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Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Haha, yeah, I do." She wiggles her ears and tail as a demonstration. "No, I'm not a Yokai,"she laughs. "It's quite okay, nice to meet you." She says to Ren.

"I- uh..." She's never gotten reactions like that before. Jalie hesitates, not quite knowing how to respond. "Yes, I use it mostly as a defense measure." Jalie tilts her head at Ren. "Two psychics? Who's the other?... Funny, cuz I wouldn't quite call myself a psychic..." She thinks about it for a moment, "But I guess I technically am..." She ponders this before adding, "I don't use spells... but I'm sure I could do whatever memory alteration is needed. I'll need specifics though." Jalie's never gotten to talk about her power so openly like this before, "It's... refreshing." She thinks.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Ah...Ren is having a trance again... He'll be fine though..." said Jonathan with a slight hint of worry seeing Ren like that "I'm guessing Ren is referring to his familiar, Azumi, as a psychic, she does have the ability to do certain things that I can't really comprehend myself...and most of us here are capable of doing all sorts of things with their magical talents... So, you can alter people's memory...I guess that's to be expected..."

"Logically, since I'm still trying to recover the rest of my memories, I could ask for Jalie to help me out with this...or even Azumi since I figured she's a very capable kitsune as well... But...something...something tells this is a bad idea... I don't know why but...I'm scared... Why...? Why now of all times I'm starting to be scared of what I would find out when I had the courage from earlier? My body is sending me some very conflicting messages...hence is why I have the headaches... *Sigh*...maybe I need to rest and take my mind off of this for a while..." said Jonathan, deep within his thoughts

"Well, I'm sure your powers will become useful when the time comes so that we can all return back home... In any case though we should head back inside to rest up until morning... Oh, and are you hungry by any chance, Jalie? We got a few things from looking around...canned foods and potatoes... I know it isn't much but help yourself. I'll try to look for more stuff when morning comes." said Jonathan as he then proceeds to head on back inside the bookstore in order to rest
While everyone was speaking, Callisto was only half-listening. Something about the moon was off. Not just the phases changing so quickly, but something else too.

I'll figure it out, she mentally promised Tungi.

"Hi Jalie, I'm Callisto," she introduced herself as they were all heading inside, "I'm a human technically. But I have lunar powers."

She stepped inside the door, suddenly exhausted. Leaning against the wall, she put her hand on her forehead and exhaled.
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

[OOC: It's fine Jalie~ As long as we have fun~]

"Uh-oh, wait!" Futaba shrieked when the rabbit tried to fight from her cuddle and wanted to escape. She also had double shock when the rabbit transfigured to a human form which made Futaba fell back with her bottom landed on the ground first. Although she already being used to with how Azumi existing around, but the experience of an animal turned into a human in front of her eyes was quite rare. "Hold up!" Futaba became breathless as she felt still in shock and quickly pull her legs together to stand back up. "So, you are a human--uh." Futaba felt a little dizzy aftermath. After all, anything could happen in this realm when it was closer to their dreams than reality. A bunny-human hybrid. Wow. Futaba almost become speechless when the young bunny girl already introduced herself. She just noticed Ren's gun when everyone mentioned about it.

"My name is Futaba, by the way. I'm sorry for suddenly lifting you up." Futaba added in the end after everyone had finished introduce themselves. "So, uhh... Just to make sure, you were also woke up in this universe because of a dream? Because... well, we want to get out from here." Futaba claimed the conclusion to Jalie.

Her sense was tingling once again, it looks like somebody else also having an eye on them. Or so it was. Futaba tried to gaze around, but since she already used her goggles in the meantime, its battery became low. "Oh shoot! It will die soon." She said. Futaba took off her goggles and save it back to her bag before she lift her head up and took a glimpse around a building. Something strange tickling her navigator sense. She would realize about Abigail later, but as for now, she waited for the others to get used to the bunny girl and when Jonathan had to got back to rest.
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Sorry, are you okay?" Jalie looks at Futaba with a concerned expression. "I just didn't want you guys taking me around thinking I'm a bunny when I'm not entirely, it just didn't seem fair. And... I don't want to be eaten.." She laughs a little. "Oh, it's ok. It happens a lot, and I don't mind most of the time. And yes, I had a... dream.. and woke up here." She shifts. "I would also like to go back home."

She looks from Jonathan to Ren, "A trance? It sounds like this has happened multiple times too.. I guess I'll figure it out later." She's quiet for a moment before turning back to Jonathan and speaking. "Oh, I guess I should have figured when she said yokai and shikigami... Yeah, I can alter memories.. I can also give suggestions or thoughts to a person to get them to do certain things, it's not quite mind control as it doesn't always work." Jalie explains her power somewhat, not going into great detail. She seems to be happy to explain it though.

Jalie's ears twitch and she seems a bit antsy. "Um, Is this all of you?" She asks, walking inside.

"Nice to meet you Callisto. Lunar powers? That's cool." She seems slightly distracted as she answers, however still paying attention to what's happening in front of her. "Are you alright?" She asks Callisto. Jalie reaches out as if to catch Callisto if she falls, despite this she still seems distracted.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"From what we gathered; this is pretty much for a few people that the sandman has gotten when we were out looking for food... There could be more out there...perhaps...though personally it would probably be best if no more people show up since this world is sort of like purgatory... Granted that's a bit too strong of a word saying about this place since we can find at least things to eat in order to sustain ourselves along with materials for me to make stuff out it's really not all that bad... With poor Callisto though, I think we will need to at least hurry up trying a way out of this world if she's highly affected by the changing moon phases." said Jonathan
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Hmm, I see your point. There's someone else near us though." She looks distant and distracted. Her ears twitch occasionally and she looks around at seemingly nothing. "I can feel their mind.." Although she can feel Abigail's presence she hasn't entered her mind in respect for privacy and whatnot.
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla's attention was brought back to Cal, who was with Jalie at the moment. Perhaps this world was taking a deeper toll on some. Ren with the trance, Jonathan with the headaches...maybe it was only a matter of time before matters became worse for them. "Let's help Cal sit?" Turuilla would mention after a moment, ushering Jalie and Cal to sit on a minimally comfortable couch found on the first floor of the bookstore.

Turuilla would take a seat in the least, sighing as she tried to formulate everything. Her fingers idly played with a book in her hands before she spoke up. "I think we have to hurry and get out of here...Jalie your powers are more helpful than you know. I agree with Ren. We have to lure him in- maybe stun the sandman? Then if you and Azumi can work together maybe we can...get him to realize who he is."

Turuilla held up the book she had, a sleepy yawn escaping her lips. "I found more journal logs- this one's from a girl. I'm thinking the little girl from the photo." Turuilla said. "Ah Jalie- basically there's this...old man whose like a sandman trapping people in dreams. We think he trapped us here. We believe he used to be trapped here by a different sand man...and then somehow he took over for him and became the new sandman of this place? It's all a theory and kinda confusing." Turuilla admits, rubbing her forehead.

"But the man had a girl in his life. His grandchild it seems. And I think this is the girls journal. She was here with him in this place." Turuilla glanced at the pages of the book she held. "The girl was terrified of their sandman, and tried hard to work with her grandfather find a way out. They were both humans. The girl wrote about dreams she was having...nightmares about clowns? I guess the nightmares felt surreal. Poor kid."

Turuilla went on, "The logs get blurry and hard to read but I guess...the girl and her grandfather made friends here. It seems the girl and her grandfather were here for along time, and had witnessed many folks getting trapped by the sandman. Endless sleep they called it. But then the girl mentions..a way to get out??" Turuilla goes quiet as she reads more of the journal.

"It says:
'Grandpa was saddened to see the young dragon boy escape. Supposedly he faced his true fear and then...was set free? Grandpa hates to see people go this way...and would rather someone stay to help him...but I'm so scared here. Do I even want to stay and help Grandpa defeat the sandman.? Or do I want to go home? I don't know if I could face my nightmares. Stupid clowns' ."

Turuilla paused after reading that last entry, flipping through blank pages. "There's nothing else here."
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"I guess you should probably take that picture with you", Ren noted to Turuilla, "Sounds silly, but if both Azumi and Jalie can't deal with this thing. Maybe we could straight up show the Sandman a picture of the girl?"

Azumi was slightly offended by the idea that her summoner would think that there was even an inkling of a possibility that she was not capable of dealing with the Sandman. She was capable, and Ren always underestimated the power of a four-tails. She would not fail him, right? Despite the recent inconvenience that involved her nearly being unsummoned.

"Ren", Azumi frowned, "Why are you making a plan B? Worry not dear, I'm strong enough to protect all of you!"

"I don't want you overexerting yourself", Ren said bleakly, "It involves both you and Jalie retreating if the situation gets tougher. I'm not ready to lose you, mom"

She did not realize it. Ren was starting to remember. The trances, in fact, were not directly caused by the Sandman himself, but instead indirectly weakened Azumi's magic and subsequently, her physical form as it was made of magic.

That did not worry her, what did worry her was the fact that he called her "mom". She could sense that her summoner knew that they were in grave danger. He was usually embarrassed to even refer to her in front of strangers, but now. He was afraid. They were both afraid of what was to come. This caused the fox spirit to have tears streaming down of furry face as she ran to hug Ren tightly.

"I will not succumb to this Sandman, I promise you as your guardian spirit!", She said, "I will do everything in my power to protect all of you!"

"I know, mom. Let's do this", He said before turning to Turuilla, "Another silly Idea, but maybe this little girl is still around and hasn't escaped yet?"
Callisto sat silently, trying to muster up some energy. If she could just gain some...she had been in the moonlight long enough.

"I got it!" she suddenly exclaimed.

She'd listened to Turuilla talk about the journal and the others talk about the plan, but was also praticing. After Ren spoke, moonlight streaks shone in her hair, almost like dyed highlights. Although this glowed, shined, like moonlight on a lake. Callisto's fingernails looked almost painted, but it was the moonshine seeping out of her.

"Um...well this is awkward..." she chuckled awkwardly.
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Hmmmmm...two sandmans, huh...? And one of them is actually a good guy according to what you've discovered... Well, I suppose if we find this particular sandman, will also be a good way to get ourselves out of here. Defeat the evil sandman that trapped us here...or go and find the good sandman to send us back to our worlds... Two options to choose from..." said Jonathan as he then listens to what Jadie had to say "There's still someone out there? Well, I suppose I can do a search and rescue if he or she is somewhere close by."

Then Jonathan looked at Callisto's body doing something weird...

"Umm...are you going to be okay, Callisto...? Your body is doing...something..." said Jonathan, looking very confused as to what's happening to her

Jonathan did both Ren and Azumi converse with each other but didn't want to butt in...especially when it sounded quite personal like mother and least he heard those words... Anyway, if requested, Jonathan would go out again to find the person what Jadie is detecting; otherwise he'll likely go to bed in hopes to get enough rest for the morning.
Futaba Sakura (played anonymously)

"Hey..." Futaba flinched after Turuilla mentioned about true fear as a way for them to go out from this kind of universe. Why was there a man became a new sandman after defeating the "old sandman"? Was it means that this universe had kind of loop illusions to make people whom trapped to be one of them? Futaba wasn't sure enough. With Turuilla's explanation about the sandman which had a little girl also kind of infuriating. "Does this mean the girl still trapped here with us? If she said that she couldn't face her fear.... Or, should we look for this girl?" Futaba raised her eyebrows in perplex. How if the one she saw before was the grandchild of the sandman? If only there would be any electricity nearby, Futaba need to recharge her goggles and find this girl she saw the glimpse before.
"Yeah, I'm good," Callisto tried to control her powers, the moonlight slowly fading.

After a few minutes, she was completely back to normal.

"As for the sandman, I can confuse him with my powers."
Jalie (played by Jellopolie)

"Oh, yeah, that's.. that's kinda weird, and confusing." Jalie seems to think about this for a second. "Yeah, sure. I can help with whatever needed."

She nods at Ren. "Maybe, it's not a very far fetched idea. Definitely possible.." She pauses. "Hey, maybe that other person is her."

Jalie watches Callisto curiously. "Wow, that's really cool. I'm guessing that's part of your, uh, moon powers? Is that what you call them?"

"Well, I don't think you'll have to really search. They're on the roof of this building.." She looks at Jonathan. "Plus, I could probably convince them to just walk in here. That is, if that's what everyone wants." Jalie looks around at everyone for responses.
Callisto nodded in response to Jalie, "Kind of, yes. You know how they say the moon mezmorizes people with it's beauty, or how werewolves are most active on full moon nights? It's sort of like that. I can't fully manipulate them or control them, but I can confuse them. Like a mirror maze at the fair."

She thought for a moment about the person on the roof. Maybe their presence wouldn't turn out too bad. She could always subdue them if need be.

"I vote yes, for them to be here."
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"If we don't have to search for them because they're already here, then yes, we should find them and let them in. After all we do need to all stick together in order to get through this alive. That being said though, I'm sure everyone else is tired so go on inside to get some rest. I'll be joining in a short order once everything is done and secured here." said Jonathan
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Yeah", Ren said, "Sure. Sounds risky, but our plan's already risky in the first place without any choice"

He then turned to Azumi who nodded. They were ready. They were ready for the fight ahead of them.

"I concur. I shall ready myself outside this bookstore. Miss Jalie, come with me if you are ready!"
Turuilla E Collins. (played by Kotomi657) Topic Starter

Turuilla wished she could say she has been dutifully keeping up with everything...but rather she was still staring at the journal she had. Most of the text unreadable save for the portion she read aloud. The pieces weren't fully clicking to her, but it was clear something had to be done. "Someone else is here? Oh goodness how many folks are there?" Turuilla chimed in just enough to gather that. By now her hair was fluffy mess, her eyes tired but also fearful. What happened next wouldn't really prove to sooth her either.

Little sheeps little sheeps.

A voice resonated throughout the place. It sounded like it was from outside, but somehow the voice was clear enough to those who heard it. Almost exhoing in the woman's head. The woman got immediate goosebumps. "Oh no..." Outside the window Turuilla could see a thick mist covering the outside. It was so thick it began to mask their little safe haven in darkness. Particles of sand began to bombard the window...bombard the library as a whole.

"Ren! Come back inside quickly!" Turuilla had chills and she stood up weakly and fearfully. "Jalie if you have someone up there on the roof nows the time to get them." Turuilla wished she could do more, guide more, but she was afraid. All she could think to do was hug Futaba protectively.

If Ren and Azumi where outside they may witness a thick mist along with Sand particles whipping through the air. There was no person present yet...just a soothing yet haunting lullaby.
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Little Sheeps, little sheeps, the voice outside echoed. Azumi and Ren could feel it. It was definitely the Sandman. Sand had blended with the mist of this gloomy world and surrounded the two. Azumi felt weakened once more, her body see through and wispy.

"Azumi!", Ren cried out

Her mind filled with worry Azumi lost herself in and endless sea of thoughts.You cannot save him , one thought said. He'll be alone, another though said. However, Azumi took offence to those statements, she did not become crestfallen by the thoughts.

She stood strong...

"I said", Azumi paused and groaned in pain,"it shall take more than that to destroy me, Sandman!"

She knew why she was losing her physical form. It was fear that made her lose her focus on maintaining it. The Sandman must have preyed on it. She knew she was a strong fox spirit and there was no convincing her otherwise. She would protect her son
Her form returned to its normal self and they hurriedly made their way to the rooftop. Most of the library was full of sand, it hindered both of their eyes all the way to the stairs. Thankfully, they came out unscathed. Ren immediately approached Turuilla, Azumi followed close behind

"I guess we do need a plan B", Ren said, "Any hiding spots to ambush the Sandman? Because, we gotta act quick!"
Jonathan (played by ForeverDreamer)

"Geez...that sandman really can't let us have a single break to ourselves...and on our first night no less... If only I can do something with making something... Problem is that I need ingredients, and I doubt we even have stuff we could even use as such around here. Also, I would need to know what I need to make as well." said Jonathan as he sees the sand trying to force its way inside a locked window "Guess we need to barricade this place down a bit more, we definitely do not want that sand to get in here...doubt there's any wood or extra furniture we can use, is there...?"

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