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Forums » Help » Seeing if someone is typing?

I know that you can turn forums and dms and such into chats, but i was wondering..
Lets say a dm between two people, one has it open as a chat, the other doesn't
The one that has it open as a chat, will they still see the other is typing? Or is that only if both have it open as a chat?
I sort of tested this out with someone today, and the answer is both have to have the DM set to chat mode.
The 'someone is typing' message does not appear on the person who has chat open if the other person is typing in normal mode.
Likewise, if you don't have the DM open as chat whether they do or not, you won't see the 'someone is typing' message.
Echo Topic Starter

Dawnia wrote:
I sort of tested this out with someone today, and the answer is both have to have the DM set to chat mode.
The 'someone is typing' message does not appear on the person who has chat open if the other person is typing in normal mode.
Likewise, if you don't have the DM open as chat whether they do or not, you won't see the 'someone is typing' message.

Thank you! I kinda figured it probably worked like that but i wasn't sure^^

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