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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » An Alternate wizarding World Rp (((open to all)))

Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl)

(( A select few were chosen to convince the chosen one to come home. Nothing is as it seems. Feel free to Jump in. ))

Ron snorted as he glared at Lior. “We need a plan to convince Harry Potter to come to Hogwarts.”

Lior waved him off and continued walking away. “I have no interest in your plight.”

Ron’s lip curled up. “Dumbledore says we need him. It’s his duty and he is your older brother.”

“Half brother,” Lior corrected.

Lavender stood in front of Lior with her arms folded. “He’s right you know we were chosen to come here for a purpose. Right Ron, Ron” Her voice changed at the end in to a love stricken girls tone.

Lior stopped moving for a moment. “Ha, I have no interest in that man. I will not pretend to. Do not bother me again. Do not hinder me. I have no qualms about lifting you up and moving you out of my way.”

Lavender screeched, “You wouldn’t dare Potter only Ron, Ron can touch me!”

Lior raised an eyebrow. All the sudden with no wand and non verbally Lavender was floating in mid air. She could no longer make any sounds. Her horrified face as she attempted to scream. Ron who was behind him charged over, only to be lifted up as well. He was also silenced. Lior moved them both over to the side and stuck them together and to the ground.

Lior moved ahead up the dirt path. After a few minutes Cedric jogged toward him.

Cedric smiled. “Have you seen Lavender and Ron.”

Lior turned around. His face displaying confusion. He squinted as his nose slightly wrinkled. “I do believe they were behind me.”

Cedric’s eyebrows raised. “Oh, I’ll just ask the others.” He jogged away from Lior.
Pansy Parkinson (played by Sinceritymornings)

Pansy had witnessed everything. Potters are powerful like the blacks, and the Lestranges. To have that much control at that age though. She walked up to Potter. "I saw that, Potter."
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

“You’re speaking to me why?” He didn’t stop walking. He couldn’t afford to be caught in her presence. It was all politics who you associated with. Who you spoke with. One misstep and a tidal wave is created. A question of a filiation could put him in jeopardy.

(((Why you pansy)))
Pansy Parkinson (played by Sinceritymornings)

(((OOC: Cause I want to be.)))

Pansy smirked. "You think your clever. What if you get caught? Everyone knows. Poor little potty doesn't have any alliances? You have no friends, no one has your back. The loner Gryffindor. Word of advice Potter be careful. You don't know who is watching." Pansy made mocking movements and then drifted back.

"Pansy what was that," one of her friends asked her.

"Mocking potter."

The group of girls broke out into giggles.
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

Pansy was giving him advice on how to handle matters while maintaining her close association with the dark. They knew she was a bully. She bullied everyone to think, she had enough brain cells to put up a ruse.

It didn’t matter once Cedric or someone had found them the magic would have warn off. The silencio would last longer.

((OOc? Fair enough))
Pansy Parkinson (played by Sinceritymornings)

Pansy glanced around her. A mass of trees on both sides. This path didn't give them any cover she felt open to attack. She adjusted her sweater. Why were they here in the first place? The island felt ominous.

Her friends kept tossing looks behind them. Ron and Lavender were storming up the hill. Pansy tossed them a look, she then turned her attention to Infront of her. Finally a plaza came into view,
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

The place obviously had roman influence. Circlar with the only path coming from the dirt trail.

A man of a portly nature and wearing a fizz held his arms wide. His shiny black dress shoes stood out against the vivid white stone. “welcome, welcome. As our honored guest. Please take a look at the rules.” The man dropped a scroll of rules and began to read.
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

Ron, Lavender and Cedric were the last to enter the white stone circular plaza. The pillars impressive engraved with runes.

Ron’s eyes darted around the room there was Lior Potter cool as a cucumber. He was going to pay for this. How did potter lift them both up. No wand, no words. Wait did he have an House elf do those actions ? More than Likely the Potters were loaded. Ron’s nose wrinkled and he smirked.

How dare he embarrass them Lavender frowned in Lior’s direction. This babbling man… she narrowed her eyes at the welcomer.

Cedric eyed the situation. “ Something happened? He should keep an eye on it

Ron finally paid attention to the man in the fizz. “Can we get a move on!”

The portly man sighed as a loud concurring groan echoed. “Alright but you must endure a series of questions and a few tests.

Ron stepped up. “Anything’s better than listening to this.”

“Alright, I am Rajesh and I now open the tests.” Several portals appeared. Once the students stepped through they were dropped off in separate rooms. The rooms were decorated with two wing back chairs, a rug, fireplace and books. A tester appeared before each of the students and took a seat.

Each tester asked the same questions. “First two questions how do you feel about the transgender care and blood adoption potions? Do you believe the muggle views on these topics?”
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

Lior narrowed his eyes as he sat down.
“ Is this an insult?” I wouldn’t know their views. I never seen a true muggle let alone spent enough time with a born to know their opinions on such matters.”

The woman testing Lior nodded and began to scribble. “Then I must ask you how you personally feel about these topics.”

Lior sighed. “I believe our care is inadequate and needs to improve. There isn’t a singular potion that completely changes the gender in one sitting. They made it a slow process, yet we have potions that can instantly allow us to take on the likeness of another for a few hours. I understand that each potion that is used is carefully brewed and the wand work requires precision, I wish there was an easier way for them to achieve their desired idea of self. It’s also costly and none of it can be done at home without facing severe consequences. How is that fair?”

“Blood adoption has its quirks. While one assumes you can blood adopt anything the truth is. You can not blood adopt a muggle or a muggle born that doesn’t carry that line. Blood adoption is monitored for a reason. Although I do believe it’s cost should be reviewed as well.”

“You thought a lot about this. What about dark creatures?”

“Are you serious?” Lior blinked at her.

“Very.” The tester responded having no emotion.

“Are they not the same as you and me? A wizard can murder another out of spite. Yet, a creature who needs blood to sub stain himself is abhorred more. A wizard can in a fit of passion and rage murder. Yet a man who looses control is shunned more. Do you not see how backwards that is? Blame the creature yet exonerate man. How disgusting. Didn’t we wizard’s put restrictions, and purge multiple races Who is more of a monster?”
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

Lior narrowed his eyes as he sat down.
“ Is this an insult. I wouldn’t know their views. I never seen a true muggle let alone spent enough time with a born to know their opinions on such matters.”

The woman testing Lior nodded and began to scribble. “Then I must ask you how you personally feel about these topics.”

Lior sighed. “I believe our care is inadequate and needs to improve. There isn’t a singular potion that completely changes the gender in one sitting. They made it a slow process, yet we have potions that can instantly allow us to take on the likeness of another for a few hours. I understand that each potion that is used is carefully brewed and the wand work requires precision, I wish there was an easier way for them to achieve their desired idea of self. It’s also costly and none of it can be done at home without facing severe consequences. How is that fair?”

“Blood adoption has its quirks. While one assumes you can blood adopt anything the truth is. You can not blood adopt a muggle or a muggle born that doesn’t carry that line. Blood adoption is monitored for a reason. Although I do believe it’s cost should be reviewed as well.”

“You thought a lot about this. What about dark creatures.”

“Are you serious?” Lior blinked at her.

“Very.” The tester responded having no emotion.

“Are they not the same as you and me? A wizard can murder another out of spite. Yet, a creature who needs blood to sub stain himself is abhorred more. A wizard can in a fit of passion and rage murder. Yet a man who looses control is shunned more. Do you not see how backwards that is? Blame the creature yet exonerate man. How disgusting. Didn’t the wizard’s put restrictions, and purge multiple races Who is more of a monster?”
Lior James Potter (played by Bellgirl) Topic Starter

“Last question for you. How do you feel about the Light and Dark side?”

Lior crossed his legs. He stared the short blonde haired woman down. “You ask a question that’s daunted with peril for me. You do realize you have just asked me to state my association? All these questions are an uncomfortable litered with political trappings.”

“Your guardian said it was alright to ask you these questions. I fail to see how you a boy of fifteen is already into politics.” The woman smirked.

Lior pinched his brow. “ Then you fail to understand the position I am in. My father likes his drink. His partnership with the light is deeply woven. Every move I make, every reaction, every word becomes an intricate game. While I will admit sometimes my childishness wins. I do not have the privilege of freely divulging certain topics.”

“You must answer the question or you will be sent back.” The woman narrowed her eyes

“Bothsides are nonsense. Dark and light is interchangeable.” Lior uncrossed his legs.

A man appeared from a swirling light blue portal. He whispered into the tester’s ear.

The woman darted her eyes up after listening. She nodded and then spoke. “How do you feel about the Longbottom’s as the sword and shield of The Potters.”

“A joke,I don’t know who told you to ask me that. If I were to become head I would cut them loose. Neville has no use. His parents can’t be trusted. Neither can he.” The ends of Lior’s hair crackled with magic.

Lior knew as soon as he entered. This room was layered in magic making it impossible to wear a mask. They wanted to see true colors. Fine then, he might as well, He will show them everything. Sometimes the truth can be venom. It will put him in danger. They don’t understand. It’s already begun he might as well fuel the fire.

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