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Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"So, you're...a kitsune familiar... Never heard of something like that in my whole life...or maybe...maybe I did...? Something about you seems...familiar...but I can't point my finger on it..." said Jonathan as he then heavily sighs again "Wish I could remember what and everything else..."

Azumi did piqued Jonathan's interest a lot more than just someone that could help get his memories back, the fact that she's the only non-human in this group is also a factor...but more importantly what she was able to gather with her abilities and information about the mysterious entity that's after them...

"Reality...bender...? Warper class...? Dimensional travel...? Psychic...? ...I'm so lost... I never heard of these weird terms..." said Jonathan

Then Ren's odd reaction and behavior with Jonathan's weapon took him by surprise.

" he going to be okay...? Perhaps I should put this...thing...away..." said Jonathan as he does just that by making the tiny blade vanish from the rod before putting it away

Then Callisto chimed in, adding onto what Azumi said about the entity's objective.

"So, if we're gathered here because of our nightmares...or a nice dream according to what Ren has said...then what kind of nightmare I had that would allow me to come here to this strange place...? *Sigh* I just want to go back home...or maybe I don't to because of the nightmare...? This is just so frustrating... And the only thing that really piques my interest right now is Ren saying Wait..." said Jonathan, as his facial expression changes from frustration to confusion in the end

Ren saying the word mana had very strong familiarity with fact it's by far the strongest reactional trigger in regaining his memories as he's really no stranger when it comes to mana...

"Mana...mana...mana...mana...mana...mana...mana...mana... Why...? Why that word sounds so familiar...?" said Jonathan as his expression soon changes again from confusion to horror and pain as he bends down and clutches his head again

Suddenly Jonathan's magic started to flare up, creating a blue wispy aura surrounding him. It was definitely mana it was producing, but in really wasn't his own mana...very little of it was his, but the vast most of it belong to someone very dear and close to him... In any case though, Jonathan's magic continues to rise, and even worse though he may go into a bit of a rampage in the bookstore though he really does mean no harm...he's just tormented by remembering something important again...
She listened to them talking, trying to figure everything out. Callisto did realize that all of them had suffered some sort/form/level of amnesia, but before she could say anything, Jonathan started freaking out.

"Ohh no, I don't think so," Callisto half-jumped, half-floated off the bookshelf to the floor and rushing towards Jonathan, "You're not making a mess in my bookstore, darling."

She started producing her powers, using the power of moon-tide (the pull of the moon causing waves on Earth) to try and keep him still.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren assisted Callisto in dealing with Jonathan by borrowing Azumi's powers, which the Fox spirit reluctantly gave.

"Just make sure you do not worsen his condition!", Azumi said using her magic to sense the area near the group. Only time would tell if the old man was nearby.

On the other hand Ren was preoccupied with casting a mind numbing spell on Jonathan in order to calm him down and an another spell that dampens the magic being released. He just hoped Azumi was not nearby as a being made of magical energy such as herself could be harmed more so than any regular physical being. Despite his best efforts, he had difficulty casting two spells at once.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

The combination of Callisto, Ren, and Azumi did managed to stop the magic levels from raising further, but suppressing the magic proves to be more difficult as it was a very slow process. Jonathan did eventually stop screaming, but he was still in pain, clutching his head and still in a crotched position. Just like last time with the magic episode, Jonathan is once again remembering something important in order to regain even more memories.

"Mana... Magic... Raw magical energy... Yes... Yes...that's it...! I...I remember now...! Mana is the essence of magical power, something all of us pocesses...but...there's something else... Something very important about Mana... I...I...I... No! I can't remember anything more than that?! Why?!" said Jonathan, deep within his thoughts

The frustration of not figuring out everything about mana did make his magic levels spike up just a little bit more as the aura faintly was turning from blue to red...but thankfully, before anyone else could do anything, within that one second later all magic levels immediately broke down and suppressed as then Jonathan quickly return back to normal, losing the blue aura surrounding him as well in the process...

"Ugh...I'm really starting to dislike getting these constant headaches... Why does remembering stuff from my past is really painful...? Well at least now I can feel my magic powers returning a bit more...though not enough to do anything impressive with it aside using the rod to probably make a bigger blade... Still though I feel like I haven't retrieved all of my memories from mana alone...something is still missing... Something...probably super important..." said Jonathan
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla quietly listened to the conversation, watching in mild worry as it seemed to become more and more strange...more and more magical. Honestly? These people somewhat scared her- beings not quite normal. Not quite human...and she wanted nothing more than to return home. Where the people were normal. A place where she belonged and was normal too.


At this thought, the woman got up and approached a hanging mirror beside a bookshelf. Her reflection looked back at her- tired honey dew eyes looking back at her...wait honey dew? Last she checked they were green...before that blue. Though this wasn't all that strange for her, for the girl had seen this before. It's happened again. Turuilla tried not to think of it, and the situation with Jonathan proved to be a good distraction. She wasn't able to do much to thankfully these "non" normal folks helped out. They were kind atleast...and she was thankful not to be alone.

As things settled, she chimed in. "Turuilla. I'm Turuilla. I'm not a magician like ya'll. I do study alchemy and...yeah yeah I kinda talk to plants but I'm just a human." What was the connection between them? No clue. But...they clearly all needed to get back. She rubbed her head.

"Maybe this bookstore has information?" She suggested, beginning to look through the the aisles, noticing a stairway going upward. Another floor...?
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Hmm...I guess that's everyone then... A pleasure, Turuilla... Right now, I wish I can do more, but--" said Jonathan, as he immediately stops himself once Turuilla said the word alchemy "...Alchemy... Did you said...alchemy...?"

Jonathan's body completely froze while looking rather's kinda creepy... However, Jonathan's now on the verge of a massive breakthrough in regaining a lot of memories all at once, and all thanks to the recent events of everyone else. Jonathan recalls back the memories of when he regains his knowledge of being able to use magic, understanding of magic and the word mana, and now the world alchemy which everything comes together. Jonathan's vision returns to the things that he had on his person: the small rod, the locket, and the miniature cauldron; and like a lightning bolt out of the blue...eureka! And even better he wasn't suffering from any headaches this time that would've made him go crazy.

"Alchemy... Yes... Yes! It's all coming back to me now... Magic...mana...alchemy... I've dealt with all of those things where I used to live... It's all coming back to me...I am an Alchemist...I used an alchemy study of cauldron synthesis to create items out of materials that followed a recipe... The miniature cauldron on my belt is where I do the all the magic with... Yes...I remember...every...thing...? No...there's something else I'm missing...something so very important, but..." said Jonathan as he then deeply ponders for at least a few minutes as he then lets out another heavy sigh "...I got nothing... It was so close I could grab it, but I just can't remember it...or maybe, considering about the nightmares, maybe I don't want to remember this particular detail...but... I can feel it in my aches a lot not remembering what I've forgotten...and it doesn't make me feel good... I need to know what it is no matter how scary or painful it is..."

Jonathan then takes out his small rod that he demonstrated earlier with making the tiny knife...then, all of a sudden, he uses a good amount of magical power to manifest a blade long enough to be a longsword... The blade itself looks very unique, it's not a metal blade at all, but a manifestation of rune or magical lines traced out to become an impressive blade.

"Yes, I know this weapon's what I use to defend myself while I go search for ingredients for my cauldron synthesis... Needless to say, all four of you really helped me a great deal in helping to return nearly all of my of one crucial one... Well, I can deal with that when the time comes, but right now I think I can probably help out trying to get everyone home with the knowledge I've regained." said Jonathan
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

The glow from the sword Jonathan had lit up the room, Turuilla watched as the runes lit up the old and well loved books that lived in this library. Now Turuilla understood the man was struggling to remember his past. Was that because of this place? Or maybe that's just where he was at in life before this place? "How scary it must be." She said softly, feeling mildly selfish for just wanting to leave. These folks were people too going through real stuff. Maybe she should be more sentitive. Still working on being more social.

Walking back by Jonathan,Turuilla bent down and gave him a thumbs up. "It looked like the pieces are coming together. Congrats Jonathan." That was more than she could say for Ren's situation. From what Azumi said it sounded complex and she felt for him. Next Turuilla went to Ren and placed a hand on his shoulder if he'd allow. "Maybe we can find more answers for you, too, as we look around. You both and Cal helped him afterall." Casting a thankful smile to Cal before walking through the aisles. "For those able, let's look around. There's some stairs that way...maybe there's an office or basement that has answers." She chimed in.

Turuilla would turn and head for the stairs to search.
"I'll go upstairs with you," Callisto called to Turuilla, "We can cover more ground that way."

That wasn't the only reason she wanted to go however. She didn't know why, but she felt a...well, almost a pull from the upstairs. Callisto had learned a while ago to trust her gut and instincts.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan dispels his magical blade and put the rod away as the two girls go upstairs.

"Hmm...I guess while the ladies go upstairs to look for some answers, I guess I'll stay down here to see if I can find anything... Hopefully we can find at least something that could help all of us get back home..." said Jonathan

Jonathan would then start combing through the books he can find on the ground floor as he would quickly slim through them to find any sort of clue that could help everyone get back to their homes. He's actually a magically adapted fast reader, capable of at least reading and finding certain keywords in minutes through books...but it does take a lot of concentration though, and ruining it would be a big annoyance as it'll take a significant amount of time to regain his concentration in order to do it again...

"I'll be amazed if we find alchemy recipe books here...what are the chances...?" said Jonathan as he continues to slim through many books as possible as time goes by
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was preoccupied with sensing the area near the bookstore they were in. She was so busy with this that she forgot to unsummon the books she used. Fortunately, it seemed the old man was nowhere to be found. Still, it seemed better for her to scout ahead with her magic, so she continued to sit in one place as she concentrated on her spell.

Ren followed Jonathan as he felt he was needed there most, by the bookshelves where Jonathan was perusing the books in it. Ren searched for books regarding combat magic. Despite what Azumi had told him, "Help, don't hurt", she never explicitly said not to hurt in self defense. It wouldn't hurt to try.

Alas, the summoner found a few basic spellbooks, magic missiles, fireballs, all those spells he'd usually find in the videogames he played. He practiced them carefully, conjuring small balls of magic energy and the like. Thankfully Azumi was not checking on him, so he almost had free reign to practice, if only for a few moments.
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla offered Cal a smile as they ascended upstairs. It was much dimmer upstairs, particles of dust clearly visible. They could see a hall to the left, and another small room with additional bookshelves to the right. Turuilla decided to go down the hall, going through a door open ajar. There rested a small bedroom masked away in darkness. The light from the hall lit only a small portion of the room, revealing a desk across the room and an empty chair. The light switch didn't seem to work. "I wouldn't suppose you have lighting powers too?" Turuilla inquired, looking back to Cal. "Are you doing okay by the way? The others all seemed to have some deep stuff going on."

Jonathan probably would have seen many different types of books. With further searching he would be able to find alchemy books. Some fantastical stories while some seemed like actual recipe books!

Continuing their search Ren or Jonathan may soon find a handwritten book. It perhaps appeared to be a journal. Most of the pages were so worn it was hard to make out the pen writing...however the last few pages were clear enough to understand. The latest journal entry reads:

" Day 265:
More people joined me today. Luckily I found them before the sandman did...these two were interesting. One appeared to be a dragon of sorts? The an elf woman. As expected they didn't know each other either. Nor did they know this place existed. I hoped maybe the dragon would choose to stay and help me defeat the sandman. It's better than the alternative...and yet they left me here. Alone just like everyone else. The cowards! Perhaps I should stop telling them how to leave...I'm so tired...but to face my fear? I couldn't. There has to be anoth-

The words stop there, the remaining pages for a photo of an old man with an eye patch. A small child in his arms. Smiling faces painted on both of them.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

Jonathan must've gone through at least 30 different books looking for something that could help them escape the strange world that they were in, but so far found nothing.

"Nothing again...and that was my thirtieth book too..." said Jonathan as he then lets out another heavy sigh to catch his breath for a bit "...Well I'm sure everyone knew this wouldn't be easy... Gotta keep going..."

Jonathan resumes his search going through more books...and to his surprise he actually found some alchemy recipe books...

"What the hell?! There are really alchemy recipe books here?! ...This...can't be right... I'm sure alchemy is only practiced in my world, so then how...? Then again what's there to be said from everyone else where alchemy is practiced and used in whatever worlds everyone else came from...Turuilla, Ren, and Azumi seems like they have alchemy in their worlds from what they were saying... Still, I've traveled to all sorts of places, and I've never seen this city before, so I'm pretty certain we're in another world...which is really starting to get every bit as scary as it sounds..." said Jonathan

Deciding on not diverging into a few alchemy recipe books that he ended up finding during his search, Jonathan then eventually found another book, but this time it's a journal.

"What's this?" said Jonathan as he skims through the journal "What the...? This is someone's journal...?"

Jonathan decides to read the whole thing rather carefully but found only a small entry and a picture within the journal before going through the whole thing.

"...Not much here...very unfortunate... So, this person is something called a sandman...? Well, I suppose it does fit considering Turuilla did had some grains of sand on her. And this group was trying to defeat the sandman...probably it was the only way for them to get back home...but... Apparently, he was abandoned? And apparently this person knows a secret that could've helped them leave? ...It's hard to believe if what this person is saying is true...but...perhaps this can be a clue still...maybe..." said Jonathan as he then looks at the picture "An old man with an eye patch holding a small child it looks like... The rest of the book is too messed up to gain any more information...if only we could restore it somehow...? Day 256...he must've been here for a very long time...poor guy... Knowing how long it took, I doubt he might even be alive..."

Jonathan decides to keep the journal, thinking that it could be a potential clue that could help them get back home. Going through that journal did, however, made Jonathan rather tired to the point that he's done looking through books for the time being.

"That's enough looking and reading for now...I need to rest..." said Jonathan as he then looks around "Hmm...I wonder if this place even has any food or drink...? Thinking about that now, if we don't find something to sustain ourselves... *gulp*..."
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

(OOC: Hella lot of replies already! I'm sorry if I'm late! :< )

The amount of people which randomly happened to be there for an instant, looking like they were in a massive terror of un-alive being surrounded by a strange voices like a storm of thunder buzz playing by their psychology. It was rather like a nightmare, that one of them in distress hearing the sound of the terror lured on their head. Futaba wore her headphones up, fitting it right on her ears when she somehow could hear what the voices muttered about.

"Come back. Share your dreams with me."

It was like a lightning struck. Futaba felt a strong pain making her head on ache with the wave of the sound. That was an old man's voice. He called the woman. Futaba was not sure either if it was a normal spirit or an ex-being which had been living under this environment. She could only hear the sound through her headphones. It was like a magic items for her too. The girl and her comrade suddenly bypass Futaba. She asked to join by though. Futaba needs an answer for this unrealistic transformation of the universe so she appeared from her hiding and follow the group. She stopped at the girl with the long hair when she later introduce herself as Turuilla. "I think you could hear it too.... The sound before.. About nightmare, right?" She had to pursue the girl because it seems that she was the only one who could understand the things inside this universe. The others had already introduced them self too. The man in black named Jonathan, who was passed out before had seems to bravely counter the book at his radius. The summoner, Ren, with her fox-spirit Azumi, looking curiously about the books to find a clue. Callisto, however, had been there together with them also observe for some more of any hints that may telling them about the place.

"My name is Futaba, by the way." She said to Callisto and Turuilla. "I have some... Bread and water. On my backpack. If you guys wanted to take some rest. I've been looting this place somehow, though I'm not really sure if it's already on expire dates."
Kotomi657 Topic Starter

(( no worries! Glad you are back ! :) ))
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

As Ren read the book with Jonathan, the latter noted the Old Man being the one in the logs
"Jonathan", Ren paused, " The old man in the picture. Don't you think he's that Sandman who chased Turuilla? Maybe he took the old Sandman's place. Look, I dunno what I'm saying but we better ask Turuilla about the old man in the picture, if he is the sandman"

Azumi stopped using her magic to sense the nearby area as it seemed safe for now, she had to check on Ren. Instead of finding Jonathan and her summoner together, she found another individual with orange hair. A teenager?! A mere child?!, the fox spirit thought to herself. Her maternal instincts had her worried sick for Futaba despite just meeting her. Her thoughts were redirected to the Sandman and how it had no boundaries when it came to cruelty. She approached Futaba quickly, her tails wagging.

"Are you hurt, dear?", She asked Futaba and smiled, "Were you followed?"

"Azumi", Ren called out, "Check this book Jonathan's found!"

Azumi did so and read the book Jonathan had been reading with Ren. She also listened to Ren's explanation, her years perked up the entire time.

"It could be worth a try. I shall tend to this girl first while you two consult Turuilla", She said as she returned to Futaba to check if she had any injuries.

"By the way", Azumi said as she went on her way, "The girl has food. I suggest you two eat if necessary"

Azumi then left, leaving Jonathan and Ren to decide if they would eat.

"I'll go on ahead to Turuilla. Can I borrow that book?", Ren said and would go to the second floor provided that Jonathan gave Ren the book.
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

"Nightmares...from the old man? Y-yeah I heard it." As Turuilla waited for a response from Cal, she looked towards Futaba. Someone so young stuck broke the woman's heart. Nevertheless something Futaba said perked Turuilla's interest. Looting...? How long had Futaba been there? Turuilla had only just gotten there. Everyone else had too...didn't they? Before inquiring further Azumi appeared, wishing to tend to the girl. Admirable.

"Hungry?" Turuilla asked to Cal, offering Futaba a grateful smile. "I think...some bread would be nice if you have enough for all of us. Thank you. Here- let's eat over here." Turuilla left exploring the dark room for now, gesturing towards a studying table located upstairs. An old wooden table with a few books scattered about from, perhaps, previous visitors. It was dusty but would probably work.

There were 8 chairs in total. A ceiling window illuminated the quiet and lonely space. It seemed more light was beginning to stream in...and as Turuilla approached the table, using her cardigan to wipe the dust, she looked up and noticed the fog had thinned. Enough for her to see-

"Ah- atleast we can see the moon now." She hummed, tossing the dirty jacket to the side. Turuilla noticed Azumi coming up once more and decided to shout down to the others. "Jonathan, Ren! Futaba has food-"
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Oh, we had another visitor this whole time? ...Sorry...guess I was way too engrossed in my search for answers... Well at least she's safe here with us...for now... Anyway, you said that this old man is the 'sandman' out there looking for us...? ...I suppose I'll take your word for it; I mean I haven't seen him myself, and it's probably for the best...but now it just creates more questions..." said Jonathan as he then lets out a sigh while then listening to Azumi about Futaba having food "Ah, yes, food. While what she has would be nice enough, will it be enough for the six of us here? And even worse if more people end up showing up? We will need to hunt and forage for food eventually...though it is a bit worrying if anything we find here is even edible, or if we can find anything at all...?"

Then Ren asks for the journal which Jonathan soon gives to him.

"Sure, knock yourself out. I need to take a break and relax anyway, but in the meantime, I'll try and come up with a solution to our possible future food problem as we'll probably be stuck in this world for a while." said Jonathan

While both Ren and Azumi then goes to do their own things, leaving Jonathan likely alone, he decides to find and sit in a comfy chair while pondering what to do about the growing food situation.

"Well...seeing that this is a city, though we have no idea how big it is given that it's very foggy outside that massively lowers our visibility...and even worse there's a dangerous entity out there looking for us... I wonder if there's either a grocery store, bakery, and/or deli which we can find food and drink? If we can find all three, then we should have all basic essentials for meats and vegetables. Considering Turuilla though, something tells me she might be a vegetarian since she's the closest to nature, and therefore does not like to kill game for food... Though it's a bit risky, especially if I go out myself, perhaps I should leave to search for things we need to sustain ourselves. I'm sure I'm not the only one capable of fighting...speaking of which, perhaps I should take this time to train and relearn all the basics... Considering that I've lost and regain all but very few memories, this may be important..."

And so, Jonathan uses this time to train and relearn most of his fighting techniques and magical skills that he used in the past back in his world, finding out that he has at least the basics down, having a few special techniques, and some access to basic magic...but is still missing a vast majority that would've made him a significant fighting force...

"Damn...this doesn't feel right... I feel like I'm missing something important again, and it's not the one thing that pains my heart... Something I feel would've draw out my true potential...but what...?" said Jonathan
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla hoped there was enough for everyone...but considering it may not be enough she was willing to ration it out. Turuilla would sit with everyone only to notice Jonathan hadn't come up. "Maybe he wasn't hungry?" She mused. Perhaps he needed space. Therefore she enjoyed everyone's company for awhile.

Turuilla would sit with those who chose to sit. Eat with those who wanted to. She noticed a strange journal Ren seemed to be carrying...and while she was curious, she eventually stood up. " I want to know about what you have there- but let's get everyone." She ripped a piece of bread and and grabbed rest of the water she was drinking, before heading down the stairs. "I'll be right back."

Turuilla may have wanted to try being more caring like Azumi had been with Futaba.

Upon going down the stairs she noticed Jonathan seemed focused? Doing something ? Turuilla wasn't too sure what he was doing. It reminded her of movements seen in perhaps an action movie. "Hey." She said, approaching the man and offering the little bread and water she had left. "It's not that stale. How come you're down here?"
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Huh?" said Jonathan as he turns around to see Turuilla coming towards him "Ah, Turuilla, I'm just getting my bearings for possible combat...but more importantly we need to plan for things ahead of time, like securing more food for the six of us here..."

When Turuilla offers Jonathan some bread and water, he takes it and immediately eats it elegantly while having his sword planted on the floor.

"Thanks, I hope everyone else is alright and not starving yet. I was thinking about going out to see if I can secure more food. In fact, I wonder if I have that bag with me." said Jonathan

Jonathan searched on his person for a special sling bag that's capable of having a subspace inside that can store a lot of things...but didn't find it...

"Curses...the one thing that would make carrying things so much easier..." said Jonathan as he faceplams in frustration for just a moment until... "...Wait a minute... I wonder..."

Jonathan then decides to unfasten his miniature cauldron from his belt as he then places it down on the floor, he then sends magic into the cauldron for it to magically grow into its normal size of being rather large and waist-high. Jonathan then looks inside to see his sling bag waiting for him to be picked up and sling on his body.

"Heh... It's one thing never leave home without my tool of the trade, but having the foresight to put a special item inside of the cauldron...I wonder how I did that...? Well either way I now have it...and thinking about it now, I wonder if I put anything inside of it..." said Jonathan

Jonathan would then open his bag to stick his hand inside. While it's hard to see because of Jonathan's hand blocking it, his hand is actually inside a miniature black hole. Jonathan doesn't need to physically look inside his bag to see what's inside or in the subspace, instead his hand does all that work for him, including sensing and finding things that he wants by having it gravitate towards his hand for him to pick up...naturally this process also uses a bit of magic... After a minute has passed, Jonathan finds that there's nothing inside of the bag, including the subspace inside of was completely empty...

"Oh, now that's just bag is completely empty... You would think I had the foresight to put in either some food, drink, tools I've made, and/or materials in order to use my alchemy practice...but no... Though I do have to wonder if it was meant to be empty considering we're in a different world. In fact, upon realizing this, I'm surprised I was able to create and open the subspace from within my would think it would be impossible otherwise because we're in a different world... Well, we can work this to our advantage at the very least." said Jonathan as he then slings his bag on his body and magically put away his cauldron by miniaturizing it and putting it away on his belt "Alright, I think it's high time to go out there to see what I could find. Perhaps you be willing to come with? Or I suppose you could stay here and hold down the fort since the bookstore is apparently a safe place."
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

"I wish I had a travel-sized cauldron." Turuilla hummed, putting her hands behind her back to investigate. Even the bag he had...imagine all the cool plant artifacts and samples she could fit in there! It would definitely save her several trips. Maybe a whole tree could fit in there...

Now wasn't the time to fantasize such a thing.

"I think we need food and think there would be somewhere close? Ah but what if we find that man..." Turuilla shuddered at the thought. "I'm not as magically inept like ya'll but I don't think it would be good to go alone. I'll go..but let's not go far. Let's leave a note-" easily she found paper and a pen and wrote the others a note.

"We'll be right be right back! Just gonna scout for more food. If we aren't back in 20 send for help." She announced up the stairs. Was this the smartest? She...wasn't sure. But with their situation she did agree they needed food. Surely it wouldn't be hard to find...right ?

"After you-" She mentioned to Jonathan.

Outside the mist would be grestly diminished, the moon glimmering above. There were no sounds. It reminded Turuilla of a ghost town.

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