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Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla was startled when Cal began calling out to her. Sensing the panic the woman seemed to feel, Turuilla furrowed her brows. "Cal, what's up? What's going on with the moon?" Tucking the book under her arm she looked to Futaba. "Come if you want to." With that Turuilla went to Cal, gently rubbing her arm. "Are you okay? What's wrong...can you show me?"Turuilla would follow Cal if she was to show her the problem.
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)


Futaba rubbed her head after Turuilla bonked her head with the book. It wasn't hurt, since Turuilla didn't give her full power on her hit but the scolding already went through her like a hit instead. She then gave a chuckle when Turuilla said that will hire Futaba on her work. Futaba wasn't sure if she could contribute her knowledge to the society. She likes to work alone without someone ordering her anyway.

She was about to reply back to Turuilla before Callisto came to them in haste. She was gone to the roof earlier, prolly to get some refreshment but just for the moment out of the deep talk she rushed her way back to sign them about the moon. Futaba left perplexed at Callisto call about the moon. Wasn't she said the lunar was her power? Nevertheless, Futaba rushed out after Turuilla, followed her behind and found Callisto. "Are you okay?" She said to Callisto, feeling concerned that Cal seems hardly to catch her breath.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

During the girl's conversation, Jonathan was resting the whole time, and once they're done...with Callisto having a big concern about the moon...he woke up rather hungry, so he decided to go and get something quick to eat before going back to sleep; he didn't have much to eat aside from the small amount of bread and water that Futaba offered after all... Jonathan only got one can of food, the taste isn't too bad but it was awfully bland due to the nature of the long shelf life. When Jonathan finished eating, and disposed the can, he then overhears the three ladies' conversation and wonders what's going on.

"Hmm? Is there something the matter?" asked Jonathan as he was walking towards Turuilla, Callisto, and Futaba
Callsito stopped and tried to catch her breath.

"Okay, sorry, I'm better now," she replied, "Follow me."

She began leading the other girls, and Jonathan, to the roof as she explained what she had witnessed.

"Earlier, when we were outside, the moon was a crescent. I remember, because, well, it's the moon. Now it's a full moon. It's only been, what, a few hours since we were outside? There's no natural way for the moon to be full now. And my powers...they feel off too. I was on the roof to 'recharge' as I call it. Basically like a cat lays in the sunshine for a refreshing nap, I bask in the moonlight. Anyways, my powers have felt off since we got here. But I figured it was just because of the entire situation. I was wrong. Something is off with Tungi too."

Suddenly, Callisto realized she said too much. Tungi was something she hadn't spoken out loud of in years. What was this place doing to her?

"Sorry, I meant with my...uh, my tongue too. I think that water I drank kinda reacted weird with my tongue," she chuckled nervously.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Hmmmmm...well we are in a different world from where we're all from, so I suppose it's not that surprising things here are a little bit condolences about your powers feeling kinda off, it must be hard with the moon changing phases on a dime like that..." said Jonathan as he then heard Callisto saying an interesting word but wanted the group to ignore it "Oookay then... Either way, is this going to be a problem with either your powers and/or health? I especially don't know how to help you in this kind of situation...especially that we are dealing with a moon up in the sky..."

Jonathan tends to be like a gentleman, and not press people for information for anything unless if they decided to come clean and consult with him and/or others. Of course, he'll still remember what Callisto has said, curious about the meaning behind Tungi.
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

Futaba's lips grew thin and firm. She was actually concerned that Callisto seemed to have a panic attack or some kind of anxiety when she was breathless. "Do you need to get more rest?" Futaba said sternly, ominous thoughts squirmed at the back of her mind. But soon she felt relieved when Callisto was calm and asked them to follow. So, she walked behind of Callisto, Turuilla and Jonathan to see what kind of things that would be said.

"That's what I thought too before. I'm certain that I already being a couple of days trapped here. But I also uncertain if I was teleported further way from you guys. Neither I know if we go past nor the future. The time settings here quite messed up. She lift her hand to rub her chin as she dwell on her thoughts. "Did you drink the water? Or something else?" Futaba added when Callisto mentioned about her tongue that felt rather strange.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie wakes up on the floor in a random, unfamiliar building. She stands up and looks around quietly, not quite panicked, but not entirely relaxed either. As she looks at everything curiously, she pauses. Her brown bunny ears picking up on talking and footsteps several blocks away from her.

"There's other people here?" She thinks to herself and starts to follow the direction the sounds are coming from. She gazes at everything she passes before getting tired of similar looking buildings. Jalie turns into a small brown bunny and bounds down the streets, growing nearer and nearer to the voices and footsteps. She stops just before coming into sight and her small, furry head peaks around the corner to look at the people.

"They seem friendly." She thinks and wonders if she should introduce herself now or later. The small brown bunny follows the people instead of turning back into her human form.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren was busy scavenging for tools until Azumi had called him.

"W-what are you making, sweetie?", Azumi asked

She saw it. Some sort of pistol. It was rather rudimentary, but had the necessary components for it to work properly. A purple stone was embedded in the grip.

"Stunning pistol", Ren said in a monotonous voice, "I had melted some silverware scattered by one of the tables and repurposed them into enchanted incapacitation bullets"

Azumi was a bit unnerved, but nonetheless relieved it was not a weapon meant to kill. Despite this, she knew it was only a matter of time before Ren remembered it all, his true past...

As the rest of the group went to the roof, Ren and Azumi followed soon after just in time to listen to Callisto. She mentioned a certain, "Tungi". Whether or not this "Tungi" was a living being or an object was left unknown as Callisto did not expand on it.

"Is Tungi your familiar?", Azumi asked, but Ren nudged her by her arm and shook his head, signalling Azumi not to press the woman regardless of how kindly the familiar asked.

Callisto was hiding something and was most likely not comfortable with discussing it. He knew it all too well. He had done so many times before, especially with Azumi.

"The moon changed too soon, huh?", Ren said, "Probably the sandman's doing. He's got control over this reality I'm guessing"

Azumi then approached Callisto and placed a hand on her arm

"Her mana", She noted, "It's unstable. I have trouble reading it... mayhap the Sandman knows each of our strengths and weakness and is thus manipulating the world around us so he can weaken us. But it's strange... nothing is dampening my connection to the physical world-"

Azumi suddenly yelped as she felt a slight pain in her chest. Her body had started to become wispy and see through for a few moments before turning back to normal. Ren approached Azumi quickly to check her condition. The mana that composed her physical form was stable, but starting the fall apart slightly.

"He may be affecting my ability to remain in the physical world...", She grunted, "Worry not, it shall take more than that to get rid of a four tailed kitsune!"
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie watches quietly, careful not to make any loud sounds. "Stunning pistol?! What's it for?... Or who?" Her small rabbit body shudders a little at the thought of it being used on her.

"What in the world are they talking about? None of it makes sense." She hops forward, a tiny hop, barely coming closer to the group. She listens and watches curiously. Tilting her head, one of her ears folds over.

Although she was making sure to be quiet, she looked like nothing more than a pet bunny. She is a small brown bunny with long ears and a fluffy, white, cotton tail. In reality she looks harmless, but Jalie never remembers this- or more accurately, like to be extra careful. Especially in situations that are already extremely weird/
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

Is this some kind of a warn from the sandman for us? Futaba thought. With Jonathan constantly having headache, Turuilla sometimes had to snap on her memories, Callisto with the nerfed down on her lunar abilities and now Azumi... her magic abilities also seems quite toned down. Futaba felt a slight despair on her heart. Will they be able to even get back to where they supposed from? Futaba sighed.

Nonetheless, just like an instinct of her surroundings, Futaba felt something moving toward them. Futaba counted the people gathered here. All of them already contented, so who? Only them that are exist in this world. Futaba felt a rise on her heart rate as she quickly turn on her back and looking for the one that made her anxious.

"Wait everyone! I sensed something, moving!" So Futaba took back her goggles, with the night vision, she immediately found a tiny object that look like a rabbit hopped around. Were there any rabbit before?

"I'll check." With the trace that she got from her goggles, she rushed toward the rabbit and slowly pull it up on her body. She cuddled the rabbit. "Hello there, cutie."
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Jalie tries to scramble away, startled. But she is too late, having already been picked up. She purrs softly for a second before regaining her wits and shaking her small, fluffy head. She jumps out of the girl's arms and turns into her human form.

"Um... hi." Jalie smiles and gives a small, awkward wave.

She's wearing a pale pink, loose crop top with light blue jean shorts and pastel shoes. Her belly button piercing glints softly in the low light as her ears and tail twitch barely from nerves. Even as a human she's exceptionally small, standing at 4'11".

Jalie glances at Ren and his "stunning pistol".
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Looks like everyone is here now. Well at least everyone looks fine on this weird night...the fact that this is our very first night together being in this world and all..." said Jonathan as he then notices Azumi fading in and out within her physical form, and then admits to being a four-tailed kitsune "That was a bit this sandman really does know our strengths and weaknesses... I suppose in my case, not having all of my memories, especially some very important ones, is what keeping me from reaching my fullest potential; especially in combat... So Azumi is a...four-tailed kitsune, you said...? So, you're a fox with four tails? That's...very interesting... Hmm...I wonder if I ever met someone as special as you...?"

It was then Futaba detected something moving and was on full alert, which made Jonathan do the same by grasping at the small rod within the inside of his long coat before taking a stance to see what's going on...only to find out that it was just only a rabbit that managed to come join them...

"It was just only a rabbit? How odd... Well, I suppose creatures can exist in this world, which means we can have a source of ga--" said Jonathan as he then realizes something odd about all of this that he stopped himself mid-sentence "...Wait a minute... I know we haven't been here that long...but..."

Jonathan then gets closer and looks at the rabbit very suspiciously...

"Hmm...I this one really a rabbit...? Why would we find possible game animals for a source of substance while whoever is really in charge of this world wants us to suffer? If anything, it could be a possible trap, a trick from the sandman even..." said Jonathan as he looks at the rabbit with even more suspicion...but then soon calms and lightens his mood as he then sighs heavily... "...Then again I could be well off the mark... Still having a rabbit around would make things a bit more comfortable for our moods... Then again it would mean another mouth to feed, and rabbits are known to be very particular about their food and diet...all the more reason we need to search and find more food when morning comes..."

And then the rabbit turned human, which definitely surprised Jonathan out of his wits...if only for a moment...

"What the?! The rabbit turned into a lady?! Geez...that's twice we have people who can turn into animals... Well...I guess this works out for not having to worry about the rabbit and it's feeding..." said Jonathan as he looks at Jalie staring at the stunning pistol Ren has "Ummmmm...something the matter...? You're staring at that gun that Ren has..."
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Yall, I'm sorry for the short responses, I struggle to write long paragraphs. I promise I'm trying 🥲

"Heh, sorry.." She lets out an awkward laugh as she glances periodically at Ren. "Hmm?" Jalie blinks. She's obviously distracted but turns her attention to Jonathan nonetheless.

"Oh, sorry, uh.. nothing's the matter." She shakes her head slightly. She pauses and there's a somewhat awkward silence. "Um.. I'm Jalie, by the way." She holds out her hand for a handshake and smiles warmly.

"Well, at least that's out of the way I guess... it can only get better from here.... hopefully."
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

(( It's fine, you're still contributing to the story, and no one here isn't that picky. ))

"Jonathan is my name. I could introduce you to the others here, but I'm sure they like being the ones that do so. I'm an alchemist who studies and uses cauldron synthesis...I hope I can use this practice to get ourselves back to our homeworlds because none of us live here...especially the world itself seems to make things harder for us the longer we stay here..." said Jonathan as he shakes Jalie's hand gently
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Abigail had been up on the roof, quietly watching as everything unfolded. The girl was clearly shocked to see a bunny in their area...and even more shocked when the bunny became...a girl. Turuilla gave a polite smile, approaching Jalie to shake her hand as well. "Glad you found us when you did, Jalie. I'm Turuilla...these folks are my friends." She blushed faintly at the thought. Actual friends. Turuilla continued," All good people here with very creative talents." Turuilla glanced to Ren's gun, surprised by it.

"Is that an actual gun Ren...? I-i hope you know how to use it." She said a bit worriedly. "It would make good, fast work of the sandman though which we may need...Speaking of- have you seen him Jalie?" Turuilla asked the small woman, studying her small frame for any particles of sand. "He's an old man with a long beard...trapped us here with dreams and now we're in the middle of planning a way out...hold on- you turned into a bunny? Can you turn into...other things too?" Maybe Jalie could help them escape too.
Kotomi657 Topic Starter

((No worries! I wanted this to be a fun yet chill time for folks. Thanks for joining Jalie and adding in stuff!))
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

Kotomi657 wrote:
((No worries! I wanted this to be a fun yet chill time for folks. Thanks for joining Jalie and adding in stuff!))

((No problem, thanks for having me!))
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Nice to meet you." She smiles at Jonathan before her attention is directed to Turuilla. Jalie shakes her hand and repeats herself. Her gaze follows Turuilla's and lands on Ren with his gun. "Um... I heard him say it was a 'stunning pistol'... or something to that effect."

Jalie looks at her perplexed, "I haven't seen anyone but you guys." She laughs a little, "Nope, just a bunny.. I'm a bunny-human hybrid. Althoughh..." She trails off and pauses for a moment. "I can uh, manipulate minds... I'm not sure if I'd be able to use that to help."

She tenses slightly as she waits for the scared looks, and those of distrust or disgust. Or even hatred. It seemed no matter how close she was to a person, no matter how much they trusted her before, as soon as she told anyone they looked at her like she'd thrown their baby off a bridge. It hurts losing someone's trust in the blink of an eye, for no other reason than a power she was born with. You get used to the hurt after sometime though, it doesn't sting as bad as it first did. She usually keeps it to herself for that reason, but Jalie figured it could help in this situation.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Ah...I still retain your rabbit ears and tail while in human form..." said Jonathan as he then ponders "Hmm...not quite beastman...more human than animal... Still, it's very familiar to how I met and deal with beastmen with my alchemy services..."

And then Jalie let out something rather shocking...she can manipulate minds, something that's considering to be quite powerful...and very dangerous in the wrong hands...

"You can...manipulate minds...? That's quite shocking...even more impressive for a rabbit to have since they're well known to be quite timid... I suppose you use that ability as a defensive measure? In fact, I'm sure it can even be useful in catching the sandman too." said Jonathan

Much of Jalie's surprise, Jonathan was rather more impressed than scared. Sure, she could've manipulated and messed with Jonathan's mind...the fact that he was still suffering from a bit of memory loss could prove to be either even more fatal or actually helpful in regaining the last bits of his memories... But, for her sake, it's best for her not to try and mess with his mind...the last bit of memories hidden away from Jonathan are actually extremely dangerous to be let out...he'll likely never realize it, but his deep subconsciousness is blocking those last bit of memories from leaking out as a defense measure... You know, to protect oneself of traumatizing memories.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

As, the rabbit that Futaba recently got transformed into a more human form. Azumi was elated to finally ask the one question she always asks to shapeshifters
She looked excitedly at Jalie and approached her

"Are you... a yokai?!", Azumi said happily, "I am Azumi, a fox yokai and a shikigami to my summoner, Ren!"

Ren pulled her away from Jalie out of embarrassment, covering his eyes.

"I'm Ren", He smiled, "Forgive my familiar, she thinks every non-human's immediately a yokai"

Then when Jalie talked about mind manipulation, Ren suddenly went more stoic with a more monotonous voice once more.

"Two Psychics identified", He said with a blank expression, "Suggestion to counter sandman with said psychics through the use of their memory alteration spells. Futaba will act as bait. I will immediately stun the Sandman with this stunning pistol, giving about five point thirty two seconds of reaction time to enact the memory alteration on the threat"

Azumi knew he referred to Jalie and herself.

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