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Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan was too deep in thought at first...up until they started to argue...

"Huh? Whoa! Hey there, Ren and Azumi..." said Jonathan

Of course, he did catch the two of them arguing, which made Jonathan shrug. But they quickly made up as then they asked if they could help him do the last part of the synthesis together.

"Huh? Two partners at once for this next step? Well...normally it requires one person, but..." said Jonathan as he then ponders deeply some more, but then "Oh, to hell with this, let's give this a go! Having two partners instead of one sound interesting enough to fact I'm sure the final product would even be more amazing with you two... Let's do this!"

Jonathan then tells what both Ren and Azumi would need to do to assist Jonathan with his next and final step of the cauldron synthesis project...basically both of them only need to do is just stand beside Jonathan and watch... At least up until the end, when Jonathan would require the two of them to help stir the solution for it to be finished...only then time will tell if it'll be a success or failure...

"Azumi stands to my left, and Ren to my right. Now just standby until I put all three of the ingredients in, and then I need the two of you to help me stir it. Sure, it doesn't require much assistance in the grand scheme of things, but the presence of a partner can dramatically alter the process more than you would think. While it doesn't require a strong bond, having one does help increase the success rate of the final product dramatically...but still isn't 100% guaranteed though... In the event of a failure, either if it doesn't work or if the product ends up being different than the proposed product, I can make the ingredients again...but later considering that cauldron synthesis...can actually hurt..." said Jonathan

Jonathan puts in the sheet of steel first as it quickly melts and makes the liquid inside shine even a bit more brighter than before; then he puts in the heated rod next by making it float before dropping it in the cauldron, considering that it is actually hot to touch without any protection, but then once again it created a bang explosion which caked Jonathan in soot again... At least he had the decency and preparation to protect both Azumi and Ren from the soot explosions caused by the cauldron with his magic ice shields.

*Cough* *Cough* "No need to worry, this happens all the time." said Jonathan to reinsure them that everything is fine

Then Jonathan lastly puts in the electric coil it then once again causes a bang explosion, caking Jonathan with even more soot...

"Twice in a row, huh? Oh well, this is for helping Futaba, so this is nothing. Anyway, now let's all stir this together." said Jonathan

As the three would stir the liquid inside the cauldron together, the liquid would shine even brighter...enough for it to even start to create a bit of a ringing sound...
Camry started to hear a slight riNing sound from where Ren and Jonathan were. He quickly went to where they were located and asked, "That's supposed to sound like that, right?"
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Definitely not. Huh, I always wished to be free of them.. or for my biological parents.." She sighs and thinks. "Why don't you have parents?" Jalie asks curisouly, then seems to catch herself. "I mean, uh.. if you're okay with me asking, of course... Sorry.."

Jalie's ears perk up at the ringing sound and she moves closer to where they are too, although she stays farther back than Camry.
Camry turns his head to look at Jalie. "Oh, uh, my mother was a time traveler. She went back in time to before the west was civilized. She fell in love with this guy named Aaron Black. Then...she had me. She had to go back to her correct time though so I could be born in a clean place. But, she got stuck coming back and I was anxious to get out, I guess. By the time, we got to the right time, she was nearly dead." Camry stares at the wall, hoping she doesn't see his tears.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

“Oh, I beg your pardon, my name is Sirius, technically my full title is Sirius Beaumont with exaggerated long title added on at the end. That was when I existed on the mortal plane. One day I hope to do so again. Although my body may still exist any possibility for me to inhibit it, is forgone. I should stop rambling. It’s a pleasure to meet you madam, may I acquire your name as well.”

Sirius glanced down, before Jalie could speak he rambled. “Now I want to protect you two as well, hearing your stories. I assume most of you have some form of trauma. My Crew was right about one thing. You are the sort of soul I would offer a place to. You as well Jalie. I don’t know if I became a better person after I died, or a worse one. He stopped for a moment, then continued. “ I wouldn’t just offer you a place Jalie, I would grant you the right of revenge.”

Sirius turned his attention to Camry. “I’m afraid I don’t know who are? I’m also going to assume the potentially fatal mistake was yours. Sirius raised an eyebrow. “Herbs, and potion solutions have a tendency to vary. You need to be careful always. For some the best way to learn caution themselves is to teach. You could use a student and I could use some knowledge.” Sirius folded his arms.

He sighed. “I think they are back where they belong. But, I will take you up on that offer Madam. One day I might need it, but not today it’s already been very eventful.You should rest,” he spoke softly.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Oh, I'm really sorry." Jalie puts a gentle hand on Camry's back. "How old are you? You look younger than the rest of us."

"My name is Jalie, it's a pleasure to meet you too. Thank you, I appreciate your kindness." Jalie bows her head at Sirius and smiles. "Alright then, just let me know. I really don't mind."
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

[OOC: Okay, so, uh, at this point I kind of lost track on the current scene happening and quite don't understand at the topic running at all. I'm sorry I guess I'll just reply at the last Jonathan's request around Futaba.]

They were supposed to help Camry who seemed to be poisoned at the locked room beside them. At his request, through Jalie's contact between their minds, Futaba helped Jalie to break through the door after the transfiguration of the said woman to be the little rabbit and shifted to unlock the door so they can immediately helped the man in danger. There would be some quite, although not rare, as Futaba had seen another strange phenomenon, Camry suddenly burned to ashes and changed direction to be some sort of phoenix kind on his own term. Although the other seems panic before, but Futaba had agreed with what Ren said about Camry and doesn't even feel sorry like Ren who immediately apologize after such event. "So, this will occurs everytime you run out of potions and death couldn't touch you, I guess?" Futaba snickered. They were trapped in their own dreams, Futaba bet that they couldn't even die here. Or so, at least, Futaba thought that the one who can kill them would be only the sandman, which in the process, Futaba believed, will be somewhat cutting out of their dreams which result on their consciousness, means they will cut their soul first, rather to kill them physically.

As they were able to find their calm after Camry's intact, her connection badge was shaken. Futaba clicked on it and listened to Jonathan's order. "Oh, yeah. I'll be there in a minute. Wait for me." Futaba said, after that, she pressed the on button from the badge, with Jonathan's magic while ago transferred on her own badge, it's started to take the lead to where Jonathan's presence. Futaba followed the sight of the laser wave, projected on her glasses to track Jonathan who seemed to worked on something. At the process, the parent and her said son were having an argument on something like their energy left. Futaba called on Jonathan, whom already at the help of the two. "Do you need me to do something else?" She said, looking around, it seemed that Jonathan was able to create some sort of cauldron synthesis but it explodes on the next within. "Jonathan! Are you okay? Were everything's good?" Futaba said, rather in panic. But after that, the ringing process seems like the next step to be perfect. Futaba prays for their alchemy progress to be on the good state. Please, make it work. Futaba whispered.
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Within the hospital walls, a small lullaby sang through the walls.

Little Sheep little sheep...I tire of these games.

His voice. The sandman voice rang through the very walls, the man sounding as if he was so close that he was whispering into their ears. The voice permeated through the woman's tired form...her eyes snapping awake. "Wah!" Turuilla shouted with a start, her hair a mess...the surroundings a bunch of confusion...

"The sand man..." Turuilla whimpered, looking around get herself familiar with her surroundings...and that's when she felt the cold sand against her skin. Freezing in horror the girl turned to her left, seeing the familiar and horrifying view of the sandman right outside of her window. Turuilla screamed, trembling and hiding under her hospital blanket.

(Hiii. I've come to add some drama and possible sadness~ )
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

(( Yeah, things are kinda accelerating...well more so everyone is doing their own thing, and adding activities... Of course, there are situations of which people are waiting for certain replies to come before doing theirs, and I think no one did had anything planned to initiate the next major plot point until Kotomi is about to introduce one coming up. With Futaba replying...I think I'll just cut ahead of the result right now... ))

"Hmm?" muttered Jonathan as he turns and sees Camry asking if the ringing sound of the solution is supposed to do that "Yeah, stuff like this happens most of the shows how either powerful or unique the item is going to be..."

As all three then finishes staring, Futaba then arrives to see what's going on.

"Ah, Futaba, perfect timing. The item should be just about ready. Now all we need to do is--" said Jonathan

But Jonathan senses a powerful reaction going on with the alchemic solution as it was getting ever brighter and more intense...this instantly sent alarm bells off Jonathan, knowing what's going to happen next...

"Crap!! The last part is going to!! TAKE COVER!!" cried Jonathan

Jonathan would then be able to shield everyone in the room with ice shields, excluding those that are outside since they're safe; Jonathan's crow ally immediately flew away and basically rested on Futaba's shoulder, knowing full well that she's friendly. As soon as the ringing stops, a bright flash occurred followed by a big bang and explosion. The explosion was actually intense enough that a decent amount of smoke and dust was blasted out of the room. Oddly enough the explosion didn't cause any structural damage...but it was loud enough to be heard from the entire hospital... Soon Jonathan was slowly walking out as he looks at Futaba...he was pretty much nothing but a complete black soot mess...

"Well now...that was amazing experiment..." said Jonathan as he then immediately falls over and passes out

People have no need to worry about Jonathan's health and well-being despite all of that happened, he was more than used to the explosions that he even enjoys them...a rather somewhat comical masochistic trait... If anything, he is a bit more comic relief as the whole thing could be more or less treated as a lighthearted show. Everyone can see the completed product as the smoke and dust clears up, it was truly an interesting looking device. It's just a blue sphere ball, but then it summons out a plug wire which then magically plugs itself into a nearby socket and powers up electrical appliances nearby, including charging up Futaba's headphones and other of her appliances on her person despite not being plugged into the mysterious device itself. It was a portable electric generator alright, and a rather interestingly convenient one at that. Futaba will be able to take it and play around a lot of stuff with it.
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

[OOC: Glad to have you back Turuilla!]

Futaba then realized if Jonathan had been working him self up to create the goods Futaba needs. "You- what?!" With the sudden exclamation comes from Jonathan, with the strange color blurted off the cauldron, Futaba knew that something would explode, or so it seems, so she covered herself with her arms even though Jonathan casted ice shield protection for them already. She just had to reflex her own action to protect herself from the power explosions.

After that, some strange looking blue sphere came out from the cauldron, pulling the wires automatically, something like magic precisely, that resulting in giving powers at Futaba's nearly off technologies. "Wow! This is really cool! A portable generator, even I myself cannot create this!" Like a child having a new toy, Futaba drew a big smile over her face knowing that her techs all are being charged on with this kind infinity power surge. "Thank you Jonathan! You are awesome!"

But then, their happiness seems rather fast, a loud scream could be heard from one of hospital's room. It was a woman's scream. "Did you guys hear that?!" Futaba asked Jonathan, Ren or Azumi, with the horror in her eyes if they could heard the scream before. 'Turuilla!" She shrieked. Futaba was scared that if Turuilla was being kidnapped by the sandman again so she rushed herself out to see if Turuilla at least were okay.
((I leave one day and this how ya'll do lol.))

Camry turns to Jalie. "I'm 15." He says. Then he turns to Sirus. " Camry Maxwell. Never really thought about having a student but I'll teach you if you really want to learn. As long as you can keep up." He smirked. He then acknowledged the girl with the orange hair. "That happens when two opposite potions are taken too soon together. I mean, we may be in a dream, but if we die here, I'm not sure if we'll still wake up." Jonathan's explosion startled Camry but he tried not to show it. As the tech-girl was inspecting her new generator, Camry heard a scream from one of the rooms. He pulled out his guns and raced towards the sound.
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Obviously the covers would be no match for the sandman...but the woman reasoned that he was outside!! Surely his sand shouldn't be able to transcend the windows. Turuilla covered her ears, and tried quieting her breathing. "Go away...go away." She muttered to herself.

Soon the whispers stopped. The coldness the sandman brought seemed to vanish. Thinking the man to be gone she slowly opened her now golden hues, peering up and out from the cover.

Look at those golden eyes.

Right above her the figure floated. His face merely inches away from her own. The room was terribly dim for even the window seemed to be covered entirely by sand. The only light came from the sand particles that swirled around Turuilla. Glowing particles creeped overtop of the cover, climbing the auburn locks of her hair. Turuilla couldn't look away.

"M-my eyes aren't gold. Jonathan checked then. T-they were green..." Turuilla tried to defend herself.

The man's chuckle came out in a singsong voice. He moved down to the flinching girl to whisper right into her ear. Sand falling from his lips, Monster. Like me.

As if lost in a daze Turuilla looked into the man's eyes, her own growing terribly heavy. Consciousness starting to slip away Turuilla couldn't utterly a word. It wasn't until two unexpected visitors broke their "moment" that the sandman turned from Turuilla. Futaba and Camry would be able to see a darkened hospital room, glowing particles of sand covered a sleepy looking Turuilla. The sandman himself was a tall thin man. Most of his form being hidden away behind a long beard...but what was visible of his clothes was a cloak of sorts, blue and green writing glowing along the fabric of it. His eyes were as white and wide as the moon. The sandman stared at the two, opting to leave the sleepy Turuilla were she was.

Moving as fast as a dream the sandman appeared before Camry and Futaba, attempting to cover them both with his glowing sand. The two most likely could have easily moved,but the more the sand would touch them, the more they might feel lethargic...the glowing sand seeming to have a mind and magic of its own.

Gizmo's and gadgets won't save you. His voice called out to the two.
As Camry burst in the room behind Futaba, he saw the true for of the sandman. He stood there, frozen as he talked to the girl he had seen earlier. Then, he was in front of Camry and Futaba, smothering them in sand. Camry used as his power to make a swirling vortex around the two, freeing them from the masses of sand, but he knew he couldn't keep it up forever. "Uhh, anything you can do with this?" He asked Futaba. He also tried to communicate his panic to Jalie, hoping she would feel it.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

(( Sorry I got a bit excited, I should have Waited longer before posting earlier. I didn’t mean to make things confusing))

Upon seeing Camry’s actions and hearing the scream. The lullaby had gotten to him. It was like a dark revelation. That kept him planted.

Blue light emerged from Sirius’s chest. “Captain what are you in a daze for? Get moving,”spoke the goat woman.

Sirius with a great speed traveled down the hall. The light from his chest grew larger as a small amount of his crew edged and guided him. Before he drew any closer to the room. Sirius summoned four birds of varying natures. They flew in front of him into the room. While Futaba and Camry were nearly or being sanded down.

The four birds collided multiple times creating large disbursements of purple light.

Finally he made it to the room. The man… his cloak was very off putting. The way they were acting, the sand. His mind moved intensely pointing his thoughts together.

So, this was the sand man? He narrowed his eyes. His crew stood behind him. Their vicious nature taking form. Gone was the band of marry makers.

Sirius took a deep breath. Why was he hesitant. “Because, his mind supplied. You don’t want to be seen as a monster, but are you really a monster?
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan, of course, is unfortunately still out of action despite the danger going on in the hospital...due to the previous final explosion hurting him in the process despite being armored at the time as well... Of course, he's still fine as he was breathing normally, he's more or less into a deep sleep for least until someone really does disturb him that he'll wake up, especially when he senses danger coming at him... During his deep sleep, Jonathan was once again dreaming about Aurora again, the two would have another heart-to-heart conversation as time passes...though one does wonder if he really should stay asleep when something bad is happening right now...?
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie glances at Jonathan then drags him to a more safe, hidden spot in hopes of keeping him out of the way.

"I don't know if there's anything I can do, but I'll try." She finds it odd how easy it's becoming to talk to Camry, whether she's in his mind or not. However, she doesn't ponder this too long, as there's more important things to deal with at the moment.

Jalie comes up a little ways behind Camry and Futaba. She enters the sandman's mind while trying to figure out what she could do to stop him. She watches everything that's happening, both from her eyes and the sandman's.
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

The swirling vortex did hinder the sand at the start, though seeing this the sandman merely brought more sand out to his disposal. It was incredible how sand seemed to materialize out of thin air, pulling from the walls, crawling out of the cracks in the tile floor. This was his domain and he was more than pleased to play with these new "toys" if that's the way they wanted it.

Sirius had joined, and the sandman really didn't care. He didn't seem perplexed. The man wasn't overjoyed. His pale eyes remained wide, his face unbothered as he closed in...moving into the vortex itself. His eyes were unchanging...atleast until he saw Futaba. It was then the corners of his brow shifted, his eyes squinting in disdain. This woman had fleed from his grasp for far too long...and he wanted his redemption.

The man reached forward, the sand practically pouring right into Camry and Futaba's faces. Soft voices filled their heads...each voice different and unique to each person. The sandman fed off fears...and would begin taunting the surrounding people with their fears.

Jalie, entering a fragment of his mind, could see the sandman merely thought of one thing.

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep...

The words repeated over and over. While it may not be the most helpful, Jalie happened to open herself up to the Sandman...his own thoughts spilling over into hers, prying and searching for a way to remind her of her own fears.

Monster...creeping into minds. Perhaps your more like me? Stay with me...come here my little pet. The voice spoke to Jalie.
Kotomi657 Topic Starter

((Thank you Futaba!! I'm back to play villain for alittle. I don't know people's fears so I can't have the sandman say the right thing potentially but I shall try haha ))
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"No no no no..." She gasps. Jalie quickly tries to pull herself out of his mind as her own starts to show glimpses of her past; Being hurt by her parents. Being stuck in her room. Crying alone in the dark. "I'm not a monster!" Her mind goes to the kids at school always picking on her and calling her that.

Jalie looks around her, at the people around her. I'm not alone, I'm not trapped. They don't think I'm a monster. I'm okay.. She tries to calm herself and block out the sandman.
Camry went back to seeing the vampire that killed Abby, but now there were more, surrounding him. Then, he heard Jalie in his head. He struggled to break free from the visions but was able to send a thought to her. "You aren't alone, my friend. I'm here, we are a team. This isn't real. Break free. BREAK FREE!"

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