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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Our pain filled dream đź©·

Camry heard jalie outside, but he was so tired that he could only groan. He tried to communicate with her like when they first met. "Jalie, help, I can't move..." He thought.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius realized he made a couple of wrong turns before finding the hospital. He stood outside the building glaring at it, before entering. He slowly opened the door and poked his head in. "Hello," he called out softly. "I was told to come here. I got lost for several minutes."

((No harm. Just something that's meant to be vaguely helpful.))
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

For about a quiet time to take some tour on the hospital, Futaba looked around her surroundings. Dirty tiles, broken cabinets and rusted metal bed frames were displayed in front of her. Even without all these things, hospitals are pretty creepy to begin with. Maybe because hospitals are associated with illness and death, as well as being places that should be clean. Futaba walked to a room which look like the doctor's room, or some kind of a lab. She moved closer to see if there would be anything she could build of it. She gushed over the recycle item and found some good circuit boards to be got from routers, switches, modems. There were also an abandoned computers. Futaba took out some screws from her backpack and have her focus on the computer. She then open the side of the computer case and unscrew them with a screwdriver. She also took out her bolt cutter to cut the wires. She pulled out the computer's component and took the wire to direct it to her own hand computer. "Just a bit..." Futaba wiped out the sweat on her forehead with the back of her sleeve and now connect the computers. The data on the old computer has transferred to her Ipad. There were also some data of the illness, patient, survivors and the death of the current hospital they are resting. She scrolled down and find an interesting picture of a patient that look like the girl from the sandman's journal picture. Futaba saved them and think that the data might be benefit them later.

Just at the time she was about to look for more stuff about the metals and power supply, an explosion could be heard to the other room across the wall. Surprised, Futaba quickly plug off her Ipad and rushed toward where everyone had stand by. "What was happening?!" Futaba asked Jalie and Ashley if the explosion came from them. One person is missing! Futaba thought. It was the man whom saying about the God of dreams. Where was he then?

Meanwhile, another person popped in, he said that he got lost before found their place, Futaba changed to a guarding state. "Did you also wake up to this dream?" She asked to Sirius. Wake up to a dream it sound so strange in every way. Although it was the fact this all a dream universe they got in.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie waited a bit, feeling an odd little nudge in her own mind. What in the world? "Um, Camry... I'm gonna come in." She waited before opening the door and walking in. Jalie's eyes immediately go to Camry who is laying on the ground. She quickly kneels by him. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Wait, could that feeling have been Camry trying to talk to me? I don't want to invade his privacy though... I guess.. it's worth a shot... Jalie slips into Camry's mind and waits for a response from him.

Jalie gives a small wave in the newcomer's direction. She decided she'd introduce herself later. She needed to make sure Camry was okay first.

"I'm not sure." Jalie shakes her head. "I was outside when I heard it and I just came back in a little bit ago."
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

"Well, yes. It's a complicated and arduous explanation." He noticed her defensiveness and slight distress. "Was I not supposed to come here? I can wait outside if you like. The man named Jonathan directed me here. Something seemed to of happened. I'm afraid my senses aren't up to par yet."

Sirius's eyes glanced around the reception. They landed on Ashley, and he then quickly turned his gaze away. I'm going to protect this person and her little one, Sirius thought.

"Can I stay, please? I mean I wouldn't have been much help to him. I don't take up much room. I'm useful. I know magic, herbs, potions. I like being around people."
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan's next point of interest is finding a library amongst the buildings, and like every other building the inside is pretty abandoned and unkept. Still Jonathan enters to find any and all information that could help them escape this world...while also looking to see if he could find more alchemy recipe books to learn new stuff to make with the stuff he has... What he managed to find was very few books of the things he looked for, and there were hundreds of books in there that he was able to quickly skim through.

"That took a lot of time, but...I did manage to find a few more journals and a few more alchemy recipe books to learn new stuff that can help us out... I guess that's all I can find here, and really that's all I should be able to search for the time being, so I should head on back." said Jonathan

But before doing so, once he exited the library, Jonathan decided to get an eagle's eye view of the city.

"You might want to take to the skies for a bit, my friend. I'm going to summon a very tall ice pillar to act as a perch to see what else I can see." said Jonathan

The crow does just that, he flew off his shoulder as Jonathan once again morphs his regular clothing into his magic armor again. Brandishing his magic runesword out of his shield, Jonathan plants the sword point on the ground as then a very tall ice pillar quickly forms and set him up high into the sky. He has a perfect view of the whole city, and whatever geographic terrain he could find, like mountains, grasslands, forests, etc. The crow soon returns and perch on his armor's shoulder blades again.

"You really are a smart crow, aren't you?" said Jonathan with a smile as he then looks around all the buildings and geographic terrain "Hmm...well the city is decently large, and the architecture is what I'm somewhat used to...but something about these buildings is rather more...futuristic than what I've seen in my world... I don't see any tall buildings like my ice pillar here..." said Jonathan as he then notices something rather odd and interesting farther ahead "Hey now, what's that ramp thing over there? Let's check it out real quick before heading on back."

Jonathan then slowly let the ice pillar sink into the ground again as he makes his way towards a large ramp that leads to an underground shelter. At the bottom, he was stopped by a massive metal gate.

"Well, well, now...this must be some sort of underground shelter..." said Jonathan as he gets closer to examine the super thick metal gate blocking the way, knocking on it lightly "Not even a single sound...this must be an incredibly thick metal gate... Hmm...I doubt even my powers will be able to break through something so super thick... Boy, stuff from the future is both interesting and quite scary...we never have metal doors like this..."

Then Jonathan notices and finds a keypad next to the metal door as he then decides to press a few buttons...but naturally nothing happens, not even a single sound, when it has no power for it to work...

"Hmm...nothing is happening when I pressed the buttons... Not even a single sound... Probably it doesn't have any power...electrical power, I bet... Well, it'll be something I'll be able to do something about later, but right now I suppose I should head back and report my findings...especially before it gets dark..." said Jonathan

Finally satisfied to what he found and gathered; Jonathan would then make his way back to the hospital to report on everything he had found. Along the way back he was able to find slightly cleaner grocery stores to gather clean food, cans, and drink...though it wasn't too much to sustain the people that are currently there... Still, it was more than he had bargained for as he continues to make his way back, happily. By the time Jonathan gets back to the hospital to meet up with the others...a little over 3 hours would've passed...
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Sirius The Sinner wrote:
"Well, yes. It's a complicated and arduous explanation." He noticed her defensiveness and slight distress. "Was I not supposed to come here? I can wait outside if you like. The man named Jonathan directed me here. Something seemed to of happened. I'm afraid my senses aren't up to par yet."

Sirius's eyes glanced around the reception. They landed on Ashley, and he then quickly turned his gaze away. I'm going to protect this person and her little one, Sirius thought.

"Can I stay, please? I mean I wouldn't have been much help to him. I don't take up much room. I'm useful. I know magic, herbs, potions. I like being around people."

"Excuse me, sir", Azumi interjected, "You are from the afterlife? I am from the spirit realm, a place a bit similar to the afterlife!"

"You never told me that", Ren said

"That's because it's rather rare for a yokai to be created from a dead thing these days. I myself was born into the spiritual world rather than coming from a formerly dead fox. The spirit realm and the afterlife are... I guess you could say closely intertwined despite sounding like the same place to some"

"Either way, you can stay. You sound pretty noble, what with defending the world after being summoned", Ren said to Sirius and smiled, "Besides, your another one of the sandman's victims. Didn't expect him to bring a dead guy though. At least you're unkillable..."

This only caused Azumi to scold Ren for treating Sirius in a way that suggests he could take hits for them instead. Ren was always the type to focus on the mission during his time with the Treasoners and the present was no different. He never changed.

Then Sirius summoned ethereal crows, causing Azumi to squeal in glee. She has a penchant for summoning beings from the spiritual plane and her interest in it was neverending, based on Ren's recollection of her nagging him about the topic.

"Look Renny! Summons!"

The crow began to peck at Ren, pulling back his hood.

"Knock it off! You remind me of my bird, Gatto, ya jerk!"

Azumi snickered wildly. However, her making fun of her son ended up with another crow poking her by the tails, which made her yelp in pain. Her tails were a rather sensitive part of her physical form after all, being the central storage of her mana.
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

Sirius had mentioned that it was Jonathan whom told him to find them and stay with them so Futaba loosen up a bit. "Oh, you met Jonathan? Sure sure. You can stay. I'm sorry of my defensive manner, because we just had some chaotic moments before. If Jonathan trust you then you can stay. We were all here when we woke up into this madness, the sandman doing." Futaba gave a slight summary to Sirius before heading back to Jalie. It looks like she tried to make connection to Camry next door. "Is he okay? Should we force this door to open?" She looks up to Jalie if the rabbit-like woman can make some sort of connection to Camry's mind.

Meanwhile, Azumi seemed to take an interest on Sirius since she claimed that she came from such a similar place to him.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"I'm sure it will be fine if you stay. We're just wary, and a bit stressed." Jalie glances back at the new person when she speaks. "I'm Jalie, by the way." His presence is odd. I don't think he's human... She looks back at Camry.

"I don't know, he hasn't answered yet. We might have to. Although, we'll have to be careful; He's in the middle of the room, on the floor I think. He's not really moving around either." Jalie gives Futaba a worried look. "His mind seems to be somewhat panicked."
((Sorry guys, school caught up with me))
Camry still couldn't move . It was like he could sense the people around but his mind was elsewhere. "Jalie, I can't" He thought desperately. He tried to summon the power of the gods but his body refused. "Jalie, you gotta do something, plea..." He wasn't even able to finish the thought before his entire body shut down, and slumped fully to the ground.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

A yokai, he’s only ran into a few of those and none like Azumi. Her senses are sharp. He had not told anyone but Jonathan he’s from the afterlife. He wondered if it would be good idea to drop his disguise.

Sirius glanced worriedly in Ashley’s direction his shoulder’s slumped. He sighed, Two already know, it would be better if he’s honest. “I’m not noble at all, I do things because I want to. Not because some predestined God or human declares it so,” sirius red eyes seemed to glow. “I really don’t want you, to think differently of me,” he said that more to Ashley than anyone else. “I offended the Christian God by turning against him. I accepted his existence, but I would not bend my knee. I have committed atrocious acts as well as supposed noble deeds.

“Technically, I suppose I’m still immortal.” Not the type I want though, his mind supplied. “As long as no one casts light magic on me.”

Sirius released his human disguise, revealing his true image of a humanoid peacock. “I guess you could say I am a yokai as well, depending on your views. I thank you all for your kindness.”

Sirius’s chuckled at the crow’s actions. “Do forgive them.”

He turned his attention to Julie and futaba. “Perhaps I can help. Do you know if that room has a window?” If the situation is unknown, I would rather not open a door. Especially because of…” he didn’t finish speaking.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Meanwhile, Jonathan was getting close to the hospital...when suddenly he stopped and looked at a building covered all over in vines... He took a more different route in order to get back to base, so he managed to bump into this new area and building on his way back.

"A building covered in vines, huh? Hmmmmm..." said Jonathan

Jonathan then lightly sniffs the air...for some really strange reason... It was then that he notices something as he then smiles...

"Hey, little buddy. Hang here for a second." said Jonathan

Jonathan plants his shield on the ground standing face up as he then let his crow ally resting on it. Afterwards, Jonathan decided to head on into the building, cutting through some vines in order to make his way in. Nothing was happening inside at first, and then all of a sudden some glass breaking sounds was heard, followed by grunts and other sounds. This kept going for about ten minutes until it was all but silent... Soon afterwards, Jonathan came out as he then brushes himself off of all the dirt and vines.

"I'm glad I didn't take you inside with me...quite some crazy stuff was happening in there...especially the vines... But at least I got even more good stuff, and in fact one important ingredient in order to do my alchemy synthesis in the first place...some high-grade fertilizer... Now I definitely got everything I needed to really help out. It's definitely time to head back." said Jonathan

The crow then flies on over and perches on Jonathan's shoulder armor blade again as he then plants his runeblade back inside his shield and lifts everything up with one hand before putting it on his back all in one quick and very smooth motion. Jonathan then proceeds to make his way all the way to the hospital, arriving about 15 minutes after a slight detour.

"Heya, guys! I'm back~!!" said Jonathan with a smile and small he then notices Sirius and his new form... "Uhhhhhh...what the... A human...and a peacock...? What the hell is going on here?"
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

((It's alright, it happens, I completely get it.))

"Oh my god!" Jalie tries to open the door but it's locked. "I don't know if the room has a window." She sighs. "The one time I don't have a wire or bobby pin." She mutters. "I don't like the idea of breaking the door down, it could hurt him. But it might be the only choice we have."

Jalie doesn't seem fazed or surprised by Sirius's revelation. I figured as much.

She stares at the door for a second, before her eyes light up with an idea. Jalie crouches and looks at the crack, it's not a big space, but it's enough for her to squeeze through as a rabbit. "I'll unlock it from the inside."

Suddenly the air around her glitters as if small fireflies are flying around her. She turns into a small rabbit and squeezes herself underneath the door. A few seconds later she opens it for everyone else, back in her human form. She turns and kneels next to Camry.
Camry woke up... somewhere familiar. He sat up and realized he was on the sidewalk in New York. "Does that mean we got out? If not, why am I here?" He mused. "Camry, are you ok??" A little girl asks. He looks over and can't believe his eyes. He knew her and she was...dead. Abby was just as he remembered he on the day it happened. She wore a sleeveless pink shirt, white golf shorts, and her favorite hair bow. She was the sister of his best friend Jake. They were returning home from...the park, right? "If I'm back at that time, it means I'm 8 and she's 6." He thought. "Yeah, I'm fine." Camry replied, getting up. Abby ran ahead of him, forcing him to chase after her. "Hey, wait up!" He shouted. She looked around and laughed before running straight into a man in a business suit and falling down. Camry finally caught up and apologized for her. "I'm sorry sir, she's very clumsy." He said, smirking at her. She stuck out her tongue. The man laughed but kept his eyes on her. It's fine, young man, and may I say that she is such a delicious....pretty looking girl..." All the alarm bells went off in Camry's head. "We should get going now" he said quickly, grabbing Abby's hand. Before he could take one step, however, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I don't think so..." the man growled. Camry felt himself lifted in the air and thrown like he was nothing. His head slammed on the pavement and he struggled to stand. Abby screamed as the man bit into her neck. "NO! STOP IT! Camry screamed, climbing to his feet. He rushed the man but just as he reached them, they simply vanished in a black cloud of smoke. Camry dropped to his knees. He had failed his friend and couldn't protect her. How could he help those other people? Then, the nightmare restarted, forcing him to relive it again.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

The moment Jalie opened the door Sirius panicked. In his panic a shield wrapped around Ashley. His expression quickly morphed between rage and an unsettling calm. His tail unfolded displaying the grey with purple hues, greens and designs. The designs seemed to shift and morph with his emotional state. He walked over to the room, his tail slowly folding up.

Sirius’s eyes searched the room, his eyes landed on the table. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. A shield doesn’t protect from gas. His heart pounded. “If anything happens to that woman and her child. You will meet the captain I am not anymore.” Sirius moved his hand quickly summoning two dark purple ethereal love birds.

The love birds flew quickly in front of Ashley. They moved at an incredible sped in front of her, creating a contained vortex of wind to waft away the possibility of anything coming toward her.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie ignores Sirius as she watches the scene unfold in Camry's head. Her expression turns to that of shock and horror and she watches as it restarts. It plays over again. "He's having a... nightmare of some sort. It's a memory, something he went through in the past. It just keeps replaying."

Her eyes close and Jalie looks almost as if she's in a trance. She forces the scene to stop and she appears in front of Camry. "Hey, it wasn't your fault. You were a child, don't blame yourself." She speaks to Camry, in his mind, in a soft, calming tone. She waits, at this point she can see and hear all of his thoughts.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius took a deep breath and stepped back. He let his emotions over run him. “Purification would be best and an analysis should be done.” Those two didn’t seem to be effected. He over reacted. Sirius glanced down. “What ever it is don’t touch anything with out some sort of protection.”

The shield faded around Ashley and the love birds ceased their actions. He probably scared and stressed that woman out. He isn’t needed near this room. Sirius walked away. He should give them space.

Sirius trailed from the group down a different hallway. He found a vacant room with an open door at the end entered it, and closed it. The love birds remained behind, softly cooing at Ashley. They perched high up.
He hears what Jalie says but doesn't believe it. "No, it was my fault, everyone said so. Everyone blamed me. They locked me away for her disappearance. I'm worthless, I'm nothing, I couldn't protect her. Now I use what I do to cover my pain. I'm a failure... I can't help you, I can't help anyone..." He sobs.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Purification? Wait, don't touch what?" Jalie opens her eyes again and looks confused for a second before she returns her attention back to Camry. She closes her eyes again.

"But you can help us. You already have helped us. It really isn't your fault. He was much stronger than you... Did.. did they really lock you up for that? You were only a child!" Jalie walks over to him in this dream-like state and pats him gently on the back. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you do?"
"Yes, they thought I did something to her...even my friend didn't believe me.." He says quietly. "As for what I do... I'm a mercenary, mostly taking out people who treated others wrongly. It's easy to get away with it, considering my age and, well, size." He decided he trusted her, she had been nice and caring, and a slew of his memories formed. His mother tracing through time, her dying as she help him as a baby, the vampire killing Abby, him being pushed around in a cell, him healing a sick child...then everthing changed. Jalie disappeared and everyone in the nightmare place lay dead before him. He heard cold laughter as he whispered out, "Jalie...Jonathan.... guys.....please...don't leave me..."

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