(S2 UA Spoilers) The scene where Lila is beating up one of the Swede triplets to protect Five.
This feels so mean lol
Dr. Iceberg
Dr. Bloomsbury
Dr. Iceberg
Dr. Bloomsbury
(I forgot how to do this....)
(I forgot how to do this....)
Jin Kazama wrote:
(I forgot how to do this....)
(I forgot how to do this....)
((Hey, just for future: right-click image, click "copy image address," click the image icon when you go to type a message, paste the image address in the pop-up box that appears, and it should work. Hope this helps!))
( Helielle can be either Spongebob or Patrick in this picture, haha! )
Margaret with Blemishine (Sister):
You are on: Forums » Forum Games » Summarize ur character with a Spongebob Screenshot
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