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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Galactic Exchange(CLOSED)

Gorgritz da umie unt (played by Dreath)

The orks battle in space was going bad as the ork ships were being pushed back by the greater numbers. The last several ships realizing they were beat decided that they should retreat. But before these nine ships did that two stayed behind and put their engines into full charge and were going to suicide bomb the city below. The explosions and impacts alone would level a large portion of the city if they made impact. So with these two damaged ships going to make this surprisingly tactical ork maneuver the other ships escaped the system with something similar to a warp drive. Meanwhile on the planet over twelve thousand orks charged towards the city and another nine and a half thousand charged the covenant forces directly. But no one could forget the other two thousand attacking the planet side relays on the surface. The massive squiggoth that was released was charging directly into covenant scarabs dropped down from orbit. With the scarab being only slightly bigger then the bulky squiggoth it would be a huge fight. With the space debris falling to the planet one large piece hit the rok that had the other two squiggoths in it. The shock waves sent through the rok aggravated the mighty squiggoths and they began to brake free and stampede out. "Whoa arg!" The gertchins yelled as they were thrown from the creature. The massive beasts ran out and began to head for the city wall. They would head to from the west and hit the west wall with a few orks and Gorgritz and the main ork attack would be coming from the north. Thankfully however the squiggoths were fully armed and ready for war guns ready and all. Gorgritz and his men charged at two thousand meters from the gates. Gorgritz was in the middle while a few slugga boyz were in front charging the enemy. Them armed with there axes and powerful shoota pistols would be the first line of attack. Once they got within range the federation fired the artillery releasing clouds of trinex nanites that began to literally eat the ork slugga boys charging. The orks saw there fellow orks get shredded and reduced to armor by an almost invisible force. "Huh? What is dat? They used bombs to eat my boyz? Oi you gretchins go see what is wrong with that spot." Gorgritz ordered the tiny goblin creatures. "Huh? Me? Ugh boss do I have to?" The gretchin said in it's winy voice. Gorgritz looked at it with a angry face. He grabbed another gretchin and crushed it with his power claw. The red and green good that was the gretchin was dropped in front of the other one. "Ah ok boss hehe." The one said after seeing Gorgritz crush another. The little guy walked up to the strange cloud like wall were the orks were killed and walked into it. Within two seconds he was completely gone. "So they usin some kinda eaty cloud magik? We will send the boyz right over the top then." Gorgritz said waving for some orks with rockets on their backs to come up. one hundred and twelve ork storm boy came up and with the rockets on there backs would jump over the cloud of nanites. "Ok boyz go get em." Gorgritz said signaling them to go by shaking his claw. The orks activated there rockets and leaped into the air to get over the nanites and attack the city. "Let's find another way around boyz." Gorgritz said to the remaining orks. Meanwhile the first squiggoth had met the scarabs that were dropped in front of it. It picked the closest and with a roar and dozens of dead covenant on it's feet it charged the scarab. It's main gun firing blasting a whole in the upper deck of the large mech. The two massive things collided as the squiggoth tried to eat the scarab and trying to impale it with it's powerful claws. The machine guns on the side were firing at covenant reinforcements trying to help kill the massive creature. But this creature and its incredibly tough skin would endure everything but the most powerful attacks.

( An ork storm boy: 100px-StormBoy.png )
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

The Colonel was looking through his binoculars at as the Orks jumped over the Trinex cloud. "Huh. Wasn't expecting that." He grumbled under his breath. Either way, the main body of the force was stalled by it. Years of battlefield experience let him immediately spot the advantage. "Get all our bomber to cover that area. Tell em to use FABs." Fuel-Air Bombs(FAB) worked by using air as fuel, literally lighting the air on fire. As impressive as it sounded, the technology was actually several hundred years old, dating to times when many species had barely just entered the orbit of their homeworlds. The bombers that were currently in the air carried only one, and, though the airbases had dozens, the very potent nature of it made it difficult to load onto the bombers meant that it would take several hours to replace the bombs onboard. Within minutes bomber wings were flying over the bulk of the Ork army bunched near the Trinex cloud. The Colonel watched the bombs go off through the binoculars, and sighed. He no longer had anymore weapons as devestating as Trinex or FABs at his disposal. Hopefully the two combined had lowered the Ork's numbers into something more managable.

Several ships broke off to pursue the fleeing Orks, only a dozen or so, while the majority turned their attention to the remaining two. It would be incredibly difficult for them to do their sucide attack with tractor beams locked onto them, holding them in place while the rest blasted away. By now, a few hundred other ships left orbit, headed to check on surrounding planets.
The Dropship carrying Terminus landed near the capital building, where the 178th Mechanized Infantry were rallying to head to the frontline. Terminus' team leaped out of the dropship and were immediately handed suits of Coalition Battle Armor. Due to the fact that the Capitol was on a hill, Terminus spotted the scarabs and the flashes of Covenant Weaponry, along with the sea of green they were fighting. Within thirty minutes, the 178th would mobilize to the front to help the arbitar.
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike)

The Scarab's armor held, it was very strong, And the Scarab knew that it would not be damaged by a point blank range shot. It fired its massive beam cannon at the creature. The Arbiter watched as the weapons fought each other. Then High Charity warped in and its large cannons came online. The Prophet of Regret was there, The Arbiter saw it from all the way down here. He signal High Charity "I recommend you start the glassing now!" And with that High Charity flew down into orbit, And a giant hatch opened and a giant cannon was seen, It then started firing this beam at the Ork Bases with its giant glassing beam. Meanwhile the Covenant ships started launching more drop-ships. With more high ranking troops landing around the city to hold the city, and sprinkled Jackal Snipers in the city to take out Orks from afar. The Arbiter charged and the beast and began slashing its legs
Gorgritz da umie unt (played by Dreath)

The battle was turning into complete chaos. The covenant brought in their holy city and were using it to personally exterminate the orks. As the massive beam of pure plasma hit the ork rok it and everything around it were incinerated in a blinding light. Gorgritz looked up to see the massive ship attack. "Ah dese covey boyz are not being nice. I don't think we will last very long here. Come on boyz letz get off this planet and regroup at base. We will need a much bigga waaagh to deal with dese boyz." Gorgritz said as he and his orks began to run towards their original rok. Each rok had a few escape rock its with one time use warp drives. If Gorgritz got to one he could be put of the system in second. Meanwhile as the orks started to flee the squiggoth that engaged the scarab was having it's thick flesh burnt but it was a durable creature. When the arbiter came and began slashing it's legs it tried stomping on him but to no avail. But just out of sight came two more massive roars. Further to the south the other two squiggoths made it into range of the wall. They fired their main guns and blew a hole in the city wall big enough for them to burst into the city. With their size and power they would decimate the people and buildings of the city if not stopped.
Augustus Terminus (played by HvyArtillery) Topic Starter

"Falcon 1 to command. We got a breach in Southern Wall!" A squadron of fighters flying above the battlefield reported to the Forward Operating Base that had been set up at the spaceport. "Two sons of a guns are proceeding through."

"Roger, Falcon Squadron. Engage the targets immediate, elements from the 178th will be diverted to secure the wall." The voice of the general in charge of the defense came through.

"Affirmative, engaging the targets." The fighters entered formation and began speeding towards where the squiggoths were. Their Air-to-ground missiles activated and were shot forth from their missile pods, headed straight for each squiggoth. The fighters flew pass as the missiles impacted the squiggoths, and began to come around for a 2nd assault and would keep attacking until either the squiggoths died or they ran out of ammunition.

The Colonel defensive line, now augmented with Covenant forces, parted to allow the !78th Mechanized to move through in one long column, though it was missing around 30% of it's units, whivh were headed to secure the breach caused by the squiggoths. Once the 178th was cleared of the city, the entirty speed up, with the APCs reached up to 80 mph and the tanks rolling at a steady 50 mph, running over any orcs that were unfortunate enough to by in the way. The machine guns mounted on most of the vehicle rattled as they were fired into orcs. Terminus was sitting in one of the lead APCs, his feeling slightly sick. Ground combat was often messier than in space. Though he never enlisted as a infantry and much prefered the clean efficiency of his starship, desperate times called for desperate measures. When the APC stopped and it's back hatch swung down, he was one of the first out, firing his rifle at any orcs in the vicinity. Once it had fully unloaded it's troops, the APC sped off again.

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