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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Our pain filled dream đź©·

Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie groans in frustration and a bit of pain. She ignores it and pushes her way back to the front of his mind. I'm here. I won't leave you. She started to think to herself, trying to come up with ways to help. She didn't want to make him forget memories if it was unneeded. "What do you want me to do?" Jalie figured it might be best if he made the decision, or gave her an idea of what she needed to do to help.
"Please, just get me ever you can" he begged Jalie. If someone could, she could, or at least she hoped so. Then he had an idea. "Jalie, leave me here. Go back out and look in my's gonna be a lot of stuff but try to find a green potion. If you do, pour it in my mouth. Its a pain serum so it may just wake my up." Then he thought, "Or kill me," wincing when he realized Jalie probably heard.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

As the scene unfolds, Jonathan was hoping to get some answers as to what's going on...but not being able to do so, he instead tries to see what's going on through his own eyes, seeing Camry on the floor with Jalie close by doing her thing... As he was hoping to ask was going on, instead all he heard was Camry's recent words...

"A green potion in his jacket... Hold on..." said Jonathan as he heads to the lobby area and closes his eyes, manifesting his magical power again "Echo..."

Jonathan sends out a single blue pulse which acts as a locating sonar to detect certain objects of whatever he chooses more easily. He would soon locate Camry's Jacket to look all over to find the green potion for him to drink as he quickly rushes on back to give it to him.

"I got the green potion, Camry. Hang in there, I'm giving it to you now." said Jonathan "I hope this works..."
Camry could tell when someone poured the potion in his mouth because the pain was devastating. He screamed in his dream and felt like his body was on fire. He could feel thst it wss to much and if he didnt heal soon, his body would turn to ash. He opened his eyes to see Jonathan holding a now empty potion bottle and Jalie kneeling beside him. "Need healing jacket...Jonathan, please...." He sputtered, hoping his friendo would understand. He didn't have long.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie winces a little and lays her ears flat against her head when she hears Camry scream in his dream. She moves quickly to go through his jacket, pulling out various potions. "What color?" She asks, slightly panicked. She didn't know what potions were what.
Camry could feel himself blacking out..."Pur...ple" he choked out.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie quickly opens the purple potion and pours it into Camry's mouth.
"Thanks..." He smiles at Jalie and Jonathan before bursting into flames. His body quickly turned to ashes and a sign of a Phoenix appeared. His body quickly grew into a baby, toddler, and eventually, his 15 year old body. He looked at the ground. "That tends to happen if I take opposite potions at the same time." He couldn't look them in the eyes... especially Jalie. He must seem so weak now....
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Sounds like the Treasoners", Ren told Camry when he referred to his job as a mercenary. The Treasoners were a mercenary group as well. Maybe they were more of a vigilante group as money was of no concern to them, yet they are paid handsomely by some clients despite their initial refusals. Nearly all the money, however, was used to fund their cause. A safe and secure galaxy that was united.

Then something went wrong with Camry. Azumi quickly thought of using magic to stabilize his condition, however Jalie had already rushed in to get a purple potion that... repeated his life cycle from birth to his current state. Even though her summoner was desensitized by such things happening, Azumi quickly covered Ren's eyes with her tails in order to shield him, much like a mother would her child's.

"C'mon! He's fine!", Ren said as his eyes were still covered.

"Aw, alright...", Azumi pouted and removed her tails from Ren's face.

Then Ren looked at Camry for a few moments before he spoke, "That's normal to you? Being reborn like a phoenix? If anything, it's gotta be concerning, you should get that checked"

Ren did not mean to be sarcastic, but the way he said it would suggest irony in his voice. He quickly apologized after Azumi scolded him for sounding like that.
Camry wasn't offended by Ren. "That was the power of the Gods. If I overuse potions, I could die but they can bring me back that way. I could also share that power if one of you died." He explained.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius paced around the room he secluded himself in. He mumbled as his tail hung lower than usual.

A sudden blue light sprung from his chest. Sirius glanced down. Well, hmm this new. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? The image of his first mate formed again, this time a goat woman was with him. Her hands on her hips.

“Captain, what do you think you’re doing whining away,” the goat woman spat. “This ain’t you captain, so you made a mistake don’t wallow. If they don’t like ya, get rid of them.”

Sirius’s eye twitched. “That’s terrible advice.”

“So, you don’t see me wallowing in the nonsense that I spoke of,” said the goat woman.

The first mate whistled to him himself. “Cap the others want to see you too.”

Sirius scrutinized them. “How? Just How is this possible.” I can’t even take them apart to figure out how this is happening. It’s unfair, Sirius thought.

“You know captain you done enough mourning that lads kinda like you. Has the same feel. He also feels like the ones you use to pick up. You know we want to see the Hadrian’s Bow sail again. You at the helm, that would be a sight worth seeing. Hey cap remember that song.”

The first mate started to hum, the goat woman followed. More of Sirius Crew took shape. Ethereal water appeared in waves. A light blue 18 century
Ship that matched their ghostly vintage slowly rose out of the waters. A few different sea sinners and demons took form. Jumping over and swimming around.

The crew hummed as the ethereal waters rushed from the room down the corridor. A feeling exuded from the water. As if a joyous occasion appeared.

The Crew began to sing. The ship set sail, growing bigger as it went.

“Sin and harmony.
Joy in slaughter.
Villainy and greed.”

Despite the words the crew sing, it didn’t feel bad.

“The life of a pirate.” As they sing the crew danced and made merry. The water dwellers putting on their own show.”

Sirius blinked, opened the door, and watched his crew sail down the hall. “I-I think my souls ran away…..” Despite him saying that he was smiling, and then reality hit. “Oh, this is bad, isn’t, this is real bad.” He gave chase to the now loose souls.

“Life as a pirate.”
Patronage to the captain
Bow your heads,
Offer your souls for treasure and glory.
Life as pirate.”
Make merry and dance away.
Drink to the morrow’s hours.”

The crew continued to sing sailing faster until they made to the room where Camry is. The ship sailed through every one. The ethereal water’s stoping short of him.

The goat woman offered Hoofted fingers. Climb aboard, sail with us drown your sorrows it’s a new day always on the Hadrian’s Bow. “ You aren’t alone, you aren’t weak. In the moment you are, you got a crew. If you can’t trust your crew in the darkest moments how do you expect to win a fight. Stop your whining you’re just as bad as the captain. And I’m stuck inside of him.”
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"......Okay then... I guess I won't question as to how that all happened, but as Ren has said, you basically just went through a phoenix reincarnation... That's rather...crazy..." said Jonathan "I don't even know how I would feel going through a super-fast reincarnation cycle like that... Sure, it would mean I can stay alive...but something about it just really rubs me the wrong way..."

*Sigh* "Well in any case, I suppose you're now all better now, yeah? Gave us a real scare with your body fading away despite us trying to help you out...and just when I got back too..." said Jonathan as he then looks around to see Sirius disappeared "Wait, was Sirius just here a couple of minutes ago? ...Quite an enigma he is...especially that form of his... Well, in any case though, I'm going to go get things set up to perform my cauldron synthesis now, so I'll be quite busy for a while. I'll be using a big room to do my work in, but you'll all be able to easily find me. Oh, and I'll report what I've found later."

Jonathan would then leave as he looks around the first floor for a large room to use as his workspace, it'll have to be bigger than the hospital bedrooms, which in theory he'll have much better luck going downstairs to the basement floor. Luckily Jonathan was still able to find one that's just the right size as he then gets things set up. Jonathan unpacks a few things right now: bottles of water, fertilizer, and a few things to grind into fine powder. Before starting the process to make the first, and the most important, thing needed for his cauldron synthesis, the alchemic solution, he needs all three ingredients to be magically infused. The water and fertilizer are already ready, but the powder is not, it needed to be grinded into fine particles before it can be infused, so Jonathan took some time to do all of that before resuming his process. With everything ready, Jonathan then plants his shield on the ground, and took his sword out; afterwards he then made his runeblade drop three large droplets on the ground to summon a magic circle as he then puts the three ingredients down on those three circles. Once that's done, Jonathan then heads to the center of the three summoning circles...

"You're going to have to leave your perch again, and this time it's going to take a while. Sorry, friend..." said Jonathan

His crow ally understands, it caws before flying and decided to rest on the top of his planted shield to watch him again like it did before. With that done, Jonathan then invokes more of his magical power, creating a summoning circle by his feet...and then instantly froze himself in an ice crystal trap like how he did when he went berserk a while back... However, unlike last time, this was intentional as then the magic starts to happen with the three magic circles shining, now in the process of infusing the materials with magic to use to make alchemic solution. The process would've taken 30 minutes, after which Jonathan soon releases himself out of the ice crystal as he then gathers all the magic-infused ingredients.

"Alright, now it's time to make the alchemic solution." said Jonathan

Jonathan would then take out his cauldron slinged around his belt, that was miniaturized, to be put on the floor before making it grow to it's normal large size. He then would put the three ingredients in as the magic then was already happening, all three ingredients mixed together and make a golden liquid...and then it started to fill up the cauldron rather quickly; in fact it could overflow if Jonathan didn't do something... Jonathan was prepared though, having to grab several glass bottles to put the excess alchemic solution in...he would've need only one if it was long, tall, and big enough of what he normally has, but unfortunately doesn't have since being stuck in this strange world... Eventually the cauldron stopped making more alchemic solution, and Jonathan in turn stopped gathering the excess into glass bottles, leaving only the rest in the cauldron to be used for his alchemy experiments.

"Alright, everything is all ready. And now to get to work." said Jonathan

Jonathan then starts performing his first project, creating an electrical device to help Futaba needs along with several other useful situations. He doesn't all the specific ingredients that he needs, only having the sheet of metal that's required...but no the heated pipe or electrical coil rod... With the stuff he managed to get while out exploring, Jonathan would be able to create the two ingredients by using six things: burnt ashes, a lump of metal, and a circle lens for the heated pipe; and a lump of copper, sandpaper, and a rock to create the electric coil rod. Making the heated pipe first, Jonathan puts in the three ingredients in sequence as he stirs them in, but when he put the circle lens and stirred it into the alchemic solution for it exploded in a buff of black smoke that created only a small bang sound that isn't too deafening or concerning... In truth, Jonathan did expect this to happen as what he managed to do is to lower the alchemic value of the ingredients in order to make the thing he needed in question...cauldron synthesis does require a complex strategical process in order to make the things he needed correctly or it may either fail, change the item completely, or even create the item...but ended up not being compatible in making the future item...

*Cough* *Cough* "Hoo boy...I never had that happened to me in a long time before... Heh...cauldron exploding smoke at me, covering me in soot, and Aurora laughing at me while then soon cleaning me up with her water talents afterwards... *Sigh*...Those were such wonderful days..." said Jonathan with a small smile

Jonathan manages to successfully made the heated pipe that he needs, and he then proceeds to make the electric coil rod while setting the heated pipe aside to be used for later. During the process of making the electric coil rod, two more small bang explosions can be heard again from putting in the sandpaper and rock in. Despite all of that though, Jonathan also successfully made the electric coil rod as well, and now has all three ingredients needed to make the final product: a portable electric generator.

"Okay, I got everything I needed to make the final product...but..." said Jonathan as he then rests on the side of his cauldron while he deeply ponders "I think making something like this, I may need a partner to oversee the process... Yeah... Well, Futaba is going to use this more than anyone, so perhaps I should call her up to me. If she's busy though...perhaps Azumi...? Well...I suppose Ren isn't a bad choice either despite his rather mysterious nature...his intelligence could be very valuable too, especially if both him and Azumi are from a far future from my own time... Camry...well I'm sure he's still a bit out of action at the moment, and should just rest... Besides, given what he can do, he does act as sort of a wild card...but even that can still be useful despite the risks of anything could happen..." said Jonathan as he then takes out the communication device that Futaba has given him "Hey, Futaba, are you busy by any chance? If you're not, can you come by and see me real quick? I need your assistance for something. The badge will guide you to me if you want to seek me out."

During the entire process of getting things started with his cauldron synthesis, though Jonathan couldn't see nor sense it, to anyone who came to watch, blue sparkles was seen around him...and within those blue sparkles, Aurora was seen watching happily...although she can be barely seen by others with such very high transparency... Aurora was also sitting on the rim of the cauldron while Jonathan ponders, lightly laughing and smiling all the while.
Camry could sense the unease the regeneration process had caused but didn't respond further. It wasn't like he had asked for his powers but he tried to make the best of it. He felt perfectly healthy now though and that was good. As he put his jacket back on, he could sense the magic that Jonathan was using. He slowly went to the room he was in and watched from the doorway, as not to distract him from this delicate process.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie watches Camry. She seems intrigued but also concerned. She shakes her head and decides not to mention it, at least not right now. "Well, I suppose we should get you off the floor now." Jalie stands up and reaches out to help Camry up. "You're okay though, right?"

She thinks for a moment before asking Camry another question. "You said opposite potions, so I'm assuming the first one was something like a.. death potion?" She trails behind Camry at a distance. She feels the need to protect him, although it seems like he's just fine by himself. He reminds me of myself in a way... albeit he's stronger and seemed to have turned out much better than me... As she thinks she touches the scar on her face.

Jalie watches the ship, completely baffled. She could sense their presence like that of people. She has no idea what to make of it. Can the others see them too? She wonders.
Camry was silent before answering. "I don't know why the old gods would send me the original posion. The green one was indeed a death potion, one that causes extreme pain. The purple was a healing potion, strong enough to brink people back from the brink of death." He explains. He notices the way she touches the scar on her face "If you don't mind me asking, how'd you get that? I losing my mind or is that really a ship?"
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius ran after his ghostly crew. He caught up as the ship stopped in front of Camry. The team turned all at once feeling a pull back to Sirius's chest. The goat woman narrowed her eyes. "Quick flee the whiner.

A minor individual of his crew shouted "To fleedom." The crew set sail once again, phasing through the wall and heading away as fast as possible.

"Oh, come on," Sirius shouted. "I'm going to hurt you "

Various snickers echoed. The goat woman answered back. "Aye, but we're already dead. You can't do anything."

"I think your internal thinking hurts us more," Another shouted.

Sirius blinked turned to Julie, and then to Camry. "I'm at a loss... I don't know what to do. I don't know what's happening or how this is possible..." Sirius tilted his head down. "Right...I suppose I need to catch them." He blinked rapidly.

How was he supposed to catch them? What was he to do? As soon as they appeared the crew faded away with various shouts of no.

"........................................................................................... This better not be a common occurrence." Sirius stood there confused. "I thought the first time was a delusion."
Camry had no idea what to do about the ship. "I might can teleport you onto the Ship..." He offered. He kinda found the ships crew amusing even though they were dead. "Or maybe you can draw them back somehow." He said, struggling not to smirk.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren heard the need for help that Jonathsn needed. Unforrunately, Azumi was quick to take the offer, only leading to an argument between them

"You're in no condition to do this!"

"This could be far too dangerous for a child like you, regardless of your 'copious' mana reserves!"

"So what?! Am I supposed to wait a year before I can see you again?!"

Azumi knew she struck a nerve. She knew that, as a familiar, she could not truly die as long as her summoner was there to bring her back, but that could take months or even years. She remembered her past summoners and how much they grieved over her "loss" once. Familiars are meant to be by their summoner's side. It is where both parties are at their happiest.

"May I at least assist you in this?", Azumi hugged her summoner apologetically

Ren groaned and remained silent for a few moments before he said, "Fine. But I don't wanna lose you, remember that. Back out if you can't do it, alright?"

Azumi nodded. The pair were ready to help Jonathan and looked at him.

"We're good", They both said to him
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Oh." Jalie nods in understanding. She moves her hand away from her scar and looks away. "Ah, well I saw inside your mind, I guess it's only fair I tell you." She sighs a little. "My last foster parents were abusive. This scar is from a broken beer bottle. After it left the scar and I had to get it stitched they were more careful as to not leave marks where people could see.."

Jalie glances at the ship again. "Yeah.. I see it too. They're kinda cute.." She watches the people on the ship.

"Hmm." She thinks for a bit. "I'm not sure if it'll work, or if I can do it... but I could try to stitch them back into your mind... if that's where they came from. It's worth a try if you want to, and it won't hurt... well.. at least, it won't hurt you." She says the last part quietly as she answers Sirius. "Oh, and what's your name by the way? We didn't really get a proper introduction."
Camry looked at Jalie sadly. "I had always wished for parents, like my friends had. Guess their not all made equal though." He thought.

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