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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Our pain filled dream đź©·

Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

While catching her breath after having to ran from Jonathan's place to Turuilla's place, Futaba sensed a dark energy lingered over where Turuilla was. She changed her suit back to her lethal green uniform which detect the sandman right away, somehow controlled Turuilla's consciousness. "NO! Turuilla! Turuilla wake up!" Futaba screamed at the girl. Along with Camry, the sandman gathered the gold sands around to cover both of them like a cocoon.

"No.... No... Help!" Futaba shrieked as loud as she can. She tried to move to avoid the sand but as much as she moved, the sand covered her body more.

Gizmo's and gadgets won't save you.

"Uhh, anything you can do with this?"

Futaba shook her head to Camry. She didn't have the abilities to do close combat like Jonathan or Ren. The only thing she could do was to scan the arena with or without her gadget. As much as the sand covered her body, with the current static, she could only felt despair that she hoped the other could help them soon. Jonathan or Ren have the abilities to attack the sandman, even if Futaba had just met Sirius, but she knew that the man has something he could work on, being like a summoner with the ship, crows and other things.

Futaba glanced around to her surroundings. Jalie seemed to entered the sandman's mind, as Futaba thought. The vortex which hinder the sand covered them, was able to hold the sand for a while. Is this how it feels when you were close to dying? the sand nearly covered her body, like a cocoon, she can't do anything much rather than drown into the deep sleep.

"Camry.... Take my bag.... Use my techs.... Or give it to Jonathan and Jalie...." Just like her dying messages to the person close by, her body now completely covered within the sand.

Mom.... Maybe I can finally see you....

Futaba opened her eyes and surprised at her surroundings. Is this another dream or have I woken up? Futaba was rather confused to differentiate her reality and her dream. She woken up on her room, on her gaming chair.


She looked outside, the sky had turned orange, and it seems that she was no longer in pain.
Camry was close to collapsing with all the power being drained from him. He heard Futaba's request before her body complete was engulfed in the sand. "Futaba?! No!" Camry knew that they wouldn't hold out long like this. As the sand started to surround his body, he used the wind vortexes to move Futaba and Turuilla's sand covered bodies into the hall. Then he once again tried to contact Jalie. "Listen, we aren't gonna make it like this. With you and Jonathan out of commission, the best bet is to move him away so you can prepare more. Get Jonathan up as soon as possible and he'll know what to do about the girls."

Then with his remaining strength, Camry summoned a portal that started to pull all the sand into it. As the sand overtook him, he relaxed. Why was he so worried? What were they fighting for? They could all just rest! Sweet, blissful rest... As the remaining sand poured into the portal, his body was pulled inside as well. His last thought was to close the portal behind him as he faded into the darkness.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie finds herself unable to pull herself out of the sandman's mind, so she forces her way further into it, causing him severe pain. Jalie groans as she hears Camry talking to her. "I'm fine, I'm not out of commission." She panics as she watches Camry and Futaba. Jalie starts going through the sandman's memories and erasing them, although she struggles a bit due to his power.

Jalie turns into a rabbit and hops over to Futaba and starts digging a hole so she can breathe.

She senses Camry falling asleep and into his portal. "You can't fall asleep! Wake up! Come back!" Jaile yells at him in his mind.
(Damn, way too much has happened since my last post. Lately I haven't been feeling the most inspired and I can't really pinpoint where to pick back up, but seems like things are picking up quite a bit, so I'll have to take on another starting point. So sorry to have not responded sooner)

While things were getting sorted out, Ashley began feeling a little fatigued and light-headed. Must've been the pregnancy. Quietly, she had wandered off to go find a place to rest. Making sure not to wander too far away from everyone, she went into a nearby room. Looks like it was one that was built for at least two patients. As a courtesy, she decided to leave the door open and even take the bed closest to the door in the event one of the others wanted to come by and check on her. Feeling suddenly dizzy, she proceeded to waddle over to the bed and proceeded to lie down and since the bed was reclined rather then flat, she didn't have to lay on her side. Draping a blanket over the huge baby bump, she let out a sigh before slowly passing out, falling into a silent slumber.

Not even her baby's strong kicks could wake her...
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

(( Well then...things certainly have taken a bad turn... Only three of us are left to save the day, eh? ))

Jonathan was still knocked out despite everything that happened...but that soon did change as something deep within his heart started to scream out in order to wake him up... Jonathan immediately woke up wide-eyed in shock as he quickly got up to his feet and cleaned up himself a little bit...but still really covered in a lot of black soot...

"What's going on... What's this sense of dread and fear in my heart... Did...did something happened...?" said Jonathan

Jonathan would've soon sensed the danger; his power is still kicking in high gear. He immediately rushes over to see the sand pouring into the room...but even worse that he couldn't see the three people trapped inside...

"I knew it... Dammit...!! The sand is still coming in...but where is--No...don't tell me...!! I need to save them somehow!!" said Jonathan

Jonathan would try to help free everyone by using a lot of magical power to cast a flooding spell. While casting such a spell would take a little bit amount of time...since Aurora isn't present within Jonathan...he's nowhere near defenseless as he can summon out a frontal ice shield to help defend himself with... If things do turn sour, however, Jonathan would then have no choice but to retreat and come up with a new plan of attack.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

(( It’s probably my fault I apologize… I learned, to not jump the gun so much.))

Sirius realized the sandman had no interest in him. The sand seemed to glide around avoiding and enveloping the others.

His crew shouted at him. “Captain,captain.”

Sirius’s eyebrows tilted up. The girl he met earlier a sleep or dead. Camry’s struggle. This thing was powerful enough to affect other area’s of the building. It’s. Useless. Nothing in his arsenal would do anything. A flat line sound echoed in his mind and his heart rate sped up. Sirius’s breath was fast. He can’t do anything, he literally has to sit back and watch this happen. Didn’t he want to protect them now. How can he protect them, when he can’t do anything?

“Captain,” his crew shouted. In all of his thinking and emotional turmoil, Sirius had wandered over to the sandman. He examined, the bearded man. Sirius twirled around him poking and prodding. The signs on his cloak looked vaguely familiar.

Fear Sirius thought, had always turned to intrigue for him. The thought of finding some way to dismantle it, to own it and put it in a jar. He should be angry, livid, rage filled, but the child like glee won. He was never a good man. Always and foremost a man of wonder.

Sirius felt as if time had stopped that there was multiple versions of himself jammed into together. He frowned unfortunately the glee had to die. Camry, Jalie, Jonathan,the woman with the baby, this woman he hadn’t met yet, Ren and Azumi.

“How does one stop you?” Sirius questioned. “What is your lore? Where did you learn? Are you a figment that man created? Or a being naturally inclined, or got tainted? What is your purpose? Better yet what do you remember about your original intention?” Sirius didn’t expect an answer it was more of an internal amusing spoken out loud.

“Captain!!!!???” His crew shouted at him.

Sirius turned his attention to his crew. “There is nothing I can do but observe right now. Observe and wonder. You may not understand it, but sometimes there is logic in fear. I already might be in my fear. I lived a long time. A very long time, fought my fears countless times, but hell changes a person…Can I even be called a person any more.”

“Captain,” his crew Shouted again.

“Right, rescue them, bodies and all. you demand I do something.” Sirius thought for a moment was it even possible weren’t they just soul matter. When Sirius’s thoughts took that angle the light from his chest flickered, causing the crew to slowly vanish. Sirius glanced down. Could their extended existence depend on his belief. Well, then let’s ignite the fire.

Sirius adjust a nonexistent hat, his eyes narrowed. “Rescue them, and set sail. All hands on deck, No mercy.”

The crew cheered. The light from Sirius’s chest exploded. Waves, the ship, and more of his crew exploded into existence. This time solid yet ethereal. The water dwellers dug for futaba’s body, some of them reached for Turuilla. The ones on the ship threw a latter down for Camry until they realized he was gone. They offered it to Jalie.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

((No worries! It adds excitement. Plus, Kotomi came back to play villain, so it would have moved a bit faster anyway.))

Jalie watches in amazement and gratefulness that she doesn't have to deal with it all herself. She stays a bunny but hops away from Futaba and over to Sirius, trying to stay out of the way and hoping to not get hit with anything. Not feeling like she has to save everyone on her own now, she can put all of her focus on the sandman and his mind. Having to push herself and her powers past their limit is starting to give Jalie a headache, although she doesn't quite feel it yet due to the adrenaline surging through her at the moment... She'll definitely feel it later though.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius’s eyes watched his crew and the rabbit Jalie. He picked up on her developing struggle. Sirius could give her a hand send his energy to her but due to the varying natures…. It could corrupt her… with him not meaning to. The best way.

Sirius sighed and tilted the nonexistent hat down. “Miss Jalie, I could give you power, but that power would have a cost. It could condemn your very being. Will you take the toll? You could stay as you are and struggle. I will accept, and care for you after.”
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie shifts back to her human form to speak with Sirius. "Condem my being? What exactly do you mean by that?" She glances at him as she talks. He'll accept and care for me after? He confuses me... She thinks as she watches the sandman and sifts through his mind and memories.
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

“I’m unholy. If you make a deal with an unholy being that means you casted the possibility of light aside. Essentially erasing all possibility of being accepted into a kingdom of light. Or it could end after this place, but the universe understands, it always understands intent. That is why if you reject my offer I won’t hold it against you. I’ll make sure you get some form of rest.”
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Everything happened so fast. With Futaba's death and the rest suffering from the sandman's manipulations. They had seen this before. The terror of the true abominations they fought. Unfortunately, Azumi knelt where Futaba had been slain, crying as she was in shock with what happened. Ren stood there, unsure of what to do but shed the only tear he could muster.

"No! Child, you have so much to live for!", the Fox spirit cried out, "Wake up!"

Azumi looked back at Ren, who merely shook his head. Azumi screamed in grief and growled soon after. She had the intent of obliterating the Sandman. Surely there would be no qualms against this by her patron deity. The sandman was unholy, he was ruthless, sadistic even. All evil must be punished.

Azumi howled. She howled in frustration that engulfed her like a fiery pit of despair. She then thought of the pregnant woman and her fate. Whatever may happen to her next, it must not be by the hands of the Sandman.

She summoned an instrument and begun the song of screams before she said with a smirk, "Say Goodnight, Mr. Sandman!"

So she sung:

"Flensed and flayed, how does it feel?
Your pound is paid, those scars will not heal, no

Lost in suffering, drowning in your tears
Won't someone, somewhere tell me
Where do I, where do I
Go from here

Be the lion

Say goodnight
With each bite does your sanity die
Sucking the life out, letting the dark
Say a prayer as the light leaves your eyes
Or scream all you like, the gods can't hear you"

The song itself would fill the pary with adrenaline, the resolve and anger to defeat the sandman

"Crud, guess it's my turn!", Ren said feeling the rush inside his mind from the song. The hooded man casted Azido, causing a small hot light to appear near the sandman that combusted into a surge of magical energy, hot and irradiated.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

When Azumi went to check on Futaba's condition, he was hoping that she'll be okay...but according to her, the exact opposite happened...

"No... Nonononono... I won't accept this... I refuse to accept this!!" said Jonathan

Jonathan fears of losing someone.. As much as it would make him vulnerable to the sandman's attacks, he manages to keep a cool head...he still believes that despite what happened to Futaba that she can still be saved... After all he did manage to help her make something really nice...and for her to just go and die already would not only be a great waste of all of his time and talents, but also wanted to learn more about her world as he would like to observe what she can do... Not to mention he wanted everyone to get back home safely, despite what awaits for them in their futures... When Jonathan saw Ren using the Azido...

"Good idea, allow me to help you amplify that!" said Jonathan

Jonathan would then switch tactics in trying to create a flooding deluge spell, instead opting to just create an ice shield on top of the Azido to act as a bit of a magnifying amplifier to enhance the power of it's attacks.
Camry woke up still floating in his portal. He smacked himself of the forehead. Of course he didn't go anywhere. When he created the portal, he was thinking about returning home! He looked around and saw multiple doors leading to different times and places. He didn't know which to pick, which we concerning as the gods usually led him to the right door. He remembered that it was sometimes possible to communicate between space and time. It was worth a shot anyway. "Hello? Guys, can you hear me?"
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

[OOC: Awieee~! Futaba has been dead~ *sad sad* lol I'll feel a bit rude if I left my post hanging so I decided to make Futaba died on my last post because I'm having such technical issues so I chose to step out from this roleplay. :D

I want to post my special thanks for:

Kotomi: Thank you for creating this Roleplay. I'm having so much fun playing as Futaba here. It's been long time ago since I enjoy a thread base Roleplay, so I send you my gratitude many times!

Jonathan: Way to go dude! Your long post is long! Its always entertaining to read your post! P.s: please revenge for Futaba's death lol

Callisto: Even though she wasn't around nowadays but her spirit lingers! Thank you for the fun times we get together.

Ren and Azumi:
Ren is a cool guy! And Miss Azumi is a nice mom! I hope Futaba can meet Azumi someday on other roleplay. Futaba needs mommeeh ;w; I'm sorry we didn't have much chance to create a moment for that. someday we will!

Jalie: Cutie! Your post are also awesome! I want to play with Jalie again someday. ^^

Camry: A powerful man! Please revenge for my death too. Lol

Ashley: I'm sorry we haven't interacting much on this roleplay, nevertheless you are a cool mom! Bless!

Sirius: Your long post are also entertaining! I'm sorry we haven't interacting much too, but you are also awesome!

Have I mentioned everyone? I'm sorry if I left anybody but it came from my deepest heart. This roleplay is so much fun! I'm a bit sad since I can't go through till the end. ;w, you guys rock! Thank you so much for everyone for creating this roleplay to be this fun!

So this is where I left Futaba, like Azumi said, she can't be helped anymore. No need to revive me too. You guys can carry on the story. I'll be on the silent reader mode now. 🤓 See you guys on the other roleplay someday. Adios!]
Kotomi657 Topic Starter

((Thank you for joining my little idea and making it fun ;u;. Also I am working so haven't had the time to read all this and post for the sandman haha buut...will do after work! Apologies))
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla was still lost in this middle state of consciousness. Somehow she could clearly hear everything around her, could smell the sand. Nevertheless she was still frozen in her daze, not fully present. Not fully gone either.

Idling for the sandman hadn't finished with her yet. Her mind playing back her fear and insecurities over and over.

The sandman's expression visibly grew angry once Futaba's body was consumed. For, rather than her body being consumed like he wanted, she was released from his grasp. Freed from her own personal hell. The sandman growled, his sand buzzing around before dispersing. Many things were happening, but Futaba's escape bothered him most.

Jalie's efforts weren't fruitless, and she was able to dig deeply into his mind. She could see quite a bit...including bits of his life from "before" this. He lived an ordinary life, was a simple man. Had a small family, grandchildren...he was particularly fond with a smaller girl. A grandchild.

Jalie could see he and this grandchild where brought to this same world. They too struggled to find a release from this place. Days, weeks, much time went by. Bitterness grew, resentment cemented and the bond the man had with his grandchild faded. It wasn't until she escaped the world without him, facing her own fear and finding freedom that he changed. He became what he feared...refusing to face it.

He became who he is.

However when it came to trying to erase these memories, Jalie might have had some difficulty...especially as he recognized it. The sandman resorted to eating at his own mind with sand...causing his pain and duress and hoping to transfer this to his counterpart too.

Parasite. he muttered, looking through the chaos happening around him. There were shields. He didn't care. He'd simply float around it. If anyone got too close, or continued to poke and prod at the man, they would find sand would attach itself to him in quick succession.

The man locked eyes on Jalie and was about to go for her when Ren and Azumi's power, along with Jonathan's help, actually did effect him. The man stumbled back, his arm shattering away into small fragments of sand due to the attack. Sand dripped from his very being as the particles slowly trying to rebuild himself. His face didn't seem panicked but the way he stumbled back showed he felt the heat.

The man looked to Turuilla, and he scrambled to the front of her. He needed energy. Something. With one final blast of sand she fell back on the bed. Her eyes closed and with deep breaths, her body now covered in sand, the woman was whisked away in a deep sleep. No amount of shaking would wake her, for she was now just like the other bodies scattered throughout this world; locked in a tome of sleep. For now anyway...

The sandman sighed happily, his arm building itself together with great speed, and the man would try to slip away- phasing through the wall just as he had come.
Kotomi657 Topic Starter

((I just came back to play villain for alittle and exit Turuilla. No pain on her end just asleep!! But ya'll can continue now :) ))
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

((Thank you! It was fun roleplaying with you Futaba!))

"Umm..." She struggles to think and come up with a decision.

Oddly enough, even with Camry being gone in his portal, Jalie can hear him. She has no idea how or why this is possible, but she has no time to wonder about it. "Camry? Where are you?"

Jalie screams in pain and grips her head. While the sandman's action won't actually injure her, it does cause her severe pain. She starts to feel panicked and in her panic she unintentionally scrambles the sandman's mind. His memories shift out of order, some disappearing, and a few new ones forming. The new ones however, are not his. They are memories from Jalie's childhood, none of them good.

She looks at Sirius and tries to think and understand what he said. She's overused her powers, spread herself too thin
Sirius The Sinner (played by Sinceritymornings)

Sirius narrowed his eyes. He turned his body and opened his arms ready to catch Jalie. “It’s okay to fall. I will catch you.”

He then turned his attention to the crew. “Didn’t I say no mercy!” He barked.

The crew looked ashamed as they faded away. Sirius felt his own exhaustion, but he kept his stance sturdy.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

(( We understand...still it's sad to see someone go, but we all have to respect their choice on leaving at their own accord... ))

Despite Jonathan's best efforts along with Ren's attack, the sandman manages to escape...but not before leaving Turuilla behind in a very deep sleep... There was nothing more they can do now; Jonathan has seen this before with a few others at that one shop on their first night...but what makes things even worse is that Futaba is just...gone... Was she ultimately killed? Or somehow she managed to escape? ...No one knows for sure... While Jonathan did observe that Futaba's death has greatly angered the sandman, something immediately told him that it wasn't the most ideal ultimately surrender at the sandman to risk going back to their own homes...something about it didn't seem right... When the dust ultimately settled, everyone else was then safe...for now... Still a large price was paid in order to regain what little time they had left before the sandman tries to attack them again...Turuilla now out of commission, and Futaba now gone...the latter would've affected him the most, but he kept a straight face, keeping his emotions in check...

"We managed to push him back...but at what cost...? Turuilla looks like she's out similar to what saw with a few others at that one store...and we completely lost Futaba... Dammit...!! *Sigh*...Now what we should do...? I'm sure that even if we decide to leave this hospital to go to someplace else, the sandman will still find us...even if we go to that underground shelter I found while out adventuring..." said Jonathan as he then grabs the special electric generator that he had made for Futaba to use...only to not being really able to use it at all... "I need some time alone to think about our next move... I'll likely be outside at the front if anyone needs me, or if we got another plan..."

Jonathan did manage to keep a strong face and his emotions in check as he leaves the group behind while he makes his way outside...but when he did get outside, he couldn't maintain that facade anymore and immediately broke down crying...

"Futaba... Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" cried Jonathan

Jonathan clutches the portable generator tightly, not willing to let it go for any reason other than it was the only thing he had made for Futaba...and it was now really the only small comfort that he has with her gone and only the memories remain, despite them only have a small interaction...

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