that a Desavi vessel has just entered orbit. I believe this is their first contact with The United Coalition itself, so we better make a good impression. Now, we shall go to where we have designated as their landing site."

Terminus nodded and followed the Ambassador, wondering what a Desari looked like along the way.

In orbit, a trio of destroyers were slowly making their way towards where Ripa 'Moramee's fleet was, completely unaware of the other ships cloaked there. The destroyers were a quarter of a mile long and lightly armed, though very fast and dangerous when going in groups of three like now. And they were on a collison course with the fleet and completely unaware that they were.
Lydia Wiese (played anonymously)

Lydia had just finished fastening her uniforms belt and was in the process of zipping up her boots while Captain Vaz informing her of already being greeted when the lights and comm goes dead along with gravity before a purple...something....swept through her cabin, her skin and hair tingling for several moments after it washes over her. Unknown to her it also caused the Virtue's emergency beacon to active at random for several moments then fall silent. Just as suddenly things return to normal, Lydia falling onto her rear once gravity kicked in again. Getting up and fixing her hair and tail she goes to gather the rest of her group, knowing the bunch of pampered rich snobs would surely be panicking over what had happened.

Of course the entire ship went into full alert, radioing the station that had contacted them and relaying what had just happened, along with a request for escort in case of another anomaly. Spirit of Virtue was one of the oldest ships in the DSF Fleet, reliable and tough. That something had caused her to have such issues was unheard of so cation would be taken
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

The Arbiter looked at the scans as they came through, They had everything on their ships data, No ship weaknesses though, Just the crew the ships info, where it came from. Its weapons and such. The Arbiter then ordered the ship to decloak, And then the massive purple ship decloaked. And the Arbiter ordered a small alien to the com, They were known as grunts and knew how to speak the Humans language. The grunt spoke, Though it sounded like a human on helium " Attention humans! We mean no harm! Grunt promises!"
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

The Admiral that commanded Starbase 001 was Tilion. When the Spirit of Virtue contacted the station, he listened in and acknowledged the information. After confirming the claim with information from the Starbases passive sensor logs, he proceeded to order all Coalition vessels and stations in orbit to Condition Yellow, their shields being raised and weapons primed but not active.

The Admiral had just finished barking out the order when the officer manning the station's sensors reported the decloaking of a ship.

"Is it's active!?" The Admiral asked.

"No, sir." The officer reported. "It's sent a message to us."

The Admiral looked over to the communications officer on the opposite side of the Starbase command center. The officer promptly played the message. The Admiral frowned, considering the message before speaking. "Acknowledge it. Also, ask why their vessel was cloaked." The comm officer nodded and relayed the message while the Admiral ordered the fleets to stand down from Condition Yellow.
Lydia Wiese (played anonymously)

Lydia and her small group of four stood near the back of the bridge, listening to the thing speaking. Of course most of the crew couldn't help but chuckle at the speakers voice. With Virtue no longer acting up she steps over to the Captain, whispering "Everything is back to normal on ship and our shuttle is ready to go Uncle Vaz. P-personally I think the VIP's would be safer on the ground. Otherwise the crew might strangle Ms. McConnell. She may be CEO of the biggest shipyard on Desavia but she is rather rude."

The man just nodded, having already heard about everything from the crew. With a simple motion the outer door of the upper deck catapults opened while Lydia herded the VIP's into the SST styled shuttle. Hitting a button on the command chair he speaks "Starbase 001. We are launching our shuttle With a two ship escort. i'm sure you understand why." with that he nods to the launch officer. The shuttle shoots down the catapult, followed quickly by two SV-51/52 fighters, both unarmed aside from full gunpod ammo.
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

The Grunt started speaking in an Alien language, Then a deeper Alien voice was heard speaking back to the grunt in a deep language. The Grunt then spoke in its high pitched English tone "Grunt is sorry for the cloak! We did not know if you would attack us on sight or not!" The grunt said shaking the back of his head "Grunt wants to know if it would be OK to land and speak with you?"

(( A Grunt halo-grunt.jpg))
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

The Admiral nodded. "You not have been attacked. This is a gathering of peace. Of course you can land. In a shuttle or similair smallcraft. Any other large vessels are restricted toorbit due to secuirty concerns. We will send the coordinates to the Galactic Exchange Main Site. There is a Coalition delegation there, you will be able to speak with them." The Tilion rumbled before closing the communications. Now there was one other thing to address.

"Comm." The Communications officer looked at him. "Send a message to our forces planetside. Tell them to not be alarmed by the Desari fighters... And make sure the Desari know that their fighters will not be allowed to stay within the atmosphere, and will need to return to their ship once they have finished escorting their delegation.
Lydia Wiese (played anonymously)

On board the DSF shuttle Lydia sat patiently staring out a starboard view port at one of the escort fighters, she never got tired of seeing them. Turning her eyes to the planet below she smiles, Vaz had relayed everything to the shuttle so she now knew that the newest arrival's besides her own where no threat, but still better safe then sorry. Just before reaching the planet's atmosphere the escorts wags their wings before peeling off and heading back to Virtue. Her heart thumped in her chest, after all she was going be a representative of her people. A people who for the most part adored and bowed to the military that ruled them all, a people who knew war all too well. Now it was time for something different...Lydia hoped it all would go well.
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

A Phantom class drop ship was flying down to the planets surface. It had no escorts because it could defend itself rather well. The Covenant, Knew war very well. In fact there whole alliance was forged on war alone! After these races had been fighting against each other for so long they forged the alliance known as "The Covenant". There were eight species in The Covenant as of now. The Arbiter was waiting inside the drop-ship. He was the only Sangheili on the ship, The rest were Kig-Yar and Unggoy (The Grunts real name) And the Arbiter was getting quite annoyed at the two species continuous talk. Soon the drop-ship set down and the arbiter jumped out before it landed just so he could get a few seconds peace. two minutes later the drop-ship flew back around and landed the other troopers, The Arbiter started barking orders to the Grunts in his native language, "Why do we always go first?" The Grunt whined and started to look to look around

(( Kig-Yar, Or Jackals as some call them Storm-Jackal.jpg The Phantom drop-ship HReach-PhantomDropship-FrontAngle.png))
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

Augustus was watching the Desari shuttle when the Ambassador's communicator chimed, the the Yel'Fa answered it quickly. A few moments later, the Ambassador turned to the Captain. "Captain Terminus. We have another new arrival. They just landed on the surface a small walk away."

"And?" The Captain asked impatiently.

"Well, I was wondering if you could go and bring them here. I'll stay and greet the Desari." The ambassador said politely, but a faint undertone in his voice made it clear that this wasn't optional.

"Yes sir." The captain said before turning away and walking off to find the Covenant. It didn't take long as he quickly noticed the purple drop ship. He waited from all of it's occupants to come and for the his universal translator to scan the language being spoken by the largest of the group. When he heard a low beep in his ear, the Human knew that the language hadn't been encountered by the Coalition before. He then proceeded forward, walking towards the Covenant. "Hello, I'm Captain Terminus. I greet you on behalf of the United Coalition of Planets."
Lydia Wiese (played anonymously)

Still looking out the view port while the shuttle made planet fall Lydia thought about how best to handle things, after all the whole operation was in her hands and if things went bad, only the Virtue along with her fighters would be able to give support. Captain Vaz could handle anything though, she was sure about this.

Looking back she smiles at the rest of her group, all of them clearly nervous except Ms. McConnell, who rumor had made her company the top ship yard through ruthless tactics and cold hearted deals. The only male in the group, her husband, who had helped advance Desavia to it's current technological abilities, looked the part of the eccentric inventor and a complete opposite of his pure business wife.

finally the shuttle slips over the designated landing zone and deploys it's stilt like landing gear. Lydia was already opening the entrance ramp to see everything she could from above. Once the craft was within a foot or two off the ground she hops from the end of the ramp to the ground. Nervous yet excited, that's how she felt as she sees those who had been sent to greet her group. She gives a warm smile as the other file out of the shuttle after it had touched down. Her facial expression, though for all her excitement leans more towards indifference.
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

The Large alien nodded and then spoke "I am The Arbiter of the Covenant, Ripa 'Moramee" HE said pointed at the others "These are Unggogy and Kig-Yar" He said, He was quite tall and quite intimidating, He was even tall for his own species! Most Elites were only 6.8-7.6 feet tall, But Ripa was 8.2 feet tall.
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

The Ambassador walked up to Lydia, holding out his grey, four fingered hand to. "Greetings. I welcome to Nova Primus on behalf of the United Coalition of Planets. I am Ambassador Ti'liu, and you are?"

In the background several security officers stood. Any emotions they were feeling were completely hidden as their eyes locked onto the new arrivals. They had plasma pistols holstered to their thighs and stood in a somewhat benign stance, but their hands were close to their weapons so that in the event of an attack, they could easily whip them out.

Terminus looked up and nodded. " It's a pleasure to meet you, Arbiter Ripa 'Moramee. Now if you don't mind, I'm hear to take you to our Ambassador Ti'liu, so could you and your delegation follow me to him?"
Lydia Wiese (played anonymously)

It takes Lydia several moments before she reached out and shook hands with the Ambassador "G-Graasemsk...G-Greetings Ambassador. I'm P-pilot Officer Lydia Wiese of the Desavi Space Forces, 29th. Slipspace Relay unit. Thank you for having us." Her stammering made it clear she was nervous, but for the most her her face still showed indifference. As with any starport or airport she'd had to deal with hot shots and every other kind ship crew, she'd mastered the art of looking indifferent, so much so that it was practically second nature and interfered with her normal range of expression do the degree she had often been labeled 'deadpan' back home.

She'd noticed the security officers in the back ground and felt a slight tingle down her spine. Whenever security forces appeared almost ready to draw it usually meant that either those in charge had become paranoid or there was a possibly credible threat.

Clearing her throat and speaking with a neutral voice, once again stemming from her normal duties, she says "Please tell your security officers to move their hands away from their weapons. None of us carry any weapons other than myself, and they are non-lethal." with that she reaches into her right belt pouch to show her pair of AIC/shock gloves "I highly dislike violence and firearms. To be honest even the sight of blood upsets me." Just as quickly as she pulled them out she tucks the gloves back away and snaps the pouch closed. She was starting to understand why they had chosen what was essentially a air traffic controller for 'first contact' so to speak.
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

The Arbiter nodded, then motioned for two other beings to follow him, A Grunt and a Jackal, But they looked different from the others "These are the Kig-Yar and Unggogy Ambassadors" The Arbiter said following him to the Ambassador, The Grunt was singing while they walked, While the Jackal muttered a few colorful words under his breath in annoyance from the Grunt.

((The Grunt Ambassador, Also known as a Grunt Deacon Grunt_deacon.jpg The Jackal Ambassador 2821615-web_preview.png))
Joe Bucher (played by Jabonicus)

The fiery red engines burned away as the ship made a barreling path towards the Galactic Exchange. The first year of the EDN Empire's presence in it. They had prepared their Akrid meats, hunting weapons, and TEtech. Joe sat in the sea of the large, tan and orange ship the USS Petersburg. He strapped on his TE-boosted fake leg to what was left of his right leg. He stood up as it approached, waiting for any hails from the controlling Empires. He, of course, wore his normal attire, his TE Powered Enviro-Suit.

Two guards stood behind him, wearing the EDN National Military Armor.
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

"Do not be offended." The Ambassador said. "The secuirty is standing in an accepted stance throughout the galaxy and there hands are simply near their weapons, not actively gripping them. Besides, they are here for me, not because we distrust you, it just that that my life is considered quite valuable to the Coalition and must be protected, especially in an event such as this, which is more likely to attract beings of ill intent." The Yel'fa then took a slightly discontented look. "And, you must remember, this is the Coalition's capital world on one of it's most important cities. We will not relax our security and practices, even if they make you uncomfortable."

A few seconds later, Terminus arrived with the three Covenant. "That is Ambassador Ti'liu, he will answer most of your questions."

The Ambassador turned to the Arbiter. "Greetings." He gestured over to Lydia. "These are the Desari, another guest."

While the Ambassador was making introduction, Terminus went over to his Tilion first officer, Taurin. "Report." He said in a low voice.

"The Desari seem peaceful." Tuarin answered in undertone. "They grew uncomfortable upon sighting the secuirty officers. The leader of the group, that woman." The Tilion gave a subtle nod towards Lydia. "She is carrying a pair of gloves that she claimed are non-lethal weapons."

"Uncomfortable with secuirty, eh?" Terminus said. "Well, I doubt they'll be comfortable on this whole trip." Throughout the city were a legion of guards. Somewhere like the ones currently watching over the Ambassador, lightly armed and armored. Others, the ones stationed at critital and senstive areas, wore full Standard Coalition Combat Armor, and carried weapons ranging from assualt rifles to handheld surface to air missile lauchers. Just a few hundred meter away sat an APC.

"And you, sir? What of the Covenent?" Tuarin asked.

"Well, besides the fact they arrived in a seemingly military ship, they seem non-violent. Though I would watchout for that Arbiter. I think his muscle could rival yours Mr Tuarin."

The Tilion frowned, looking at the Arbiter gruffly and sizing him up. "I could take him." The alein muttered to himself, causing Terminus to grin. "I'm sure you can, old friend, now let's reintergrate ourselves into the party. The Ambassador probably plans on dragging them off somewhere real soon."


The Starbase scanned the Petersburg, and recognized to EDN Empire signature. "EDN vessel, the Coalition welcomes you to her Captial World. A nice change, considering how many times Coalition vessels have orbited yours." The Starbase broadcasted to the EDN ship. Along with the message, the coords of the main site were sent.

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