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Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

The treasoner duo's efforts to calm down Jonathan paid off as the man collapsed. Ren immediately grabbed Jonathan and attempted to lift him, to which Azumi responded by using a spell to lift Jonathan up mid-air.

"Something tells me that I'll never find out what just happened", Ren commented

"Oh hush now dear, what matters is that we retreat-", Azumi stopped as she saw a groaning Jalie and ran over to her out of concern.

Meanwhile Ren spotted Camry in the distance and extended an arm.

"I take the sandman threw you into this mess, huh?", Ren smiled, "Call me Ren. For now, just follow us to safety. We got to find a new hiding place"

As dawn broke, the sandman left the party alone moaning in sadness. Or was it a taunt of some sort? That is one thing neither the fox spirit nor the hooded man could ever find out.
Ren seemed like a nice guy, or at least trustworthy for now. He nodded towards hm, “Just let me know if you need me to do something.” He held out two of his healing elixirs. “I don’t know if this can help them but you can give them these.” He said nodding towards Jalie and Jonathan.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan was still lost in despair for several seconds when both Ren and Azumi picked him up, ending up not pay attention to what they were saying at first...until he then realizes what's going on, and was very surprised...

"Huh? Ah! Uhh...why am I marginally floating like this...? This is Azumi doing this, right? Can you please put me down then?" said Jonathan as he then notices the ruined bookstore beside him "Whoa, what happened to the bookstore? ......Wait...I think I can vaguely remember...I think I went on a rampage... Is everyone alright? No one isn't hurt or anything, right? I'm really sorry for everything I've caused...I can explain it all later..."

Then Jonathan notices that he still has his magic armor on as he was able to dispel it, returning back to his normal clothes.

"I can't believe I was able to access and use my magic armor despite not having Aurora around...but now I've remembered everything..." said Jonathan as he grabs and opens up his locket to see the picture inside...surprisingly he was able to hold on to it despite the chaos he caused... "I've caused both her and everyone else so much carry on so much pain that I couldn't have turned the page to continue on living without her before coming here..."

Though it took a while, Jonathan then notices the new arrival, Camry, as he gives him a healing elixir.

"Another one?! Dammit!! Just how many more the sandman is going to take and trap in this accursed world here?! ...Sorry...anyway, thanks for this... Is it a potion...?" said Jonathan as he very boldly took a sip of the healing elixir without even knowing what it was since Camry didn't explain it...but at least it didn't take long for Jonathan to notice the effects of the healing elixir helping him recover faster... "This is really good. Thanks. I can definitely feel my mana recovering...after pretty much burning all of it off by going on that rampage..."

Then Jonathan notices Turuilla, knocked out on the debris of where the bookstore used to stand in, but thankfully despite all that happened she was not injured badly at all.

"Ah, Turuilla!" cried Jonathan as he went on over to see how she was doing "Oh, good, she's okay...just unconscious... Well, with me destroying the bookstore, we'll definitely have to look for someplace else to camp fact I'm sure we wouldn't be able to use the bookstore for much longer, especially since if we got more people coming... At least it's now morning, and appears that the sandman has stopped trying to attack us...likely for now... This is definitely the perfect time to get as much done as we can before the next night...which we have no idea how long or quick that's going to be..."

Jonathan would then carry the unconscious Turuilla on his back as he then looks around to see what other buildings they could use to camp out and make a new base. The hospital that Ashley came out of did sound like a good spot, assuming it also had any medical supplies inside...of course since the first couple of people that arrived first didn't explore that much of the city during their first day, they didn't know where everything is located yet...
Camry followed Jonathan as he approached the hospital. “This could be a good spot but we’d need to stay on the lower floors so we can’t get trapped on the upper levels. You want me to scout the place before the others come?” He asks.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Yeah, this looks perfect, especially if we get more people. Of course, there's the matter about the many glass windows, but we'll be able to deal with that when the time comes. So, this is a hospital judging by the sign... Hmm... I'm familiar with hospitals, but something tells me this one is going to be a bit more different from what I'm used to. Either way, this would be a good time to rest, but I should head out to some places to gather some supplies...specially making certain things through my alchemy craft of cauldron synthesis... Oh, and as far as staying on the lower floors where it's safer...I don't think that'll be super necessary... I will agree to exercise more caution about it, just in case. It all depends on what we'll find in there." said Jonathan

Jonathan would then head inside the hospital where Ashley was summoned into as he takes a look around. With it being a more modern hospital than he was used to back in his own world, he was fascinated by the new things that he has never seen before, like monitors, computers, and gadgets of all kinds.
Camry smiled as he saw Jonathan looking around. "Not what you're used to huh?" He thought about what the man said about supplies, and felt like he could help he did with the elixirs but wasn't sure how yet. "I'll go with you when you look if you don't mind, you know, backup." He said.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius listened closely. “ It seems the fighting stopped.” He glanced around at the desolate streets. Vehicle's, houses, and shops all appeared to be in varying states. “How worrisome…”

He stoped walking for a moment. One of his hands reached up and slid through his feathery hair. His hair appeared human esk sporting a shade of black.

“This reminds me of when I was alive, summoned to another reality. The people used a camouflage to appear invisible, or was that a planet? Sometimes these things run to-gather. Either way,” Sirius winced.

“That situation was very messy. Come to think of it, I should probably examine my situation closely. The problem is the situation is undetermined. There is obviously a problem. The trick is what brought me here?” As Sirius thought his body turned around. He moved back and then he flipped around moving forward. He repeated the actions while mumbling to himself.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Yeah, most of the things here looks different from what I've seen back in my world." said Jonathan as he looks at the black blank TV screens that has no power running through it "What's this black rectangle thing? Hmm...judging by the feel of the surface it's not some sort of it...?"

Jonathan then looks at the receptionist counter to see a computer.

"And what's that weird square thing? Hmm...I feel like Futaba knows this stuff, her powers really says it all on what she's capable of... I wonder if this place needs electricity in order for it to run? Futaba did request if it's possible if I could make something that could produce electricity, and I can make something like that. I saw it in an alchemy recipe book, in fact I managed to get several books in my carrying bag...before I ended up destroying the place... I will need three specifically semi-specialized ingredients in order to make this electric producing tool, but I can make each ingredient from a set of stuff if I can't find the specific stuff on hand. It's like a triangle scheme, using like nine things on average to make the three ingredients, and then combine the three into the final product of what we need. That's the beauty of alchemy...and thanks to everyone, I was able to regain all of my alchemy knowledge and skill, so creating certain items will be no problem to me... *Sigh*...Though I did had Aurora's help in making a lot of the items while she was alive..." said Jonathan

Jonathan then enters one of the many bedrooms to see more unfamiliar things, but the most important are several beds that he can use to lay Turuilla down for her to rest and recover.

"Glad this place has plenty of beds for us to rest in...if the sandman would even allow such a luxury given that it tries to attack us while we either dream and/or sleep... I could try and think up something to defend ourselves from it's attacks, similar to how both Ren and Azumi created that barrier. Speaking of which, now that I've regain my knowledge, I wonder if I can help Azumi out in some way. Her strong magical powers will be very instrumental along with Futaba's new power, and also Ren's knowledge will definitely help too...I think I remember him mentioning that he is an alchemist too...or at least he has the ability to create stuff through alchemy, like I can... We definitely need food, water, and other things in order for us to survive in, so I appreciate if you want to come along in order to look for stuff with me." said Jonathan

Jonathan would then take the time to look around, and help others when needed, while also meeting up with other new people that showed up.

"In addition to grabbing the nine ingredients to make the three ingredients in order to make the electric device, I will also need fertilizer, water, and powder, all magic-infused, in order to make alchemic solution that is needed to do the synthesis in the first place as it magically combines the items together. The three ingredients in question are as follows: a sheet of metal, a heat-resistant pipe, and an electric rod in order to make the device that Futaba needs. I don't know what we can ultimately find here, but if we can find food and a source of water, at least we have some sustainability for the time being while we go out to get more stuff." said Jonathan
Looks like the fighting came to an end. Ashley continued to watch from behind the abandoned car, still unnoticed by the sand monster and the people fighting it. As they reconvened and started heading towards the hospital that she had woken up in, she raised an eyebrow. Naturally, Ashley just wanted to leave and go find another place, if not find a way home. What the expectant mother couldn't wrap her head around was falling asleep in her bed and then waking up in the maternity ward of an abandoned hospital. Honestly, it was rather terrifying. Sighing, she began waddling back to the hospital, where she saw a few people entering.

Upon entering, she greeted those who were in the front reception area. At this point, she wasn't even sure if there was a 'proper' greeting for the current circumstances. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I did wake up here. Not sure how I got here though. Not sure if it's a good time for formalities either, but...I'm Ashley. I'm a Paramedic...Don't the dress and the belly fool you though. I did hear a lot of commotion and some of you do look a little worse for wear. Perhaps I can lend some assistance?"
Camry noticed the questions that Jonathan had. "The rectangle thing is called a television and the square is a computer. I'm not the greatest at using electronic devices though so I hope your friend can help." Camry recalled something he knew....something of the old gods providing for the needed. He thought about food and drinks. Suddenly, large table appeared that was laden down with all types of dishes and drinks. "Well, would you look there," he murmured. Then he noticed the pregnant lady. He held out a hand for her to shake. "Camry, miss, and right now may be a good time to explore and see what can be salvaged in this....hellhole." He said.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Television...and computer... Definitely stuff I haven't heard, or seen, in my world before... I guess stuff like this is way more ahead of my time." said Jonathan as he ponders while looking at the stuff again

Then as he looked back, suddenly lots of food dishes and drinks just appeared out of nowhere, which shocked Jonathan.

"What the hell?! Where did all of this food and drink come from?! Did you do something?!" asked Jonathan, looking quite bewildered "I swear I didn't see this stuff, nor someone had prepared this in such short notice. This guy must be something really special."

Then Ashley came in and introduced herself.

"I'm Jonathan, I'm an alchemist from another everyone else here... The commotion, and us being a little worse for wear...yeah...some of that is my fault, and I deeply apologize... Anyway, I'm fine...slightly injured and tired due to mana starvation, but otherwise I'm fine..." said Jonathan "I can't believe we even got a pregnant woman here in this world as well...okay, this sandman is beyond cruel to bring someone like an expectant mother here in such a dangerous world where only a few people, and even fewer resources along with strange happenings, exist...I can't imagine her being all alone with no one to help..."
Jonathan's reaction to seeing the stuff slightly amused Camry. "Yeah, I don't remember the limits but I could try to get some supplies you may need." He said. He thought about the defenses of the place. "We need this place to be secure so I wonder..." He thought about defenses around the hospital and saw it coke to life. A large wall rose to surround the hospital with a door that only non-hostiles could enter. "This could help for now." Camry said, "but I'll try reinforcing those windows later." He looked to Jonathan and saw the guy was still pretty injuried from this attack. "Hey, maybe you should eat something and rest, I'll keep watch for you." He offered.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren forgot one thing that wasn't merely the new arrivals, Azumi's physical form was fading! She seemed to be fading less and less now, but it seemed the overuse of their magic has taken a toll on both of their mana reserves. Azumi had nearly collapsed

"Azumi...", Ren said out of worry

"I shall be fine dear. You are out of practice with magic", the fox spirit replied and smiled, "It is rather hard anyway to maintain a familiar's physical body and cast spells at the same time!"

"I could unsummon you for now, the sandman's gone, you know"

"No, do not, I beg of you. I desire to protect my summoner. What kind of mother would I be if I simply left you behind?"

The pair chuckled in what felt like the first time in days. Even before this predicament they got themselves into, they had been busy dealing with their tedious everyday work as musicians. Publishing songs, and in Azumi's case, maintaining the enchantments that held back Ren's memory of their affiliation with the treasoners. Azumi placed a hand on Ren's face as they both continued to smile. After that brief, tender moment, Ren and Azumi approached Jonathan. However, knowing that her form was fading, Azumi reassured Jonathan that it was a temporary setback and that she would be back to normal so long as neither Ren or herself casted any more spells.

"What's the plan?", Ren said to Jonathan, "With these new folks, I mean?"

"I see a pregnant woman amongst them!", Azumi exclaimed, "Does this sandman really have no sense of dignity?!"
Camry looked at the new guy and the fox creature. He heard the fox mention something about getting better if she didn't use more power. He reached into his coat and pulled another healing potion. He was starting to remember how to craft his potions and he had other kinds. Plus it seemed like they needed it. "Hey, I don't know if it'll help but you can have this." He said, holding the potion to the guy.
Ashley shook Camry's hand with a firm grip. "Ashley." She proceeded to exchange names with him before letting go.

Then another young man introduced himself. Jonathan. An alchemist? The expectant mother could only wonder what world...or universe...he was from. Same with Camry for that matter. Looks like she wouldn't be putting her first aid skills to use quite yet, so that was good. Although she didn't really understand what Jonathan meant by mana, she just wrote it off as him being fatigued after a fight from the looks of it. Soon they were joined by another young man and a spiritual fox who...seemed to be fading. Sadly there was nothing that Ashley could do about that. Wondering what the next move would be, Ashley began caressing her belly as soon as she felt some kicking against the palm of her hand. "Mmm, well if we can, we could board up all the windows and doors on the ground floor and find refuge on one of the higher floors." She suggested.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan was surprised at how very helpful Camry is setting up walls to protect the hospital.

"Wow, you really are extremely handy. I don't know about your limits, but don't overdo it; it's important we all try and do our parts as well." said Jonathan as Camry mentioned about the food, he did start to get very hungry looking back at it "Yeah, I'm definitely going to eat and rest a bit... If Futaba doesn't need the electric device right now, then I can definitely rest...otherwise I should go out and gather as much as I can while it's still light out... Who knows how much daylight we got before the next night...especially since this world operates on a different set of rules..."

Jonathan then begins to take a dish and eats rather slow and calmly despite him being very hungry. He then listens to Ren, Azumi, Camry, and Ashley conversing with each other.

"The plan with everyone here? Well for now let everyone decide for themselves on what they wanted to do, and how they can help each other get back to their own worlds. A couple of us got more stronger now: me, you, Azumi, and Futaba. I don't know how to fight the sandman with what we currently have right now at our disposal...I think for one he never actually showed himself during the entire conflict, just only attacking us with just streams of enchanted sand... I think Turuilla does have a point that a good way to beat the sandman at his own game is for all of us to come face our fears...even if it means having unintentional conflict with others, like how I did... After that, we could then try and trap the sandman while he's weakened and finish him off; the plan that we had should still work fine...especially now we have more power behind us to make the plan a perfect success..."

Then Jonathan turns his attention to Ashley's suggestion.

"Yeah, boarding up all we can, while taking shelter upstairs, is all well and fine if we have all the resources that we need. I also can contribute with the defensives by making magical devices and charms with my cauldron synthesis, especially strong ones if I have the ingredients since I now have all my memories well as all of my powers and abilities too... Thinking about it now, since this is a hospital and all, I wonder if he has a basement; and if so, I'm curious on what we can find if take a look around." said Jonathan as he then finishes up enough food to full *Sigh* "What a relief...a full belly of food, especially eating so little several hours ago... As much as I should just rest for now, I rather go and find stuff I need first..."
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius stopped moving for a second. “Perhaps, I should look into what happened. That way I have some clue about the predicament. Or I could just call out. Sirius wandered around.

“People, creatures other worldly beings! How cringe, I sound desperate.” Sirius visibly cringed at his behavior. He repeated the above sentence a few times before switching it up. “There’s a giant bird wondering around, I’m human and I saw it. The feathers a bit meh.”
Camry noticed that Jonathan kept mentioning a sandman and it deeply worried him. "I really hope this is wrong but the sandman you keep mentioning may be Morpheus, the God of sleep and dreams, who used to be with the Old gods. They gave me these powers. But of it is him, then it may be harder than we think. Since I know he somehow lived long enough to even get into greek mythology, he had to have an enormous amount of power." He turned to the group. "I don't know what kind of magic you each can use, but you need to make sure not to fire directly at him, if a time comes. That will probably make him more powerful and if my hypothesis is correct, we are basically in a dream that he controls."
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

(Dang. Sorry, I've had a busy weekend.)

"Thanks Azumi. I'm... okay. I just have a headache" Jalie stands up. She's a bit shaky but she stays up.

Jalie looks at Camry. "Are you the one I was talking to earlier? I'm Jalie. And thanks, but healing elixirs won't work for this. It's just a headache from being forced out of Jonathan's mind."

She follows them and enters the hospital shortly after Ashley. "I'm Jalie." She holds out her hand to offer a handshake to Ashley.

Jalie watches with astonishment as the food and wall appear. "Woah.. Hey, uh, just so you know.. there's another person we haven't met yet out there... they seem.. different though. I'm not entirely sure why, but it's almost like they aren't human. And there's another odd one coming from Ashley... It's weaker...." Jalie looks at Ashley before her eyes go wide and she gasps. "Oh my god! Wait, I think it's the baby! Huh... I didn't know I could do that..."

Jalie holds her head and looks at the food and drinks. "Um... may I have some?" She feels a bit awkward asking, but she doesn't want to overstep or upset anyone. She listens as they talk about plans of action and the sandman. She doesn't have any ideas right now, but she's willing to help with whatever is needed.
Camry nods to Jalie. "Of course, thats what it's for!" He says.

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