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Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

[OOC: I hope Turuilla will catch up on us soon....]

Futaba was relieved when Jonathan finally went back to his sense after Ren successful attempt on the shadow Jonathan which had happened to be the past of Aurora, the woman whom must be the most important being or was the reason under Jonathan's rampage. It was because the power of love that they could at least annihilated the vile of the sandman's doing on Jonathan. The shadow Aurora actually called for some help to save Jonathan. And, without further ado, Ren and Azumi, being the powerful duo could save him.

"Thankfully, it works..." Futaba let out a heavy sigh after such chaotic scene. In the other hand, Jalie seemed to use her power a bit too much that she perhaps also strained it, resulting of her having a serious headache. Just in time Jalie was about to fall her knees on the ground, Futaba catch her. "Jalie, are you okay? You are really awesome." Futaba hold Jalie's arm to support her.

"Ren and Ms. Azumi, thank you for helping us too." Futaba glanced over at the summoner and the kitsune-like while they tried to take Jonathan to his consciousness. While helping Jalie, Futaba looked over Jonathan and felt a joy roaming through her heart that they were all now safe after the sand manipulation that tried to break them apart.

At least for now, they were safe. They already found out the way to hold sandman back to its custody. After helping Jalie, Futaba went through the debris to help Jonathan and hold Turuilla before meeting the new person that seemed to have teleported to this universe just like everybody else. For now, Futaba's abilities to sense unidentified object was in a cool down state.

"My name is Futaba." She flashed out a smile on her introduction toward Camry and Ashley. "May I drink the healing potion?" Futaba said in order to wish for the potion as Camry gave them. "Jonathan, it's okay. You may take some rest for now. As for the electricity, I will look for it a bit and see what I am capable of." Futaba paused when she heard about Camry's explanation about the God of something. "I might be wrong too, but I think this sandman actually just some a random former human whom have abilities to create dream manipulations. Besides, we found about his picture before, along with his grandchild's journey, I think Turuilla might save it?" Futaba clicked on Turuilla's silhouette.

"As for Ashley... How many months are you already? I'm sorry for asking... Because I think, defeating sandman requires much energy and being pregnant must hold you back. Although, I could use some software to build shelters--- What?! There is another person? Again?" Futaba surprised in the middle of her talk when Jalie said another creature had joined them in the world of illusions.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie smiles at Futaba. "Thank you. So are you."

"Thank you.. um, Camry, right?" She responds as she nears the table of food and eats a few things slowly.

Jalie pauses eating to answer Futaba. "Yeah, they're a little ways away from us, but they don't seem to be moving in an actual direction... just wandering. I have no doubt they could hear the sounds of our... fight.." She tilts her head as she says this. Silently wondering if 'fight' is the right word.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan listens to Camry's explanation about gods...and how he's also one...very intently... He wouldn't never expect Camry to be a god, but given that he was able to perform all sorts of stuff effortlessly, that alone pretty much convinces him...more importantly though, the insights he gained from him talking about Morpheus intrigues him...

"So, you're a god? I mean you did say that you got those powers from old And we're likely dealing with another god that deals with sleep and dreams? ...Well, that's just great..." said Jonathan "Camry being a god is definitely surprising, but given to what he was able to do, I definitely believe him. Although there's one thing I don't and why would he be stuck here with all of us...? The fact that if he's a god, you would think he either be perfect not to have any fears, or be immune to the effects of sleep and dreams that all of us are now trapped here... Hmm...there's something more about him that meets the eye...but I'm not the one to pry... I'm sure he has his reasons if he tries to hide things from us...even if it'll likely make us trapped here a little longer..."

As Jalie eats some food, and Futaba goes to meet up with him, telling him that he could rest up as she looks into the electricity.

"Sure, a little rest and relaxation won't hurt. I can use this time to read up on all the recipe books I was able to grab into my bag before destroying the place. Ah! Also I'm...really sorry...for me to go on a rampage like that... You look fine, but I hope I really didn't try and hurt you... I was weak to face my fear...but can I really call it a fear of already losing someone that I've loved, and that I've shunned everything around me as I wander the world all alone...? I guess it does boil down to me not being able to accept such a loss...especially since she knew full well what she was getting herself into, and that she even hid such an important detail away from me... As much as I would be mad at her...I just couldn't... Even though she's gone, Aurora is still with me in spirit, even beyond time and space... Me trying to turn the page after all that happened was very difficult, but thanks to all of you I was able to finally accept it and moved on..." said Jonathan

Jonathan then gets up as he then magically reverts his clothes back into his armored form again while summoning out his shield that also has his magic sword combined into it. He then spins the sword and shield combo around fast like a windmill with such skill and precision that it doesn't even fly out of his hand...and even does that for about a minute before stopping it completely, right side up...

"I do feel right at home having all my powers and abilities back...although without Aurora being physically with me, certain skills I can use would either be impossible, or will take a long time to cast without her mana and presence... To be able to summon out my armor and weapon without her presence is already a miracle of itself...she and I were a perfect team after all..." said Jonathan

Then Jonathan performs something else, a blue aura surrounds him and then several blue pulse waves along with calming droplet sounds can be heard from the blue ring pulse waves.

"Testing a few things within my mind, all but two things that I need Aurora's help I can do but will take time to cast before implementing them in action. Healing myself and others is my most important skill for the time being...everything else will have it's time and place... Though it has been two weeks since she was gone...and even after that long battle with Genesis that lasted for nearly half a day non-stop... I still do the whole weight I was tied down with is off my shoulders, and even my mood has gotten better too thanks to everyone here...even if it's only been close to a day since we all met..." said Jonathan

Jonathan's blue aura then fades away as then his dispels his armor and weapons to revert back into his normal clothes.

"In any case though, Jalie says that there's still others out there that hasn't arrived yet. Perhaps we can do some search and rescue to see what we can find, while also looking around for supplies too. Futaba, how good are your scanning abilities? Can it cover a large area, and/or how deep is your scans that can detect people and/or objects? Such talents can be very invaluable...though I wish that if there's also ways we can communicate via by telepathy... Well, I'm sure it's possible despite your powers being much more different than this hospital here, I think you fit in and see stuff like this back in your own world... I, myself, can see similar things back in mines, but there's plenty of things here that I've never seen before...and the architecture is a bit more different too... I wonder if you people have words to describe such differences between our worlds...the way I see it, I think all of you are probably from a future much more advanced and different from mines..."
Camry thought about how to respond to Jonathan. "Well, a god is a bit of a stretch, I'm more like a demigod. Or maybe less than that. I'm as mortal as you are, yet because of how I was born, I was given the powers I have in order to stay alive. I cant even use them all the time. Morpheus, on the other hand, was born a god and is much more powerful than I. I think I may know why we are all trapped here but... I would understand if you rather not hear." He responded.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie's ears twitch when she hears her name. She finishes eating and drinks some water. Well, my head feels a bit better, it still hurts though..

"I'd like to hear why you think we're all trapped here." Jalie stands up and walks over to Camry and Jonathan.

"Telepathy huh? Well, technically I can speak to pretty much anyone through telepathy, although it's a bit different." She answers Jonathan and begins to think about her own power. I haven't tried it before, I don't even know if I could do it... but maybe I could link everyone's minds so they could speak to each other through telepathy like Jonathan said. I think it'd take a lot out of me, and it might only last for a short period of time..
Camry was surprised by the sudden insert by Jalie. "Well, think of it this way. Somehow, all of us are powerful and able to withstand surviving here. Most people would perish from the stress that this....nightmare induces on their physical and mental health. I can also sense that not only are we all from different places but also different times, meaning that if we weren't as strong, we would all be dead from the time displacement. However, our times do seem to cross paths every once in a while but this is unnatural. Morpheus is a GOD, he can do those types of things, but he could be running out of strength and trying to avoid the regeneration cycle the old gods used to use. If this is correct, then he brought us to either make the job easier for him and just kill each other to see who is the most powerful or to drain all of our strength with his power over fear in his nightmare. Either way, we need to watch out for each other, keep each other updated on if we see anything that could be trying to target our worst fear, and, under no means, are we to touch Morpheus. I think I would be able to help you reform eventually but it would still be painful to...." He mimed exploding with his hands.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Camry Maxwell wrote:
Camry thought about how to respond to Jonathan. "Well, a god is a bit of a stretch, I'm more like a demigod. Or maybe less than that. I'm as mortal as you are, yet because of how I was born, I was given the powers I have in order to stay alive. I cant even use them all the time. Morpheus, on the other hand, was born a god and is much more powerful than I. I think I may know why we are all trapped here but... I would understand if you rather not hear." He responded.

Ren and Azumi listened on as they evaluated the status of the hospital's reinforcements, putting up magic jammers and boarding more walls up with scraps of wood and metal using magic, though Ren did most of the work as he repeatedly urged Azumi to rest as her form was still in the midst of fading away. The hospital did not seem run down at all, especially the room they were in. It would hold maybe a few days more than the bookstore ever could. But, it was better to prepare for another unpredictable attack than to do otherwise. The sandman, a god? Azumi thought to herself. It Could be, it could be, but their current evidence, evidence that Turuilla has held ever since, has shown that the sandman could possibly be some old man. Then again, the diary stated something about fighting a sandman before him. Maybe it was possible that there were two sandmen?

She discussed this to Ren, who suggested they share it to Camry, one of the newcomers who spoke of his demigod.

"Look, pal", Ren said to Camry, thinking to himself, "Not so sure about this, but maybe two sandmen exist. A bad guy and a good guy type of thing going on here, know what I'm saying?"

"I am of the same opinion that the sandman who was attacking us could very well be another entity, not the old man in the picture that our friend Turuilla has", Azumi commented, "The real question comes to mind, is this old man just another hostile being or is he a possible ally?"

They awaited the response of everyone. This could give them further clues. However, Azumi's maternal instincts suddenly kicked in. She rushed over to Ashley, the pregnant paramedic with her four tails wagging as she smiled.

"I know you said earlier about 'not being fooled by your belly', however it is deifinitely your priority to ensure your unborn child is safe. I do not recommend fighting", Azumi smiled softly.

She then looked at Ren for a brief moment, who waved at her.

"I am Azumi and the man you just saw is my son, Ren", Azumi said, "We are not of the same race because I adopted him. Since he's all grown up, maybe I could give you tips on how to best prepare for motherhood?"
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan hears Camry's explanation that he's not really a god, but just a mortal that has very convenient powers that could confuse others into believing that he's one.

"I see..." said Jonathan

Then Camry mention that he believed why everyone who's here are trapped here, and naturally this will immediately pique his interest that he would've demanded an explanation...even going against his own nature of either not prying or demanding, but to him this is very important that it could be considered a life and death situation... But Jalie managed to beat him to it as he listens intently on Camry's reasons behind Morpheus trying to use the people he traps here as a new host when all others are dead and taking the last survivor.

"That's very devious...sacrificing us just to get rid of the regeneration cycle... While I could understand his motives for breaking away such a thing, using human souls to do it is still cruel...he's definitely no Genesis from my world that just wants to destroy and reset everything when it was activated..." said Jonathan

Then Ren and Azumi explains to Camry about the two sandmans, and agrees that the evil one should be Morpheus while the other one is good and that they should seek him out.

"If that journal is any indication that there's another sandman, one that's actually a good guy, then we should try and seek him out...hopefully it'll be possible during the daytime where we probably won't get under attacked at all, if not as bad as during the night during that sandstorm surrounding the bookstore...and that my powers was able to hold it back despite being in intense rage... I can still remember bits and pieces of what happened during that time..." said Jonathan

And then Azumi broke the tension as she was then fusses over Ashley with her being an expectant mother with a baby coming along the way...similar to how Futaba also mentions this and wanted to know how far she's in pregancy...

"Easy, easy, ladies... I know that we care about Ashley being pregnant and all, but fussing about it isn't going to make her comfortable...while also likely annoying her in the process... Of course, it would be best if we can get back to our own worlds as soon as possible's definitely for the best if Ashley's child not to be born in this messed up world..." said Jonathan "In fact I wonder if it would be possible? For her to give birth in this world? Rather very cruel for both the child and mother to be exposed to constant danger that this world offers...while also not having likely any and all materials and things needed for birthing a child... Then again, while she's pregnant, she's likely having it very rough for who knows how long...and in fact it's likely going to be even well beyond her time as long as she stays here, adding more difficulty physically and mentally... Gods...this Morpheus guy really is beyond cruel if that's what we're dealing with here...when I get my hands on that bastard..."

Jonathan then gets up as he then decides to go have a look around for supplies in order to make several much-needed things for their new base.

"Anyway, I got a good enough rest, and I feel great now I got a lot of food in my stomach. I'm going out to see what I can find and see if I can find any other people to send them over here. I'll be fine on my own, I do have all of my powers and abilities after all. The sandman isn't going to beat me that easily anymore." said Jonathan as he then decides to leave to adventure out into the quiet city to look for stuff
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

Futaba drew a heavy sigh as she felt the sudden tiredness over her body. She was almost burned out, given the sudden power she gained on the battle field also resulting strain of her energy to unleash it. Futaba went to the nearby wall and lean her back on it, just to lessen her legs had to carry on the weight. Futaba nodded at Jalie who thanked her and she listened to Jonathan's story eagerly.

"You know, sometimes fate has been playing with us rudely." She grieved over Aurora, as Jonathan said that voluntarily annihilate herself to save the man she loved. It was nearly the same case like Futaba's mother, whom taking the south route to kill herself in order to protect her daughter. "I know I might be not good at giving motivation but, just like my mother, I believe Aurora will always be with you, on your heart, when you always think about her. And about the attack, it's okay for me, though I'm not lying that I also feel scared if you would turned out to be a monster. I just.... don't want to kill anybody." Futaba took a deep breath.

She gazed upon Jonathan when the blue things popped out of nowhere and like pulled into him. His armor and weapon also developed into a better shape than before, after he got the power. "As for now, my scanning abilities could be stretch out to 500m in circle, I'm on my cooling down state. I need some time to gain my power back so I could reach 2km at my territory to be read at." Futaba nodded along when Jonathan said that she might understand about the modern installment around the hospital more than he did.

She then moved on to listen to Camry's explanation about the God which could be experimented about trapping mortals to his kind of universe. "I don't like the idea to fight each other to survive...." Futaba scratched her hair to back. "Just like Jonathan said, we have to find more clues for this good sandman." Futaba closed her sentences.

Futaba looked at Jonathan that decided to ravel out the adventure by himself. "Well, be careful out there. And you should have this. This is like a communication device. I made this on my own. Probably that you find something on your way that might benefit us too." Futaba rushed over to Jonathan before he took his day and handed out a badge. It worked with the signal, much like a set of walkie-talkies. It has been modified so that they can communicate at a distance.

"And I'll be looking for some stuffs, maybe battery or medics that installed in this hospital." Futaba looked over to Jalie, Ren, Azumi, Ashley and Camry. "Jalie, or Ms. Azumi, both of you can call me if we need to go or if there is something happens. I will be right back." Futaba smiled at them. At that time, Futaba chose to have some kind of tour of the hospital, looking for anything she could loot or gain.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius stoped calling out. “Is there no one here? I heard sounds… I did get hit very hard and the instantaneous teleportation really does nothing for one’s senses. As lovely and eerie as this place is, I can’t help but feel off. Almost like this is one giant game, or a maze.”

Sirius’s brow furrowed as a sudden thought struck him. “Wait a minute if I can’t go home… Does that mean I can not summon my grimoires….?” Sirius’s eyes widened at the possibility.

Sirius closed his eyes, and nothing appeared. He tried again causing a small void to open. Nothing came through as the void closed.

“Oh, no, no! Think Sirius, think okay, so you’re in another reality. No way home, no grimoires…. At least I have my natural magical affiliation. The Grimoires are my amplifier’s, the tools I have relied on for centuries…” Sirius moved forward talking to himself.

“You don’t know what you are currently facing. You have no idea what’s going on. You are just here… uninformed, under powered, and lost. Lovely, just lovely. “ Sirius stoped moving, his panic slowly subsiding. He took a deep breath. “I need information. The places to start books, museum’s, the internet, archive’s, lores.” Sirius’s heart pounded. He could hear the echo. The amount of progress he made forward nearly lost to his will to turn around.

Sirius inhaled and exhaled. His eyes lingered on the buildings. “Maybe, I should enter one of these houses, or shops. They might have something.”

“Captain, captain,” A familiar voice called out to Sirius.

Sirius whipped around as he heard the title. He narrowed his eyes seeing nothing there.

“Captain,”Sirius heard it again. “Hey captain,” A pale blue apparition of Sirius’s first mate appeared. “Are you really going to leave this set back get to you. You’re the sinner who took on a hoard of Angels.”

Sirius glanced down. His eye lids half way covering his eyes. “At the cost of my crew, at the cost of my ship,” he spoke softly.

“We chose it captain, it was extermination day. It didn’t matter how fast we ran. Our ship was the only one that stood a chance. We gave the others a chance to flee. You told us how it was captain. Tilted your hat said Gentlemen and ladies it was truly a pleasure. You told us we could jump, told the water dwellers, they could flee. We chose to stay.” The apparition folded his arms. “You aren’t the captain, I know he isn’t this whiny.”

Sirius snapped. “You threw me over Board! I was suppose to go down with everyone!”

The first mate tilted his head. “Captain we always knew one day we would die on the red sea’s. So, one night we talked about what we would do. What was worth saving. We started planning. The thing that was worth the most to every one there was you. The man who gave us a place to call home. The man who pretended he was the nastiest thing on the red sea’s. Sure we had to give you our souls. You never took advantage. You never required more than what we were willing to give. You dealt with traitors the way you were supposed to.”

Sirius’s human form faded away. He Stormed over to his first mate with narrowed eyes. His enraged breath slightly visible. Suddenly various items floated and then slammed back down. “It was my choice! It was suppose to be my choice! You took that away from me!”

“Captain You took in the worst of us, the powerless, you gave them power. Stop crying, stop panicking and start plundering.” The apparition dissipated fading into Sirius’s chest.

A few tears slipped out as Sirius fell to his knees in the middle of the street. “I don’t think, I can ever be that captain again. Over time I become unrecognizable to myself.” He flopped to his bum, and wrapped his arms around his knees. Sirius buried his head. “Wait, did a soul literally give itself a form?” His sadness, and rage forgotten for a moment. “I need a few minutes, and then I will start looking for answers.”
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

(( Interesting lore about Sirius there, Sincerity. ))

Jonathan was a bit surprised at Futaba's mention about the death of her own mother, somewhat similar to Jonathan's circumstances with losing Aurora. Though Futaba did say that she isn't good at pep talks, the fact that she's trying, and not to mention share similarities between them, was more than enough to make him happy.

"Thanks, still really means a lot what you said...and, again, I'm really sorry about all of that... I definitely won't succumb to that ever again." said Jonathan as he then listens to Futaba again about her abilities "500m to 2km at peak. Good to know, and still that's quite impressive. I look forward to your support, you definitely remind me of a few friends that specialize in supporting the party...although no one has interesting abilities like yours..."

Then Futaba offers Jonathan a cute badge that also works as a walkie-talkie...though if she said that, such a word is alien to him, but he'll quickly get the message on what it does...

"This is rather cute and neat. Thanks. Although I can make it a bit better...give me one second..." said Jonathan

Jonathan concentrates calmly, his blue aura appears once again. The badges float a bit, soon surrounded by a blue bubble as he infuses each one with magic to not only boost communication range, but it'll also now work without the need of electricity or radio waves, replacing it with magical pulses that specializes in communication.

"There we go, I infuse some magic into these devices to boost communication range, and it'll work without needs like electricity or something. It'll definitely be akin to telepathy with this, so we'll definitely keep in touch." said Jonathan as he then gets going "I'll be back in a few hours. I'll be sure to report everything I've seen and map out the area of what I explore when I get back."

And thus Jonathan then leaves the safety of the hospital to go gather information, materials, and people shall he find others out there. His first point of interest is finding a messy abandoned hardware store that will have all sorts of materials that he can use in his cauldron's definitely a treasure trove with him...

"Oh wow, look at all the stuff here. Sure, there's no food from what I'm seeing, but all of these metals, tools, and other things are going to be helpful with my cauldron synthesis to make a lot of cool things. Might as well gather what I can." said Jonathan

Jonathan would then gather a lot of stuff spilled all over the place and put it all in his magical carrying bag that can easily store all of what he was able to gather and find. It would take him at least 40 minutes before being done and decided to move on with his exploration. Naturally, while he moves around, he makes a map of what he finds and makes many notes of the things he has seen.
Camry heard the thought of both a good and bad sandman and really hoped that was true. He really didn't want to have to deal with his fear, and definitely didn't want anyone to have to suffer through that. He shoock his head, noting that he was getting soft. He decided to go to an spare room and close the door. He reached out to the old gods, asking for potions and weapons that could help him and these other people. A table appeared holding all sorts of potions: ones of healing, shrinking and growing to enormous sizes, and one that turned the user to a gaseous state. He also realised he now had his golden lasso, his diamond bullets, and his rifle slung across his back. He also noted a small red bottle that he had never seen before. He picked it up, holding it up to further investigate it, when he realized it was a posion. He was shocked as why the gods would send this. He sighed, survival of the fittest was not an option here. He slipped the others in his jacket but smashed the posion on the table...causing it to explode. He winced, "I hope no one heard that..." He thought.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

(OOc Thanks Forever. )

Sirius lifted his head and sighed. “For the longest time I was the man who clung to immortality.” A slow movement caught his attention. His eyes widened. A person, a person, he mentally exclaimed.
He jumped up as his tail flipped up with exuberance.

Sirius winced and forcefully closed his tail. He placed a hand over the back of it. It appears human. Did it notice??? Am I noticeable. He seems distracted. Sirius transformed into a human, and slowly made his way over to the welcome sight.

When he reached a suitable distance Sirius spoke. “Hello, sorry to distract you, my name is Sirius. I appear lost and know nothing. Does this place have a name? Is it a dream? Am I dead? Did some sort of vile entity, or a king summon people here? Is there peril? Most importantly is there history and lore? Does this place have cycles of the day and night?”

He did not take a breath as everything rushed out. Sirius panted, finally calming down. He stepped back horrified at the out pouring of his own questions. He raised a hand and tapped his forehead.

“Forgive me for my rudeness, you see I was summoned from the afterlife to save earth once again. At the end of the fight. I just ended up here, almost like a delusion, I can’t seem to find my way back. If it helps you are the first alive thing I saw.”
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan personally didn't expect to find someone else out there, even though Jalie did say that she still did detect few more people. When Sirius called out to him, Jonathan was distracted, thinking about other things, until he came along which scared him a bit.

"Gah! What the?! Oh...hi...I didn't think I would find someone else out here..." said Jonathan as he heard Sirius' introduction and questions " Pleasure, Sirius. The name is Jonathan. Also slow down and relax a're safe...for now at least... Anyway, we don't really know what this place is, but it's safe to assume that this is a closed world that we're all teleported into by some powerful force or god...we don't really know too much yet as me and other people try to find a way to get ourselves back home... And, no, you and I aren't much as we want to think that this isn't reality, unfortunately it is for all of us who got transported here... Indeed, this closed world here is perilous, at least not during the day...but once it's nighttime is when the sandman comes out and tries to assault'll probably be within your best interest if you make your way over to the hospital several blocks down in that direction over there where we set up our base... As for me, I'm out here gathering materials and stuff to create some helpful tools later before the next night cycle...of which we have no idea when that's going to happen since day and night doesn't follow a natural cycle here... Also, you're asking about information and lore about this place? Well, we did find a journal about an old man who was trying to escape this place along with a few others, but apparently he also turned into a least a good one from what we deduced right now... We're trying to look for him to see if he can help us get us back to our own worlds...while it's not my highest priority at the moment, finding him would be a massive boon for all of us..."

Jonathan catches a bit of his breath after explaining all of that to Sirius, and he wasn't done just yet as he said something that surprises him.

"You were...summoned from the afterlife...? Well, we aren't sure what this world is, but it's definitely not Earth. Everyone who gets teleported here seems to get snatched up during whatever bad thing that has happened to them...either by dreams, or fighting, like what happened to you... Well, that's everything I know at the moment...any more questions...? If not, I recommend you go to the hospital I told you about over in that general direction over there were the others are, you'll easily find it if you see tall walls surrounding it. As for me, I'm still looking for more things and mapping out the area before heading back, so I can't guide you right now...unless if you're willing to come with me, I don't mind..." said Jonathan
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Huh." She thinks about what Camry said and then what Ren said. "Well, I think they're both possibilities, we shouldn't rule any of them out yet. Hell, they might even both be true in some way."

Jalie stays silent as she listens to the people talking around her. "Okay Futaba." Jalie nods at Futaba and watches her and Jonathan leave. "I think I'm gonna go find the other person.." She leaves the building and wanders in the direction of Sirius. Her ears are perked up and she listens intently as she walks.

Jonathan already found them. She stops before reaching Sirius and turns back to the hospital when she hears something explode. Jalie runs back. "Is everyone okay?" She says as she enters the hospital.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius placed one arm across his middle and rested his other elbow on top. His hand rubbed under his chin. “It’s one of those with a twist. There is always a twist. I can’t in good conscience come along with you. I would only slow you down. The time limit you have is important. I have already unjustifiably impeded your progress. I also can’t leave you with out aid.” He released his pose.

Sirius closed his eyes and moved his hands. “Excuse me this will only take a moment. I’m a bit out of practice.” Within a few seconds, and a brilliant flash of purple light, two ethereal crow’s stood on Sirius’s shoulder’s. Both of them donning dark purple and black feathers. The ethereal birds took flight.

Sirius tilted his head up watching them. “They use to be yellow.” He turned his attention to Jonathan. “They will alert you if they spot anything useful, or threatening. If you happen to be out longer than you should be. If it finds you, they will collide, and create a large flash of light. Now due to the difference in energy. Who knows what will happen. I shall be going now. If you would rather not have the birds it’s fine.” Sirius turned to leave.

(( OOc I’m thinking of making the birds that Sirius leaves with the other characters controllable by that character. Like a helpful temporary fairy. The birds would behave how that character perceives them. if that makes sense. If not that’s fine.))
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

(( Well, as long as it doesn't really threaten my character, then that's fine. I don't mind doing the extra work in controlling this crow. ))

Sirius' behavior was a little bit weird with Jonathan, ultimately he doesn't want to come with him because he would've slowed him down while he's out looking for stuff, but will still leave him with something to help him...a magic familiar that Sirius summoned in a brilliant flash of light that Jonathan had to shield his eyes... Once the crow flew to Jonathan's shoulder, Sirius then begins to leave him.

"Uhhhhh...are you sure about this...?" asked Jonathan, but it's unlikely that what he can say or do would change his mind "Well...he's gone... *Sigh*...Well it's ultimately his choice...something tells me he'll do just fine on his own though..."

Jonathan the looks at his crow partner, behaving like a normal crow, still perched on his shoulder.

"Alright then my little new friend, back to the adventuring." said Jonathan

Jonathan then resumes his adventure of finding more stuff, information, and mapping out the area once more. He'll eventually turn back close to another hour.
[OOC: Phew, y'all on fire! I got a lot to catch up on, so apologies in advance if I miss anyone or anything!]

So while the idea of barricading the ground floor as much as possible was a good idea, Ashley didn't entirely take into account whether or not there'd be enough resources. Because that was a lot of windows and doors to cover. At the very least, they could just close the blinds in each room and wedge chairs under the handles. But as far as the front door and the larger windows? That would be too time consuming. "Well, I didn't exactly take into account the amount of resources that we would need to barricade every window and door down on the ground floor. Maybe fortifying one of the upper floors may be the better solution?" She responded, scratching her chin whilst resting her arms on top of the large belly.

Just then, a young woman would enter the hospital, introducing herself. Jalie. "Ashley. Nice to meet you as well." She shook the young woman's hand with a firm grip.

And like Jonathan, Jalie may have had access to the mystical arts, as she was able to sense the unborn baby inside Ashley's belly. "First time for everything, dear." She responded.

The expectant mother then proceeded to look towards the abundance of food and drinks. While she was hungry, Ashley wasn't sure of where to start. When she was looking to grab one of the smaller items, currently not all that hungry, they would soon be joined by additional company. Up next was Futuba. Mmm, given the attire, she must've been the heavy gaming type. At least from Ashley's own perspective. She would then grab one of the basic items, namely a Tuna Sandwich since it was available. She didn't need anything too fancy. To follow up though, just a cup of water since sugary drinks often tended to give her stomachaches, which really sucked during the later stage of pregnancy. Even worse, some foods and drinks made her gassy. Which currently was less then ideal.

Futuba then proceeded to ask how far along she was in her pregnancy. By this point, she was pretty much done with her sandwich and proceeded to take a big gulp from the cup of water, then wiping her mouth with a paper towel prior to answering. "Like nine months. I'm due in like a week unless the baby wants to be stubborn about staying in my tummy." She replied as she placed her hand on her back. "And I'm afraid I can't do much in a fight, as you're not wrong, being heavily pregnant does hold me back. All I can do is patch you up if you get hurt, depending on the severity, but going into a fight is probably the worst idea for me right now."

Great...more company. At this point, Ashley did want to groan, but that could easily be brushed off as pregnancy fatigue. Yes, it was taking its toll on her at this stage, but until she knew she was safe, resting was kinda out of the question. She listened as everyone present was trying to figure things out, from finding out where others were, how to deal with the Sandman, his origins, who he could actually be...Honestly there was just too much for Ashley to keep track of. So she just kinda left everyone to their own devices, then she was approached by a four-tailed fox woman, the tails wagging. The other woman proceeded to recommend that Ashley refrain from fighting. "Yeah, I know, I don't plan on fighting, only providing aid to those who are hurt since that's what I'm good at."

The woman then proceeded to introduce herself as Azumi, and stating that she was here with her adoptive son, Ren. Then she offered tips on how to best prepare for motherhood. Since Ashley had very little experience with children outside of treating them and loading them into ambulances in the aftermath of car crashes, maybe some tips would go a long way for her. "Sure. Since I'm not the best with children, I guess a few tips could go a long way."

Before that could start, Jonathan had stepped in to get the other women to settle down. While it was nice to know that they were concerned for her well-being, he did remind them not to be overbearing. And that it was probably best that her baby wasn't born in the current world they were in. Honestly, she'd prefer that too and was low-key hoping that her baby would stubborn about staying in her tummy, at least until she got back to Earth. Unfortunately, frozen in time and in her pregnant state wasn't gonna be stopping the less-then-savory symptoms of late stage pregnancy. But hey, at least those baby kicks were cute.

Now onto the next move. Jonathan was planning on venturing back out, while Futuba was planning to scan the area for others seeking refuge. "Well, I should probably go find a place to relax. And for any newcomers, send them my way and I'll check for injuries and treat hem accordingly."

A few moments later, a few people had left. Then there was an explosion, followed by Jalie returning. "Mmm, yeah, I'm okay. Just kinda...dealing with a stomachache and feeling a little..." she hesitated. "Gassy." She said as she started blushing. "Who knew growing another human being would be such hard work." She sighed.

((OOC: Alright, wrote out everything and responded to as much as I could without missing anyone. And let's go from there. I'll try not to have my posts so spread out after this one barring unusual circumstances of course.))
((OOC: I just decided to put weapons and potions very vague so you can get what best suits your characters. Hope that's ok!))
Camry woke up suddenly, not realizing he had fallen asleep. He stood up and walked out, but froze when he realized that he had another posion in his jacket. "The gods really want me to use this.." He thought. He thought about the fight that would eventually come with the sandman and the team he had to work with. "Hey guys, I'm going to clear the food table for a second. And uh, take a look at the table when you have a chance." Then, he reached out to the gods once again, making more healing potions and weapons that would best suit his companions. When the table was full, he suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed on the ground. " That may have been to much" he thought as struggled to stand.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie nods and smiles at Ashley's response. "I guess so."

"Oh good, it's alright. I'm glad you're okay though." Jalie pats Ashley's arm and looks around the reception area of the hospital. Nothing seems damaged..

Jalie makes her way toward the room Camry went to. She knocks on the door, not wanting to intrude. "Camry? Are you okay?" She waits outside the door for a response.

While doing this she takes note of Sirius seeming to get farther from them while Jonathan seems to get a bit closer again. Oddly, there's an odd presence with Jonathan. It's smaller, and not human. Well then, guess he got a pet? She shrugs it off for now and turns her attention back to Camry on the other side of the door.

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