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Forums » Looking for RP » Serious Zombie Survival RP (Closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Peter Armiger (played anonymously)

I am seeking a serious and realistic zombie survival RP for this new character. I have been wanting to do one of these types of RPs for a while, and am finally getting around to it. It doesn't matter age or gender of the character so long as they are a good fit. For RP purposes, and yes it shall be intense and fast paced!, the characters will know each other right off the bat. That is really it, I'm really not all that good at posting these sorts of things but here it is anyways! :P

Let me know if you're interested and with who please!

  • Active RPer
  • Realistic Game play (No god-modding, no untouchable toons, not too much good luck/fortune, etc.)
  • One to two players
  • Decent spelling and grammar (I will not fault anyone for some misspell words, heck, I do it all the time, but if I cant understand you then we have a problem!)
  • No one-liners
Oh man

Oh man oh man oh man

I would love to do this. I don't have the character who I'd be doing it with up on RPR yet... I have a link to a profile of his elsewhere.

Obviously I can set up an RPR real quick for him if he's what you're looking for.
Peter Armiger (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Sounds good to me! It's always a good idea to have a humongous ex-military guy around (trust me, I would be running after him for him to join my survival group). If you wanna set him up real quick we can start sometime soon (I have to finish my hw so it will have to wait until after that if I take first post honors).
Awesome! I'll get him set up right away ;)
Cecil Dumont (played by Allyne)

Done! ;)
Peter Armiger (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Sweet! I'll try and set it up in a bit!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Serious Zombie Survival RP (Closed)

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