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Forums » Introductions » Hello Everybody!

Well hello there!

First things first, welcome to the place. I truly hope you find in here what you're looking for. I'm quite sure you'll settle in just fine and encounter the right partners for your ideas for the roleplaying. I'm a long term writer that firstly moved into this place after the last place I had been writing for over than a decade announced its future migration into another platform. Guess what? The migration already took place and that new platform no longer feels like 'home' for me and one of my friends, the one I used to write with the most and still do now a days. Upon my arrival here, I found out that after all it was possible to have some place else where I could call 'home' for my characters (Ocs and Canons), and continue this adventure of mine into this world we all love so much.

With that said, I apologize for my longass reply to your greeting intro. If you ever feel like it, take a look at my characters and hit my inbox.
Hey pal! Welcome!
Welcome! Romance and Fantasy lover here! If you like what you see on my profiles, certainly do send me a message and/or friend request!

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